Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

BergenBio Fundamentale Forhold (BGBIO)

Her… har ikke rukket å sjekke enda!

17:00 EDT er 23:00 CET :smiley:


Ååå Gud ! Jeg så ikke EDT siden det var i Barcelona :see_no_evil:

noen som har funnet abstractet !?


The RTK AXL is implicated in epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, negative regulation of anti-tumour immunity and resistance to multiple therapies including immune checkpoint inhibitors.

Bemcentinib (BGB324) is a first-in-class, oral, highly selective and potent AXL inhibitor which has been demonstrated to enhance anti-PD1 therapy.

a9ded1e5ce5d75814730bb4caaf49419 Method

This phase II trial (Cohort A, NCT03184571) enrolled 48 advanced lung adenocarcinoma patients with progression on or after no more than one prior line of platinum-based chemotherapy. Patients with EGFR/ALK mutations were included in this study and must have progressed on or after at least one standard targeted therapy. The primary endpoint was ORR according to RECIST v1.1. Additional endpoints included efficacy according to biomarker expression, DCR, PFS, OS, and safety. Tumour biopsies were analysed for PD-L1 expression (22C3 pharmDx), AXL by IHC, and infiltrating immune cells.

4c3880bb027f159e801041b1021e88e8 Result

As of April 2019, the trial was fully recruited: median age 65 (range 39-82) yrs, 61% male, 76% smokers or ex-smokers.

At time of writing, a total of 210 treatment cycles had been completed by all patients. 17 patients were ongoing.

17 of 32 biomarker-evaluable patients (53%) were PD-L1 negative, 13 (41%) had TPS 1-49%, and 2 (6%) had TPS >50%. Of 28 biomarker-evaluable patients, 14 (50%) expressed AXL on their tumours.

Among patients who had at least 1 evaluable on-treatment scan: 5 responses were observed in 13 AXL positive patients (38%), and 7 in 30 patients with TPS 0-49% (23%). There were 10 responses observed among 34 evaluable patients overall (29%).

In Stage 1, two of the 4 AXL positive responses are ongoing; mDoR is not mature in the AXL positive patients. mPFS was 5.9 mo in AXL positive patients (n=10, 3.0-NR) and 4.0 mo (95% CI 1.9-NR) overall (n=24). mOS was not mature.

The most common TRAEs (occurring in >10% of patient in both stages) were transaminase increases (34%), asthenia/fatigue (30%), diarrhoea (26%), nausea (13%), anaemia (11%), decreased appetite (11%), and pruritus (11%). All cases of transaminase increase were reversible and resolved with concomitant administration of systemic corticosteroids and interruption of study treatments.

8eea62084ca7e541d918e823422bd82e Conclusion

Patients had predominantly low or no PD-L1 expression; approximately half were AXL positive. The combination of bemcentinib and pembrolizumab was well tolerated and showed promising efficacy in previously treated IO-naïve NSCLC patients, particularly in those with AXL positive disease, including PD-L1 negative patients. Mature ORR for both stages, as well as 12-month OS for stage 1 will be presented at the meeting.

Kikker mer nøye igjennom i morgen, men ser ok ut og “in-line” med tidligere data.


Da har jeg sett gjennom abstractet.

Abstractet hadde deadline for innlevering 10. april, og resultatene må derfor sees i det lyset. Oppdaterte resultater får vi ikke før konferansen. Siden BGBIO presenterte disse resultatene på ASCO så er faktisk resultatene derfra nok mer oppdaterte enn det vi har fått i abstractet nå.


Begynner kursen endelig å røre på seg i riktig retning? :grin:

Er det brudd over 14,04ish?


Ahh derfor ja :slight_smile: :rocket::ok_hand::ok_hand: Fantastisk. Satt nesten her om dagen å angret på at jeg kjøpte mer på 13,80 får å snitte ned mitt gav. Det gjør jeg ikke nå lenger :slight_smile:

Fikk fart på omsetninga ihvertfall :sweat_smile:

Litt skummelt hvis det kun er hegnar artikkelen som gjør løftet. Får se om det holder.

Bevegelsen begynte 2 minutter etter at artikkelen ble publisert så vidt jeg kan se.

Couldn’t agree more. Just shows what an absolute joke OB is with regards to these Bio stocks.


Nja som det skrives over så var ikke abstraktet helt ille det heller :slight_smile:

Yeah but the abstract was out last night and it was down 7% this morning…

Skummelt og skummelt, børsen er jo rene tivoliet om dagen. Høy omsetning på høy kursoppgang er uten tvil positivt teknisk. Fundamentalt fremstår det også underpriset etter analytikernes mening.

Skummelt for de som ikke er inne og vurderer å kjøpe bruddet;)

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Denne høsten blir kos.

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Ja men om abstraktet hadde skuffet stort så ville den vært ned mye mer vil jeg tro. A la NANO idag. Analytikerne hadde nok et lite spenningsmoment knyttet til dette abstraktet, hva man feks kunne lese mellom linjene. Når den var unnagjort uten uforutsett negativitet var det bare å trykke kjøpsanbefaling.

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