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BergenBio Småprat (BGBIO) 🧬

Og de fortsetter å komme. Husk bemcentinib er også kalt BGB324 og R428 i litteraturen.

Erlotinib resistance via a persister bottleneck results in mixed expression of EGFR T790M and EMT-like state with high AXL expression


Sina Hosseinian , Anurima Majumder , Matthew Smith , Fumi Kinose , Eric Haura . Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL


S. Hosseinian: None. A. Majumder: None. M. Smith: None. F. Kinose: None. E. Haura: None.


Background: Recent studies have suggested that EGFR mutant cells exposed to high concentrations of EGFR TKI (erlotinib) develop resistance through a persister bottleneck and reflect a spectrum of resistance mechanisms. Our goal was to exploit this approach to further understand mechanisms of EGFR TKI resistance and develop new therapeutic targets.
Methods: To generate erlotinib resistant “persister” cell clones (EPs), PC9 cells were seeded at low density and exposed to 2.5 µM of erlotinib for ~6 weeks. In this time approximately 99.9% of cells died, while a small surviving fraction entered a quiescent state defined as “persisters” followed by proliferation of clones. Over 20 clonal subpopulations of resistant clones were obtained, of which four have been characterized via proliferation assays, immunoblotting, DNA sequencing and RNA-Seq analysis.
Results: DNA sequencing and subsequent phenotypical analysis revealed varying EGFR T790M allele frequency and osimertinib sensitivity. Two clones were sensitive to osimertinib, with their T790M allele frequencies being 3.7% and 7.0%. The other two clones were resistant to osimertinib with allele frequencies being 0% and 8.9%. Common mechanisms of EGFR TKI resistance (MET amplification, KRAS mutations, BRAF/MEK mutations) were not observed in any of the EP clones. DNA sequencing also identified 13 unique mutations across the clones compared to the parental PC9 and none of these were known oncogenes or associated with TKI resistance. Maintenance of downstream signaling despite loss of EGFR phosphorylation in the presence of erlotinib was observed in all the clones. Analysis of the RNA-seq data revealed all four clones show an increase in vimentin, a marker of EMT, with one clone showing a 25-fold increase. Three of the four clones had greater than two-fold expression of SLUG mRNA, a known transcriptional factor of EMT resistance, while no changes in other EMT transcription factors (Snail, Twist, Zeb1) were identified. Interesting, AXL, a receptor tyrosine kinase known to be associated with EMT, was the only up-regulated gene across all four clones. Treatment with AXL TKI alone (RXDX-106 and R428) did not affect cell viability, but one EP clone demonstrated sensitivity to erlotinib when combined with R428 but not RXDX-106. Downstream signaling also shows that this combination results in strong reduction in ERK phosphorylation compared to either single agent.
Conclusions: Our data suggests that EPs have developed resistance through a combination of T790M and EMT-like state, with AXL upregulation as a common theme. One clone, harboring some T790M and osimertinib sensitivity, was also sensitive to erlotinib when combined with R428.


Identifying the role of AXL in fusion kinase inhibitor resistant non-small cell lung cancer


Tara Peters , Anastasios Dimou , Anh Le , Robert Doebele . University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN


T. Peters: None. A. Dimou: ; Roche/Genentech. A. Le: None. R. Doebele: ; Rain. ; Genentech. ; Takeda/Millenium. ; Ignyta. ; Personal Fees; Bayer. ; Personal Fees; BrightPath. ; Personal Fees; Anchiano. ; Personal Fees; AstraZeneca. ; Personal Fees; Guardant Health. ; Personal Fees; Spectrum.


