Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

BergenBio Fundamentale Forhold (BGBIO)

Men hvor mange har egentlig lest rapporten på BerGenBio, og kan peke på spesifikke svakheter ved den som gjør at selskapet ikke rettferdigjør en slik pris. Både DNB og Økonomisk Ugebrev hadde høyere kursmål enn Arctic før de hevet det nå. Dnb sitt kursmål er fra 30. Mai. Vi har faktisk ikke nådd Dnb eller økonomisk ugebrev sine kursmål enda.

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Hehe. Jeg er vel kanskje den som har sagt at Einarsson fremstår litt mer haussete og opptatt av aksjekursen nå enn da de begynte med podcasten. Men synes at hvis noen ikke klarer å skjønne at Radforsk har egeninteresse, så må de nesten takke seg selv.

Det har jeg også sett at du har gjort, Savepig :wink: Var ikke en kommentar rettet mot deg. Mer litt frustrasjon fra min side over at en interessekonflikt skal overskygge det jeg mener er et veldig bra selskap som har begynt å produsere lovende data, og som jeg føler ikke har fått så mye oppmerksomhet.

Diskusjoner om interessekonflikt er viktig, og skal belyses. Ser bare at folk er mye mer opptatt av det nå en noen gang før (igjen, jeg sikter ikke til deg her).

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Skepsisen min var kun rettet til analysebyrået, ikke BergenBio.
Som sagt tidligere så vet jeg svært lite om de, da jeg ikke har satt meg inn i selskapet. Blir for dumt og for “HO” å bajsse de da :slight_smile:
Håper for øvrig det blir en blockbuster!
Angående å også ha sunn skepsis til hva Einarsson og co i Radforsk sier, så har du jo rett der. Det er nok noe jeg har lagt for liten vekt på, men kanskje tatt det de kommer med for god fisk.
Det er nok lett å gjøre, som nybegynner med aksjer og biotek, å legge for mye vekt på enkeltes analyser og meninger.
Men, det kunne vært verre, jeg kunne hørt på tilfellene på HO! :sweat_smile:


Ser mange er skeptisk til Arctic og Susanne Stuffer etter analysen av på Targovax og nå dette. Jeg skjønner at folk reagerer, men samtidig virker det ikke som noen har lest noen av analysene. Spesielt for TRVX har det jo bare blitt blankt avfeid uten at det virker som noen vet hva kursmålet er basert.

Jeg har ikke lest analysen, men jeg synes det tenderer til ukebladsjournalistikk når enkelte hinter til at det har foregått urent trav. Som om Mohn bryr seg om noen ekstra millioner. Han er 74 år og er vel mer opptatt av å gi vekk pengene sine til veldedige formål enn å skrape til seg noen nye skarve prosent i formue. Bare i fjor ga han 250 millioner til Haukeland sykehus øremerket til det nye protonstrålesenteret.

Jeg har ikke lest analysen om BergenBio, så den vil jeg ikke uttale meg om, men jeg er svært skeptisk til Susanne Stuffers. Jeg har ikke tilgang til Targo-analysen, men jeg leste artikkelen i Finansavisen. Ettersom du har lest analysen så kan du kanskje laste den opp på TRVX-tråden? Eventuelt kunne du sendt den til meg på PM hvis du har dropbox eller liknende. Hadde vært supert!

Diskuterer gjerne videre hvorfor jeg er skeptisk til analysen/konklusjonen hennes, men da foreslår jeg vi tar det i TRVX-tråden, så vi ikke forsøpler her.

Har faktisk denne uken fulgt min mor på mr på en av de maskinene mohn donerte for et par år siden.

