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ASH konferanse 1-4/12 2018 (NANO.OL)

Lov å håpe, grunnlag tilogmed, men av forsiktighet føles det veldig greit å ikke anta det kommer, men ta det som bonus. =) Det ville være hyggelig, for min del håper jeg veldig på det først og fremst for å hysje litt på @Hugoil sin årsak for søken etter fysikalsk spesialiserte personer.

Kynisk av meg og tenke slik først, blir såklart også glad på vegne av pasienten det gjelder! Vet ikke om 1 person fra PR til CR for 20/100 har så mye kursmessig effekt, efficacy er veldig sterk, og ORR er primary endpoint.

Det er snakk om 3 personer som går fra 3 til 6 måneder, tallet blir litt lavt å sette for mye tillit til forhåpningen.

Noen som vet om det blir lagt ut fortløpende etterhvert som de presenterer i helga, eller må man vente til over helga?

Det er natt til søndag DLBCL, natt til mandag for FL og natt til tirsdag for CLL. Regner med det er å finne på internett fra 0700 påfølgende dag her på et eller annet vis. Sannsyneligvis tidligere om du søker ellers.

Begynner å skje ASH-ting på Nanos hjemmeside…

Ligger allerede på fundamental-tråden, takk @tusekakk. Men siden det er en egen asketråd.



Faan, blir litt skremt når jeg ser at det er satt opp conferance call. Friskt i minnet forrige gang de kjørte da. Da var ikke data oppdatert og under hva markedet hadde håpet på :o Håper det er stikk motsatt denne gangen

Jeg ble meget akuffet under ASH ifjor. Spent på hva itfallet blir i år!

Don’t mention the war!
Fra Fawlty Towers

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Min forståelse er at mDOR vil naturligvis måtte flukturere og påvirkes mest av:

  1. N ved angivelse av mDOR, jo høyere N dess mindre fluktuasjon.
  2. Nye pasienter inn, jo flere dess lavere mDOR.
  3. Antall pasienter over (m)follow-up tid, dess flere jo høyere mDOR - gitt at resultatene for disse er nettobidrag på Kaplan-Meieren. Er nettobidraget negativt, vil det gi partielt sett (alt. formulert: gitt 1) og 2) holdt konstant) en reduksjon av mDOR.


Er drt noe tidspunkt for conferencecallet? Spennende!

Hvor kan en finne opplysninger om at NANO har planlagt en “coference call”?

Nanos nettsider.

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Jeg finner ikke noe om at de faktisk skal ha en conference call, tar det foreløpig som at noen her bare går ut fra at det kommer.
Mulig jeg tar feil, og bare ikke finner det, men hvis ikke så er det vel rart de ikke informerer om det på hjemmesiden?

Finner bare dette om ASH, mulig jeg ser på feil link?

Edit: fant!

Ser nå at det står på forsiden til NANO under emne ASH 2018.

Dog ingenting om tidspunkt.

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Takker til Studenten86 og andre, jeg klikket meg rett inn på menyen, av og til er det enkle det beste ja! :joy:

Det ble faktisk to hyggelige overraskelser.



Kremt kremt
Er blitt sanndrømt :bank:

I tillegg en til i Arm1


Gleder meg over økningen i CR-tallene. Det er sterkt.


GBare for å passe på kortene som blir delt ut
Skjermdump av forsiden. To postere, og en presentasjon hittil . Pluss tlf-konferansen.

Edit pluss børsmelding.

02/12-2018 19:38:53: (NANO) Nordic Nanovector: Single administration Betalutin® is effective and well-tolerated in R/R iNHL patients: 6 month follow-up data presented at AS

· Overall response rate (ORR) of 61% and complete response (CR) rate of 28% in
74 patients with indolent non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (iNHL)
· Highly active in follicular lymphoma (FL) patients with ?2 prior therapies

Vis børsmeldingen

(n=37) (ORR 70% CR 32%), and rituximab-refractory FL (n=21) (ORR 62% CR 19%)
· Durable responses, especially for patients with a CR (20.7 months)
· Promising response rates (ORR and CR) for dosing regimens being evaluated in
pivotal Phase 2b PARADIGME study
· Well tolerated with predictable and manageable safety profile
· Conference call/audio cast to discuss results to be held Monday 3 December
at 8.00 AM CET
Oslo, Norway, 2 December 2018

Nordic Nanovector ASA (OSE: NANO) announces that updated results from its LYMRIT
37-01 Phase 1/2 clinical study of Betalutin® (177Lu-lilotomab-satetraxetan) in
patients with relapsed/refractory indolent non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (R/R iNHL)
have been presented in a poster at the 60th American Society of Hematology (ASH)
Annual Meeting & Exposition (1-4 December 2018 in San Diego, CA, USA).

