Eksperter som intervjues om ingredienser til COVID-19 test
‘‘The conversion of RNA to DNA requires one enzyme (reverse transcriptase) and then amplifying the DNA requires another (polymerase). Both of these enzymes are biological molecules that have to be produced (typically in bacteria), then purified, usually only in small scale. Normally, demand for these enzymes is very steady and relatively low, so scaling up to the massive quantities that are required for COVID19 testing takes time’’
‘‘Another issue is reagents. There is a massive demand for raw materials and commercial kits, this is not unique to the UK, and many places no longer have stock of essential reagents. Different companies provide kits that are compatible with their machines and clearly there is a demand for extraction kits to produce nucleic acid from samples.’’
‘‘This shortage could be the enzymes – called polymerase – that detect the virus. But they could also be simply the swabs or containers for collecting samples.’’
‘’ Are they in short supply and if so why?
So the test is complicated, requires many different synthetic components which probably accounts for the shortages given the unprecedented demand.
Is it the reverse transcriptase enzyme or other chemicals, or nothing?
I think it will be a combination – RNA extraction kits, the primers and probes, the enzymes.’’
Dette gir ett bilde av ekstrem etterspørsel for delkomponenter i COVID-19 test.
Articzymes leverer både ISOPOL DNA-polymerase, COD UNG og DNA-cleanup kits som kan brukes i PCR-testene for COVID-19.
En dyktig gravende bruker på Hegnar forum med det kafkaske navnet JosefK har delt andre interessante artikler:
‘‘The global polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing market is expected to grow from $7.5 billion in 2019 to about $22.4 billion in 2020 as there is a surge in the number of tests being conducted for the diagnosis of Covid-19’’
Som det framgår ovenfor er forventet vekst av PCR-markedet 2020 på 200%, og Articzymes sitter mitt i smørøyet.
En annen artikkel fra forumbrukeren JosefK (takk til han/hun):
‘’ WALTHAM, Mass., May 11, 2020 /PRNewswire/ – Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO), the world leader in serving science, today announced it is expanding capacity for viral vector development and manufacturing services with construction of a new commercial manufacturing site in Plainville, Mass. The $180 million project will more than double the company’s commercial viral vector capacity to support increasing demand for the development and manufacture of gene therapies and vaccines.’’
Thermofischer, Articzymes største kunde, øker i disse dager kapasiteten for produksjon av virale vektorer til bruk i genterapi. I framstillingen av virale vektorer inngår SAN-enzymene levert av Articzymes, som er de eneste endonukleasene på markedet som er aktive i fysiologiske saltløsninger. At Thermofischer gjør en stor ekspansjon innenfor dette området er således EKSTREMT bullish for Articzymes i mine øyne.