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Hva synes Insiderne om den nye chatten? Her er noen kommentarer som har kommet inn:

“Hey, hey, ny chat! Wow, super responsiv også @pdx! Kudos!”
“Meget bra, @pdx!”
“Nye chatten ser veldig bra ut. Godt jobba!”
“Og ikke noe lagg! Dette er virkelig lovende @pdx
“Ellers så virker jo chatten til å være gull, rett og slett fantastisk”
“Denne chatten var noe annet gitt!”
“Herlig! En meget etterlengtet forbedring :clap:

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Hilsen Jørgen / pdx


Hva foretrekker du?

  • Kun 1 chat-kanal: Børsprat (som før)
  • 2 chatkanaler: Børsprat og Småprat (som nå)

0 stemmegivere

Trenger vi en egen Funcom-kanal i tillegg?

  • Ja
  • Nei

0 stemmegivere

Takker for innspill!


Kan gjerne være en ide å spør om det samme etter noen dager/en uke eller to også når vi blir vant til ny fantastisk bra chat😀


Takk for all feedback på chatten og forslag til forbedringer!

Jeg har sendt spørsmål og feedback til utviklerne, og her kan dere lese svaret… (mine spm i kursiv)

Hi Jørgen,

Hope you are doing good. Great to see that you successfully implemented chat already.

Please find my answers below.

It is difficult to know what messages you have missed while offline, and there does not seem to be a way to jump to the last unread message in the chat - this is a highly requested feature among my members. As it is, they have to click the Load More link many times to try to find where they left off. The way Slack solves this is by having a link at the top of the chat channel with the text “Jump to last unread” and then it just scrolls up to that point. Babble for Discourse, which I was using before, also places a horisontal line after the last read post when you return after being away so you can visually see where to start reading again.

Shubham: Yes, this is something we are aware of and are actively looking to solve. It is not possible to do it in current version but this is something which we will be able to implement in v3. in v3, we will have ways to track the unread messages of a particular user. We will mostly be implementing something similar to other chat products. We will also be adding email notifications for offline users which will further improve this workflow.

I wish I could collapse/minimize the list of active private chats, because as an admin I will likely have many, but when that list is long I can’t see the number of active users in the list below that. My only option to hide them is to delete the chats, which I don’t want to do.

Shubham: We have implemented this already in our v3 version. You can collapse any part Recent Chats or Active Chats according to your requirement.

Is there a way to change how many messages are loaded using “Load More” - it seems to only load a handful of new messages at a time at the moment. I wish this number was configurable in the JS-code or admin interface.

Shubham: We will look into this. We are planning to make it automatic loading though. The moment user scrolls to the top, new messages will be loaded. Will this work?

On mobile, when opening the chat and seeing the list of channels, it would be useful to also see how many new unread messages there are in each channel.

Shubham: Will be handled same way as point 1.

Så oppsummert: tagging (@pdx), offline-varsler på e-post når noen skriver til deg, og at den husker hvor du leste sist kommer i neste versjon.

Versjon 3 kommer mest sannsynlig i september, men skal prøve å bli betatester så vi kan få den tidligere.

Ha en fin kveld!