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5th Planet Games A/S


Mye juling for fivepg i dag. Mulig det er noen større aksjonærer som har fått tilbake aksjene de har lånt ut som selger seg ned?

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Mulig noen skal selge pumpen sin? Før noe mer faktiske data kommer på bordet. :see_no_evil:


Formue skal vel hente profitten sin :roll_eyes:

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3 titler med sterk IP ila måneder gjør det faktisk litt interessant å ta noen lodd :sweat_smile:

Om disse slår an kan jo mcap betraktes som lav.


214-2020 Vikings Game by 5th Planet Games released for Soft Launch approval


Good and bad news:

Bad news: small delay of soft launch and possibility that IP is not happy with the game. This would result in a very large delay.

Good news: This is their first game after tintin that was not delayed by months. Overall they seem to have improved on getting things done within time.

June will be the most interesting month in the history of this company: Full launch of doodle jump (for me still uncertain) and Tintin (apparently it is very playable and good by now) and a first look on the vikings game.


Do you think that tomorrow is the first day the IP holders gets an insight in the development?


The game must be really bad for the ip owner to say no. It must then hurt the ip


OTWD wasnt that bad :wink:

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In my experience it does not happen a lot. In my previous investments in other gaming companies it happened once that an IP owner (CI games -Lords of the fallen franchise ) was not happy with the work of another studio and broke the agreement with the company making the game.

The chance that fivepg really scr**** up the whole thing is small, but you never know… their announcement means in 99% of the cases something good, but also can be a manouver in their relationship towards the IP owner or shareholders.

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From today on four positive events planned for the month of June could fire every day

Soft launch vikings game (probably around midst of june)
Launch tintin match
Launch doodle jump
Launch Nyah Houston Casino game (will launch around 02-07-2020 https://slotcatalog.com/nl/slots/Nyjah-Huston-Skate-for-Gold )

Good luck!

Additional good news for the casual gaming market: the prices paid for these companies (https://www.businessinsider.nl/zynga-acquires-peak-gaming-1-8-billion-2020-6?international=true&r=US)


Noen som har hørt noe om hvordan soft launch Viking har blitt mottatt av gamere?

Soft launch er ikke gjort ennå, det kom jo børsmelding om det sist uke at det ville være 3 uker forsinket, men at IP eierne ville se på det siste fredag. Så vi må nok vente 2 uker til.

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25-2020 Tintin game will be postponed

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26-2020 Nyjah Huston Casino Style Game will launch on July 2

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Man förstod att detta bolag pumpats här. Finns det någon substans för den enorma uppgången?

Det enkle svare er vel, nei…

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Er det bare jeg som synes det er utrolig rart at slike ting ikke er avklart før man soft launcher spillet ?


Jo det virker ganske amatørmessig