Her burde det gitt fritak fra regelen, menmen gjort er gjort og penger kastet bort på byrokrati.
Escape academy has been launched. Receives positive reviews from reviewers as well as players. For more stats and estimates:
Ingen tvil om at det er mulig å gjøre en del $ på å trade denne men er fortsatt veldig skeptisk til selskap som sender ut børsmeldinger som dette :
" 25-2022 5th Planet Games announces extremely strong media previews for the upcoming original titles, Escape Academy, WrestleQuest and VICE NDRCVR from Summer Game Fest 2022"
Har ikke testet / sett på spillet men ligger nå som #200+++ på GTS . Gleder meg til å se børsmeldingen fra 5PG når/hvis de får en storselger…
(P)reviews are of crucial importance in the gaming industry. One can kind of expect that games will sell good or bad, based on these reviews.
5PG with skybound has untill now kind of delivered up to expectations with a lot of interesting new games incoming and with low costs. I expect them to generate profits form Q3.
28-2022 A statement from Jon Goldman, Chairman of 5th Planet Games, on the nature of the recently announced publishing agreements with Skybound
Dear 5th Planet Games Shareholders,
I want to touch on a few topics that some of you are clearly interested in.
First, you may not yet see 5PG mentioned officially as “publisher” for many
games that are published in partnership with Skybound. This is because in some
instances it is only possible to list one entity, and these are games that
Skybound intended to publish solely before the 5PG investment. Going forward,
wherever feasible, we all want to see 5PG get as much public recognition as
5PG is most definitely participating as a co-financier in recently announced
games, which is really the most important function of publishing, and as a
result, 5PG will be gaining a very attractive split on the future royalty income
from these games.
By starting with simple co-financing deals, 5PG will learn the PC and console
publishing space safely. The history of the original 5PG company was mobile
publishing only, so we now want to proceed smartly into new areas, which we
believe will be very successful for the future 5PG company.
This relationship also allows 5PG to run a very slim operation with a minimal
cost structure. This should increase our chances of accelerating profitability
and success overall.
Some of you may be wondering why Skybound would share deals with 5PG and let 5PG
take the first bite of the royalty waterfall; we have said it before and will
repeat; we at Skybound believe the Nordics are a hotbed of talent in the
interactive entertainment industry. It is also one of the most exciting and
dynamic global business environments with world class executives and
knowledgeable investors.
So, our combined strategy is to share the wealth with our investors in the
Nordics, so that you in turn support us with your loyalty, commitment, and
All the best,
Jon Goldman
Co - Chairman Skybound Entertainment, Chairman of the Board, 5th Planet Games
PS: You can look forward to 5PG-only published games in the future. Stay tuned.
They probably received a lot of questions on this.
My view on this statement:
- I do understand their approach, get to know the market. It is way easier for them to join Skybound published games and not only build up experience but also a good name in the industry
- A crucial statement: “5PG is most definitely participating as a co-financier in recently announced
games, which is really the most important function of publishing, and as a
result, 5PG will be gaining a very attractive split on the future royalty income
from these games.”
Planen er nok å gjøre dette selskapet lønnsomt igjen og så hente inn mer penger via emisjon slik at de får inn kapital til mer spennende og dyre spill der de bruker ipene sine som walking dead mer aktivt.spennende å se om de lykkes.
The company will be profitable in some quarters of this year (I expect from Q3 on). Last quarter the company became cash flow positive (1,7M compared to -6,4M the year before), an indicator that 5PG is steering towards profitability. Losses were limited. Upcoming half year report will be crucial to assess if the company made improvements.
Kjøper i denne dippen .
Fordi ?
Lot of stop loss orders ;-).
29-2022 5th Planet Games is delighted to announce that Before Your Eyes has launched on mobile, exclusively with Netflix
In exact one week there will be Q2 results. I expect these to be OKish.
- No special costs anymore
- Further revenue from pre skybound catalogue + before your eyes
- The revenue from escape academy is difficult to predict. The game is included in the xbox game pass, but on steam it has performed not that great (approx. 11k copies sold). Reviews are good, so we may expect sales in the future, especially when the DLC’s are launched. But currently we should not expect a lot of revenue from this game (nor the other upcomming games that seem to be indie games).
I expect break-even or small profit for quarter 2
Tomorrow results H1!