Ser flere har fattet interesse for ArcBlock så jeg tenkte det ville vært hensiktsmessig med et eget emne. Mye er copy/paste, men det tar allikevel en del tid å samle opp alt, så en ekstra takk sendes til dere som bruker min referral link Si gjerne ifra om noe er feil eller om noe skal legges til / fjernes!
Disclaimer: Deltakelse skjer på eget ansvar og du må være inneforstått at det er en teoretisk risiko for at alle pengene dine kan gå tapt.
Registering/whitelistning stenger kl. 02.00 i natt (7 pm CST). Kan være greit å registrere seg for å sikre seg plass, for deretter å finne ut av om en skal delta i ICO eller ikke.
2% bonus får du ved å registrere deg her:
- Start: 3 februar 02.00 (7 pm CST)
- Soft Cap: 12.000 ETH
- Hard Cap: 37.500 ETH + 6 CMT
- Max private sale: 25.000 ETH
- Max public sale: 12.500 ETH + 6 CMT
- 1 ETH = 1900 ABT (= ca. $0,59 )
- 1 CMT = uvisst - blir fastsatt før salget starter
Token distribution
186.000.000 tokens som fordeler seg slik:
- 45%: token sale
- 32%: Community rewards / miners
- 8%: Marketing & Partner support
- 15%: Team
ArcBlock is a comprehensive solution that combines blockchain technology with cloud computing, rather than a standalone software package or set of APIs. In addition, it’s a marketplace driven by token economy. ArcBlock’s “miners” will contribute not only computing resources to the system, but also reusable components, new services, or ready-to-deploy applications to get token rewards. This is a Blockchain 3.0 application ecosystem developed by the entire ArcBlock community
ArcBlock was born for Blockchain 3.0, it is the world’s first blockchain ecosystem for building and deploying decentralized blockchain applications. The platform goes beyond providing the necessary foundational components for using blockchain to power complex business rules. It connects your existing system to blockchain networks, enabling you to automate business processes using the data and identities associated with existing systems. ArcBlock’s primary goal is to remove the barriers that have slowed blockchain adoption among the general public.
For dere som dere som har interesse for CyberMiles, så har de inngått samarbeid med Arcblock.
Her er en fin forklaring på mye av ArkBlock sitt produkt:
Suppoman har også gjort en gjennomgang av selskapet:
Team og advisors
Kun 4 stk er listet på nettsiden. CEO hever at developers osv ikke er listet, ei heller har noe på LinkedIn, for å opprettholde fokus på utvikling. Virker litt rart, mer om dette under “SCAM?”.
- CEO: Founder av diverse selskap - vellykkedeså vel som ikke vellykkede(ikke sjekket opp dette nøye - var bare nevnt på reddit), samt 6 års erfaring som developer i Microsoft
- CTO: Også founder av flere selskap og 7 års erfaring som developer i Microsoft
- VP Marketing: Consulent i kommunikasjonsselskap samt mer enn 10 års erfaring som reporter i flere medier
- Legal counsel: Har ikke listet Arcblock på LinkedIn. Partner i flere advokatselskaper, blant annet DLA Piper
- Advisors: Founder av Telenav (notert på Nasdaq), VP LiquidHub og tidligere CIO i Microsoft i Japan, tidligere VP i Expedia og IT service i Nestle + diverse blockchain og krypto folk
Enkelte på reddit mener dette kan være en potensiell scam. Jeg personlig har sett verre ICO’er, og alle varselamper hos meg blinker ikke helt enda. Personlig tror jeg dette bare er en gjeng med “nerds” som er dårlige på enkelte business-relaterte områder, noe CEO selv sier:
First of all, thanks for all those questions, this actually helped us to understand better what need to be clarified. We, as a group of software nerds , are far better on dealing with computer science problems than writing a great white paper to cover every part of a complex system.
Følgende har blitt listet på Reddit, og CEO har tatt seg tiden til å svare på dette:
1) Arcblock claims to have partnerships with big companies like IBM and SAP
We just became IBM PartnerWorld member, and as seen in the white paper, we do have plan to support IBM Cloud (Bluemix) in the future. We have also become a member of SAP’s blockchain co-inovation program, which is a preview edition of SAP blockchain solution and we might consider to support for some of our enterprise client.
Kommentar: “Alle” kan i utgangspunktet inngå slike partnerskap, men CEO mener de har avtaler under NDA.
2) Arcblock has no code on Github
ArcBlock is NOT an open source project, and nor is it developed by volunteers, we build it with commercial software development process which I have many years experiences. We will open source Open Chain Access Protocol and its reference implementation code once we reach RC (Release Candidate) milestone. We might consider open source more components in the future. ArcBlock is essentially like a Amazon AWS but for blockchains, you won’t find any core AWS source code anywhere from the github, but Amazon release code samples, some frameworks, APIs etc.
3) Lack of technical development roadmanp
We do have a simple version of roadmap and long term plan posted on the website, and we use Scrum process for our development, it’s an agile software development process which means we embrace changes rather than have a fixed plan. We have started to build this platform almost 12 months before we start to write the white paper and we have decided to keep our team away from the distraction
4) Whitepaper keeps telling you to refer to something else which is non-existent
Our platform is a pretty challenging one: we are not building a new blockchain, instead we are building a new computing platform for developing blockchain apps. Our white paper is far from comprehensive to cover every details of the system, it’s just a high level overview of our design and how it will work. If you find there are anything in the paper that are not accurate or need clarify, please feel free to let us know and we will try our best to improve it.
5) how will they prevent SIBIL attacks if the devs pay the “gas fee”?
SIBIL attack is unlikely our major concerns since our system use a very different approach, the end users will not be able to broadcast transactions like they can do with Etherem or Bitcoin.
6) No mention of a lockup period for their coins.
Our team’s incentive plan and locking period are yet to be finalized, since it’s also a new concept for us to move away from Restricted Stock and Stock Option Plan to a token based incentive system. I think we will adopt some restrictions that will be similar to typical Stock Options/Restricted Stock: 48 months vesting period and 12 months cliff. We didn’t announce this yet since it’s some legal paper works in progress, we treat this seriously.