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5th Planet Games A/S

Han som skriver mest om 5th på Facebook har jo blitt beskyldt for sinnsyk hausing osv for bare kort tid siden på 1,40-1,60
Han mener 2,5 nå bare er begynnelsen på en fantastisk reise. Han har jo fått rett hittil…

Ja men generelt vil jeg si dagens oppgang er i overkant av hva man kan forvente av en slik mld: 10-15% intradag bruker å være mer vanlig for spillaksjer. Topp på 2.79 i dag med over 30% oppgang på denne mld virker på meg som litt vel mye.

Når det er sagt er jeg veldig spent på hva dette selskapet kan bli på sikt. Virker som de gjør de rette tingene.


Også spent. Valgte å selge noe i går og forgårs. Men har fremdeles noen hundre tusen igjen. Må innrømme å ikke ha hatt mye tro på selskapet (og spillene som jeg i min uforstand ikke skjønner mest av, særlig disse amerikanske eventyrene) og inntjening, men nå lurer jeg faktisk på om ikke amerikanerne kan få til noe med selskapet. Og da presumptivt til glede for oss aksjonærer. Q3 kommer vel 18. november, og da får vi forhåpentligvis se og høre litt mer.

Friday Q3 reporting.

We may see a name change in the next months + a promotion of the US listing as the CEO has promised us.

Financial calendar

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40-2022 5th Planet Games A/S – Changes to Share Capital

Kan hende en snau ukes utsettelse av Q3 tall kan vise seg å bli til vår (aksjonærers) fordel. I det minste dersom påfølgende IC viser seg å ha noe interessant/substansielt å melde. Men den som lever osv.!

I mellomtiden fortsetter aksjen å tikke pent oppover (enn så lenge)!

PS. Til hederskaren “Piggvar” på FA (dersom du skulle dette innom her også). Ute av FA-forumet, det ble for dumt egentlig (med mye sjikane og håpløse spådommer den ene eller andre vei). Uansett kom tilbake til 5PG for noen måneder siden igjen, ikke lenger med 2.1 mill aksjer (det hadde selvfølgelig vært fint), men med i underkant av 400’. Ser ut som ledelsen har litt mer kontroll/fokus på fremdriften nå. Men hva vet nå jeg - sukk!

41-2022 5th Planet Games Hosts Investor Call


42-2022 5th Planet Games is profitable in Q3 2022 and improve YoY performance on all core financial metrics

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This is better than expected: finally a profitable quarter in a very long time.

This is a good thing for the future.

43-2022 5th Planet Games and Skybound Entertainment Set to Co-Finance Colorful Co-op, Glitch Busters: Stuck on You from Toylogic Inc. Defeat evil computer viruses and save the internet in this vibrant, magnetic world launching in 2023


For those interested:

I contacted the CEO with questions about the publictiy of the US listing. Contrary to what most people on this an other fora think, the publicity will not necessarliy be executed by Skybound, but will be done by the OTC market. They have options to promote legit companies with dormant listings.

Skybound may still intervene and share the listing on its Social media channels, but the aim of 5PG is to promote its presence on the OTC market via OTC itself.

Ye, “dormant” is a weak term for their US listing :stuck_out_tongue: It is stationary hehe. I didn’t even think it was real.

Which is not unsurprising for a small cap listing of a danish game developer/publisher.

Imagine if they made a splash somehow ^^ I wonder if it is possible to get your shares bought here sold there and oposite. Could be a way to earn some on the difference in price.

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Skybound Entertainment Bolsters Executive Leadership Team and Extends Portfolio Development in Game Publishing Business it was not yet posted over here, but the parent company Skybound has hired two additional senior profiles with regards to the gaming division of the company. As Skybound and 5PG publishing activities overlap, this will have an impact on the results of 5 PG, but also on the choices of the games they will publish.

Hva skjer med kursen, var ikke den i 3kr for noen uker siden?

Slows down because of the lack of important news. Before every investor calls it goes up, and afterwards it goes down because of short-term investors entering and leaving.

A next triggers are good results of before your eyes and escape academy and the timely publishing of one of the 4 upcoming games. Especially the walking dead game is something to watch!

Interesting, I have taken a position based on the better financials and what to me looks like a slow takeover from Skybound. When the last shares from the deal have come through I would not be surprised if they will place a new offer for the remaining shares in the company in or around 6 months to 1 year from now. Let’s hope the value of the company has risen considerably by then as the financials become better and better, as they have been for the last quarters. Skybound has really given 5th Planet a golden deal here. Looking forward to the continuation.

For me there seems to be very little reason indeed for skybound not to absorb 5 PG. There is very little independent activity of 5 PG. Almost all of the publishing agreements are co-publishing agreements with Skybound.

Another option may be that Skybound wants to go to the stock exchange for parts of its activities and that they use the 5PG listing as a manner to do so.

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