The published dataset (as of 2 November 2018) includes 74 evaluable patients;
all patients received Betalutin® as a single administration and have six or more
months of follow-up.

Lisa Rojkjaer, MD, Chief Medical Officer of Nordic Nanovector, commented: “We
are very pleased with the clinical data, which continue to support our decision
to compare two promising dose regimens in the pivotal Phase 2b PARADIGME trial.
The efficacy and safety profile of Betalutin®, the duration of response and the
convenience of a single administration underscore the potential of Betalutin®
for the treatment of patients with advanced-stage follicular lymphoma.”

The conclusions from the updated study results are that a single administration
of Betalutin® is well-tolerated and continues to demonstrate encouraging anti
-tumour activity in recurrent iNHL, especially in follicular lymphoma (FL)
patients, the primary NHL population for which Betalutin® is being developed.
Key results are:

/Patients /Number of/Overall /Complete Responses (CR)/
/ /patients /Response Rate/ /
/ /(n) /(ORR) / /
/All iNHL patients /74 /61 % /28 % /
/FL patients /57 /65 % /28 % /
/3L FL patients (?2 prior /37 /70 % /32 % /
/therapies) / / / /
/FL patients in Arm 1 /25 /64 % /32 % /
/ (40 mg lilotomab followed/ / / /
/by 15 MBq/kg Betalutin®) / / / /
/FL patients in Arm 4 /16 /69 % /25 % /
/ (100 mg/m2 lilotomab / / / /
/followed by 20 MBq/kg / / / /
/Betalutin®) / / / /
/RTX refractory FL, ?2 prior/21 /62 % /19 % /
/ therapies / / / /

The median follow-up time for all patients was 18.4 months (range 3.2-61.6
months). The median duration of response (mDoR) was 9.0 months for all patients
and 20.7 months for those with a CR. Twenty-five patients (34%) have remained
free of disease progression for 12 months or more. Follow-up for duration of
response is on-going.

Betalutin® therapy was well tolerated with no unexpected safety findings and
most common adverse events were predictable and manageable.

Two recommended Phase 2 doses were identified from this study and are now being
compared in the pivotal, randomised Phase 2b PARADIGME trial in relapsed, anti
-CD20 refractory FL patients who have received two or more prior therapies.

Poster details

Abstract 2879

Abstract title: LYMRIT 37-01: A phase I/II study of 177Lu-lilotomab
satetraxetan (Betalutin®) antibody-radionuclide-conjugate (ARC) for the
treatment of relapsed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) - Analysis with 6-month

Authors: A. Kolstad, A et al.

The abstract is available at http://www.hematology.org/Annual-Meeting/and the
poster has been published on the Nordic Nanovector website in the section: /what

Conference call/audio cast details:

Nordic Nanovector will host a conference call, 3 December 2018, at 08:00 CET. A
question and answering session will follow the presentation. The conference call
presentation will be available at: http://www.nordicnanovector.com/investors-and

To participate in the call either:

Press crtl+click on the link https://bit.ly/2AzfKlS or paste it into your

Please note that the link will become active 15 minutes prior to the event. You
will be asked to type in your phone number and registration details. The Event
Conferencing system will automatically call you back on the phone number you
provide and place you into the event.


Use the manual dial-in numbers and participant passcode: 332692 (note that this
connection might take more time):

Norway Dial-in Tollfree/Freephone 800 51025

Norway, Oslo Dial-in Local +47 2100 2613

About ASH

The ASH annual meeting is the premier event for scientific exchange in the field
of haematology, attracting more than 20,000 attendees from all over the world.
Typically, more than 5,000 scientific abstracts are submitted each year, and
more than 3,000 abstracts are accepted for oral and poster presentations through
an extensive peer review process.