Han er et mensch av de sjeldne, men sikkert skarp som få og. :smiley:

Mistenker han er litt psykopat også. Må jo være en grunn til at han og sønnen ikke er på talefot lengre ( eller han og tvillingbroren sånnsett) ;D

Pfft, kjenner jeg har forståelse for folk som blir dritlei familien. :smiley:

Men ikke snakke med dem på 20år drittlei? :stuck_out_tongue:

Det var broren som brøt med Mohn og faren, ikke omvendt. Som en hjelp(senere i livet) så ga Mohn broren 100 millioner. Som han i følge ryktene har investert klokt.

100 millioner her og 100 millioner der. Easy come, easy go.

Broren som også brøt med faren eller?


Ser en trend her

Skepsisen og opplysningen vedrørende tilknytningen mellom BergenBio / Artic og Mohn sitt eierskap i begge er god informasjon å dele og helt på sin plass å sette spørsmålstegn ved, men innleggene dine videre her, er upassende og nærmest for trolling å regne.





· Favourable interim safety data reported across three phase II clinical
trials with bemcentinib in combination with KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab)
· Immune response demonstrated in AML patients treated with bemcentinib
monotherapy in phase II clinical trial
· Two posters featuring four of BerGenBio’s six phase II clinical trials with
selective AXL inhibitor bemcentinib presented at the ASCO-SITC Clinical Immuno
-Oncology Symposium
Bergen, Norway, January 29, 2018 - BerGenBio ASA (OSE: BGBIO), a clinical-stage
biopharmaceutical company focused on developing bemcentinib as a potential
cornerstone therapy for multiple cancer indications, today announced the
presentation of data from its broad phase II clinical development programme with
its selective AXL inhibitor bemcentinib (BGB324) in two posters at the ASCO-SITC
Clinical Immuno-Oncology Symposium (January 25-27, San Francisco, CA, USA).

One poster outlined favourable interim safety data from three phase II clinical
trials with bemcentinib in combination with KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab), an anti
-PD-1 therapy marketed by Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, N.J., USA (known as MSD
outside the US and Canada). Furthermore, an AXL immunohistochemistry (IHC)
method developed and validated by the Company was shown to clearly detect the
presence of AXL on tumour and immune cells in patient samples thus holding
promise as a potential future companion diagnostic.

The second poster provided translational analyses from BerGenBio’s phase II
trial in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), with bemcentinib used as a single agent.
The results showed a clear immunomodulatory effect as a result of selective AXL
inhibition, as evidenced by increased immune activity characterised by
diversification of patients’ T-cell receptor repertoire.

The data presented strengthens the Company’s proposition that its selective,
first-in-class and orally bioavailable AXL inhibitor bemcentinib may hold
promise as an immunomodulatory agent, both as backbone to current and emerging
immune checkpoint inhibitor regimens as well as a monotherapy by demonstrating
the following:

(1) Combining bemcentinib with KEYTRUDA has thus far been well tolerated:

In a poster presentation entitled: “Combination of bemcentinib (BGB324) - a
first-in-class selective, oral AXL inhibitor - with pembrolizumab in patients
with triple negative breast cancer and adenocarcinoma of the lung,” Murray Yule
(MD, PhD), Clinical Development Officer at BerGenBio, detailed:

· A total of 34 patients across the Company’s three trials combining
bemcentinib with KEYTRUDA (Trial ref. BGBC007 in triple-negative breast cancer,
trial ref. BGBC008 in non-small cell lung cancer and trial ref. BGBIL006 in
melanoma) have thus far been evaluable for safety of the drug combination
· The spectrum of observed serious adverse events was similar to that reported
for KEYTRUDA alone.

