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ArcticZymes Technologies (AZT)

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Financial calendar

Husker ikke hvor jeg leste det, men kursmålet til Pareto er visstnok et produkt av at WACC er økt fra 8 til 10 prosent.

Mener det var en tweet fra La Bull, uten at jeg finner den igjen på farten / mobil.

Det er vel ned ifra 135,- eller ?

Det har tikket i takt med justering av den risikofrie renten. Du kan jo prøve selv å lage en diskontert kontantstrømmodell. Da ser man innvirkningen renten har på den fremtidige kontantstrømmen. Og det er denne modellen som ligger til grunn for Paretos prising.


Spør igjen i tilfelle det er kjent: vet vi hvem dette er? Økt fra ~2 prosent eierandel til 4+ på kort tid.

ArcticZymes Technologies appoints a Chief Scientific Officer (CSO)



Ikke noe å si på den Dr. Ellis sin CV - merker meg særlig at han jobbet 12 år i Thermo Fisher, 2004 - 2016…


ArcticZymes Technologies exclusively licenses novel DNA assembly technology


What is the future for bioprocessing in pharmaceuticals?

The future of bioprocessing in the pharmaceutical industry looks very promising. Bioprocessing involves the use of biological materials or processes to produce a variety of products, including pharmaceuticals. The use of bioprocessing in the pharmaceutical industry has many potential advantages, such as the ability to produce drugs more efficiently and cost-effectively, and the potential to develop new and improved drugs. As our understanding of biotechnology and bioprocessing techniques continues to advance, it is likely that bioprocessing will play an increasingly important role in the pharmaceutical industry. Some potential future developments in the field of bioprocessing in pharmaceuticals could include the use of bioprocessing techniques to produce personalized medications, more effective and targeted drugs, and improved drug delivery methods. Overall, the future of bioprocessing in pharmaceuticals looks very promising and full of potential.

What is the future for cold-adapted enzymes?

Cold-adapted enzymes are enzymes that are able to function at low temperatures, typically below 0 degrees Celsius. These enzymes are found in microorganisms that live in cold environments, such as polar regions and the deep sea. Cold-adapted enzymes have many potential applications, including use in industrial processes that require low temperatures, such as food processing and the production of biofuels. Additionally, cold-adapted enzymes may be useful for medical and biotechnology applications, such as the development of new drugs and diagnostic tests. The future of cold-adapted enzymes is likely to be very bright, as these enzymes have many potential uses and the demand for them is likely to increase as our understanding of their capabilities grows.

What is the future for bioprocessing?

It is difficult to predict the future with certainty, but bioprocessing is a rapidly growing field with many potential applications. Bioprocessing involves the use of biological materials or processes to produce a variety of products, such as food, biofuels, and pharmaceuticals. As our understanding of biology and biotechnology advances, it is likely that bioprocessing will become an increasingly important part of our lives. Some potential future developments in the field of bioprocessing could include the use of bioprocessing techniques to produce sustainable biofuels, more effective and affordable pharmaceuticals, and improved food production methods. Additionally, bioprocessing may play a role in addressing global challenges such as climate change and the need for clean, renewable energy sources. Overall, the future of bioprocessing looks promising and full of potential.


ArcticZymes Technologies upscales the production of ArcticZymes Proteinase and launches ArcticZymes Proteinase Glycerol FREE


ArcticZymes Technologies launches AZscriptT Reverse Transcriptase


Bisarr timing for en melding?

Nei,nei,jeg har veldig god erfaring med søndagsmeldinger. Hadde MIS i 2010 og 2011. De kom ofte med søndagsmelding og denne aksjen ga meg 300%.

Denne meldingen kom på fredag.

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utidig, skjerpings @TekBot !
men gøy at vi er så TI at vi heller får meldingene våre her enn på mfn og newsweb

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Ikke skyld på meg da :sweat_smile::joy:


ArcticZymes Technologies launches SAN HQ 2.0 ELISA kit


Venter vi fremdeles på et oppkjøp i 2022? Eller har AZT meldt at de ikke skal gjøre det likevel?