About Betalutin®

Betalutin® is a tumour-seeking anti-CD37 antibody (lilotomab) conjugated to a
low-intensity radionuclide (lutetium-177). It has shown promising efficacy and
safety in the first part of the Phase 1/2 LYMRIT 37-01 clinical study in
relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma (R/R FL). A global, randomised Phase 2b
trial, PARADIGME, in third line (3L) FL patients who are refractory to anti-CD20
immunotherapy (including rituximab, RTX) is currently on-going.

Betalutin® is also being investigated in the Phase 1b Archer-1 study in
combination with RTX in second-line FL patients, and in the Phase 1 LYMRIT 37-05
study in patients with R/R diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), the most
common form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL).

Betalutin® has been granted Fast Track designation in the US and Promising
Innovative Medicine (PIM) Designation in the UK for the treatment of patients
with R/R FL. Betalutin® also received Orphan Drug designations for FL in both
the USA and Europe in 2014.

Betalutin® is selective for CD37, which is highly expressed on the surface of B
-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) cells. When bound to CD37 on tumour cells,
Betalutin® is internalised, causing DNA damage and cell death.

About LYMRIT 37-01

LYMRIT 37-01 is a Phase 1/2 dose-escalation study to determine the safety,
pharmacokinetics and preliminary efficacy of a single dose of Betalutin® in
patients with relapsed iNHL, and to establish a recommended Phase 2 dose for the
global, randomised Phase 2b PARADIGME trial.

LYMRIT 37-01 recruited 74 pts [57 follicular (FL), 7 mantle cell (MCL), 9
marginal zone (MZL), 1 small lymphocytic (SLL)] at 13 sites between December
2012 and February 2018. Median age was 68 years (range 38-87; 69% ? 65); the
median number of prior therapies was 3 (range 1-9); 48 pts (65%) received 2 or
more prior therapies.

For further information, please contact:

IR enquiries

Malene Brondberg, VP Investor Relations and Corporate Communications

Cell: +44 7561 431 762

Email: ir@nordicnanovector.com

International Media Enquiries

Mark Swallow/David Dible (Citigate Dewe Rogerson)

Tel: +44 207 638 9571

Email: nordicnanovector@citigatedewerogerson.com

About Nordic Nanovector

Nordic Nanovector is committed to develop and deliver innovative therapies to
patients to address major unmet medical needs and advance cancer care. The
Company aspires to become a leader in the development of targeted therapies for
haematological cancers. Nordic Nanovector’s lead clinical-stage candidate is
Betalutin®, a novel CD37-targeting antibody-radionuclide-conjugate designed to
advance the treatment of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). NHL is an indication with
substantial unmet medical need, representing a growing market forecast to be
worth nearly USD 28.7 billion by 2026. Nordic Nanovector intends to retain
marketing rights and to actively participate in the commercialisation of
Betalutin® in core markets. Further information can be found at

Forward-looking statements

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements. These
statements are based on management’s current expectations and are subject to
uncertainty and changes in circumstances, since they relate to events and depend
on circumstances that will occur in the future and which, by their nature, will
have an impact on Nordic Nanovector’s business, financial condition and results
of operations. The terms “anticipates”, “assumes”, “believes”, “can”, “could”,
“estimates”, “expects”, “forecasts”, “intends”, “may”, “might”, “plans”,
“should”, “projects”, “targets”, “will”, “would” or, in each case, their
negative, or other variations or comparable terminology are used to identify
forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are not historic
facts. There are a number of factors that could cause actual results and
developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward
-looking statements. Factors that could cause these differences include, but are
not limited to, risks associated with implementation of Nordic Nanovector’s
strategy, risks and uncertainties associated with the development and/or
approval of Nordic Nanovector’s product candidates, ongoing and future clinical
trials and expected trial results, the ability to commercialise Betalutin®,
technology changes and new products in Nordic Nanovector’s potential market and
industry, Nordic Nanovector’s freedom to operate (competitors patents) in
respect of the products it develops, the ability to develop new products and
enhance existing products, the impact of competition, changes in general economy
and industry conditions, and legislative, regulatory and political factors. No
assurance can be given that such expectations will prove to have been correct.
Nordic Nanovector disclaims any obligation to update or revise any forward
-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or

This information is subject to a duty of disclosure pursuant to Sect


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Kikka litt på posteren fra Lymrit 37-01 igjen…
En setning står ut og lyser under safety.