(2) Treatment with bemcentinib has immunomodulatory effect:

In a poster presentation entitled: “The immunomodulatory activity of bemcentinib
(BGB324) - a first-in-class selective, oral AXL inhibitor in patients with
relapsed/refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia or Myelodysplastic Syndrome.”,
Professor Sonja Loges (MD, PhD), attending physician at the University Hospital
in Hamburg-Eppendorf and lead investigator of the BGBC003 trial, detailed the

· 35 patients with relapsed/refractory (R/R) AML or myelodysplastic syndrome
(MDS) received bemcentinib monotherapy as part of the BGBC003 trial. Two
patients achieved complete responses with incomplete recovery of peripheral
counts (CRi) and five achieved partial responses (PR). Eight patients reported
disease stabilisation for more than four months. Three patients remain on study
at the time of data cut-off (Jan 17th 2018).
· Six out of nine patients analysed showed a diversification of the T-cell
receptor repertoire in their peripheral blood, bone marrow or both indicative of
increased immune activity as a result of AXL inhibition.

Richard Godfrey, CEO of BerGenBio commented: “I am pleased that the data
presented at ASCO-SITC demonstrate that our first-in-class, selective AXL
inhibitor bemcentinib is well tolerated in combination with the anti-PD-1
therapy KEYTRUDA. This is fundamental data supporting the positioning of AXL
inhibition as a future cornerstone of cancer therapy. I am also extremely
encouraged by the data reported showing that bemcentinib can generate a positive
immune response, particularly in R/R AML and MDS patients who tend to be a
severely immunocompromised patient population. These data build on the recently
reported favourable safety data of bemcentinib in combination with chemo- and
targeted therapy as well as the first evidence of bemcentinib’s ability to
reverse acquired resistance to these treatments. I look forward to reporting
continued progress across our broad phase II development programme with
bemcentinib at medical and scientific congresses during the upcoming months.”


About TNBC and the BGBC007 trial

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women - it is estimated that more
than 250,000 new cases will be diagnosed in the US in 2018. 20% of breast
cancers lack receptors for three common hormones (oestrogen, progesterone and
HER2) and are thus called triple-negative breast cancers (TNBC). Treatment
options for TNBC are limited to intense chemotherapy, but disease recurrence is
frequent and aggressive. Consequently, novel treatment strategies for TNBC are
urgently needed.

BGBC007 is a phase II multi-centre open label study of bemcentinib (BGB324) in
combination with KEYTRUDA in patients with previously treated, non-resectable
TNBC or triple negative inflammatory breast cancer. Up to 56 patients will be
included in the study. For more information, please access trial NCT03184558 at

About NSCLC and the BGBC008 trial

It is estimated that more than 220,000 new cases of lung cancer will be
diagnosed in the US in 2018 and it is the leading cause of cancer deaths. 65% of
NSCLCs are classed as adenocarcinoma of the lung. Although various treatments
exist for NSCLC, they are often curtailed by acquired resistance to therapy.
Novel treatments overcoming this resistance in NSCLC are urgently required.

BGBC008 is a phase II multi-centre open label study of bemcentinib (BGB324) in
combination with KEYTRUDA in patients with previously treated advanced
adenocarcinoma of the lung. Up to 48 patients will be included in the study. For
more information, please access trial NCT03184571 at www.clinicaltrials.gov.

About melanoma and the BGBIL006 trial

Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer and may spread to lymph nodes
and distant organs if not discovered in time. Melanoma occurs when the pigment
cells in the skin (melanocytes), divide uncontrollably. It is estimated that in
2016, there were almost 150,000 melanoma diagnoses in the US alone. If detected
very early, melanoma has a good prognosis; for patients with advanced melanoma,
however, the probability of surviving five or more years is less than 20%.

BGBIL006 is an investigator initiated, randomised phase II trial combining
bemcentinib with either KEYTRUDA or dabrafenib/trametinib in patients with
advanced non-resectable or metastatic melanoma who are naïve for systemic
treatment. Up to 92 patients will be enrolled across three arms. For more
information, please access trial NCT02872259 at www.clinicaltrials.gov.

About AML and the BGBC003 trial

AML is the most common form of acute leukaemia diagnosed in over 20,000 patients
in the US annually and is rapidly lethal if left untreated. Successful treatment
typically requires intensive therapy or bone marrow transplantation, and relapse
and resistance are common. Consequently, there is an urgent need for effective
novel therapies in R/R patients, particularly those that are ineligible for
intensive therapy.

BGBC003 is a phase Ib/II multi-centre open label study of bemcentinib (BGB324)
as a single agent in patients with AML or MDS or in a combination with
chemotherapy (cytarabine and decitabine) in AML patients. Up to 75 patients will
be enrolled at centres in the US, Norway, Germany and Italy. For more
information, please access trial NCT02488408 at www.clinicaltrials.gov.

About the 2018 ASCO-SITC Clinical Immuno-Oncology Symposium

The ASCO-SITC Clinical Immuno-Oncology Symposium is an international conference
focused on clinical and translational research in immuno-oncology and the
implications for clinical care. https://immunosym.org/

About BerGenBio ASA

BerGenBio ASA is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on
developing a pipeline of first-in-class AXL kinase inhibitors as a potential
cornerstone of combination cancer therapy. The Company is a world leader in
understanding the essential role of AXL kinase in mediating cancer spread,
immune evasion and drug resistance in multiple aggressive solid and
haematological cancers.

BerGenBio’s lead product, bemcentinib (BGB324), is a selective, potent and
orally bio-available small molecule AXL inhibitor in four Company sponsored
Phase II clinical trials in major cancer indications, with read-outs anticipated
during 2018. It is the only selective AXL inhibitor in clinical development.

The Company sponsored clinical trials are:

· leukaemiaBGB324 with TARCEVA® (erlotinib) in advanced EGFR mutation driven
non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
· BGB324 with KEYTRUDA in advanced adenocarcinoma of the lung, and
· BGB324 with KEYTRUDA in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC).
· BGB324 as a single agent and combination therapy in acute myeloid leukaemia
(AML) / myeloid dysplastic syndrome (MDS)

The clinical trials combining BGB324 with KEYTRUDA in adenocarcinoma of the lung
and TNBC are conducted in collaboration with Merck & Co., Inc. (Kenilworth, NJ,
USA), through a subsidiary.

In addition, a number of investigator-sponsored trials are underway, including a
trial to investigate BGB324 with either MEKINIST® (trametinib) plus TAFINLAR®
(dabrafenib) or KEYTRUDA in advanced melanoma, as well as a trial combining
BGB324 with docetaxel in advanced NSCLC.

BerGenBio is simultaneously developing a companion diagnostic test to identify
patient subpopulations most likely to benefit from treatment with BGB324. This
will facilitate more efficient registration trials and support a precision
medicine based commercialization strategy.

The Company is also developing a diversified pre-clinical pipeline of drug
candidates, including BGB149, an anti-AXL monoclonal antibody.

For further information, please visit: www.bergenbio.com

KEYTRUDA® is a registered trademark of Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary
of Merck & Co., Inc. (Kenilworth, NJ, USA). TARCEVA® is a registered trademark
of OSI Pharmaceuticals, LLC., marketed by Roche-Genentech. TAFLINAR® is a
registered trademark of Novartis International AG and MEKINIST® is a registered
trademark of GSK plc.


Richard Godfrey

CEO, BerGenBio ASA

+47 917 86 304

Tom Henrik Sundby

Finance Director, BerGenBio ASA

[email protected]

+47 477 54 415

Media Relations

David Dible, Mark Swallow, Marine Perrier

Citigate Dewe Rogerson

[email protected]

+44 207 638 9571

Forward looking statements

This announcement may contain forward-looking statements, which as such are not
historical facts, but are based upon various assumptions, many of which are
based, in turn, upon further assumptions. These assumptions are inherently
subject to significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other
important factors. Such risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other important
factors could cause actual events to differ materially from the expectations
expressed or implied in this announcement by such forward-looking statements

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5
-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


@Christian har du lyst til å ta en kjapp skyanalyse? :kissing_heart:

Hvad kommer der af triggere i de næste par måneder i BGBIO ud over regnskabet den 13. feb?