Chromosomal rearrangements involving ALK , ROS1 , RET and others generate novel fusion kinases which comprise approximately 10% of the oncogenic drivers in lung adenocarcinoma. Several tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) are approved or in development for each of these oncogenes and have shown marked clinical improvement for patients, but resistance inevitably occurs, a significant proportion of which is not currently druggable. AXL is a receptor tyrosine kinase that is often upregulated in resistant cancers in response to both chemotherapy and targeted therapies such as EGFR inhibitors. AXL can promote resistance to targeted therapy by signaling through the MAPK and Akt pathways or heterodimerizing with other receptors to maintain growth and survival signaling. However, the role of AXL in mediating resistance to ALK, ROS1, and RET TKIs is not well understood. In screening our unique panel of patient-derived lung adenocarcinoma cell lines harboring ALK, ROS1 or RET gene fusions, we found elevated AXL expression was correlated with resistance to cognate TKIs, as well as mesenchymal features including spindle morphology and vimentin expression. Combining the AXL inhibitor R428 with TKI treatment, such as crizotinib for ALK and ROS1 driven cell lines, was effective at inhibiting colony formation and wound healing in fusion kinase inhibitor resistant cell lines. Combination treatment downregulates Akt phosphorylation in resistant cells, and we found the resistant cell lines were also more sensitive to PI3K inhibition than cell lines that are still sensitive to their specific TKI. Interestingly, we also identified AXL cross talk with other receptor tyrosine kinases. In a RET inhibitor resistant model expression of both AXL and EGFR are elevated and the receptors interact, which can be disrupted upon EGF stimulation, to drive resistance. Collectively, we show that AXL upregulation is a common marker of TKI resistance among ALK, ROS1, and RET fusion kinase driven lung adenocarcinoma models, and provide rationale for AXL as a clinical target for combination therapy to overcome drug resistance.

Så der har man fire studier som vil bli presentert på AACR i juni (virituelt). Detter er gjort av forskere fra øst til vest, Kina og USA. Jeg tror alle er uavhengige forskere som ikke har noe med BerGenBio å gjøre. Dette er pre-kliniske forsøk som viser hvor stor interesse det er for BerGenBio sitt medikament innen kreftforskning.

For de som vil søke selv: https://www.abstractsonline.com/pp8/#!/9045

Mulig det finnes mer jeg ikke har sett enda.


Takk @larsmkn

Helt fantastisk det som foregår rundt omkring…!


Herre min hatt ja her var det bare å finne frem kaffekoppen. Takk til @larsmkn!

Fantastisk at Bemcentinib virkelig befester seg i internasjonale forskningsmiljøer for ikke å snakke om hvordan konseptet med AXL-hemming nå brer om seg. Det er utrolig troverdig for konseptet hvordan separate forskningsmiljøer i ulike land og verdensdeler stadig slipper forskningsresultater med bruk av Bemcentinib. Bare fantasien setter grenser på hvilke sykdommer denne medisinen kan virke sammen med allerede etablerte behandlingskonsepter.

Her må man nok satse på tre spor og strategier som investor, et spor i lys av Covid resultatene som kommer, altså kortsiktig sjanse for ekstrem gevinst. Binært mellom 20 tallet ved fail og 3- til 4- siffret ved sterke positive tall. Et spor med aksjer som et bet på lunge og AML data ila året 2020. Og et vel så viktig spor hvor man satser på selskapet i en enda mer langsikt horisont etterhvert som fenomenet selektiv AXL-hemming av Bemcentinib blir en hjørnestein i typ “all” kreftbehandling!!

Dette kan bli tidenes reise på både kort og lang sikt. Nå må vi bare ikke se at nok et selskap forsvinner ut av Norge før det får ut som fulle potensiale!!


Fant noe mer også.
En studie, som også har blitt publisert, har også brukt BGB324 i tillegg til en annen AXL hemmer, i ovariakreft med mutasjon i et spesifikt protein:


En av forfatterene har disse forbinnelsene:

Competing interests

G.B.M. consults with AstraZeneca, ImmunoMET, Ionis, Nuevolution, PDX bio, Signalchem, Symphogen, and Tarveda; has stock options with Catena Pharmaceuticals, ImmunoMet, SignalChem, Spindle Top Ventures, and Tarveda; sponsored research from AstraZeneca, Immunomet, Pfizer, Nanostring, and Tesaro; travel support from Chrysallis Bio; and has licensed technology to Nanostring and Myriad Genetics. The other authors declare no competing interests.


Hiver meg på:

Inhibiting the GAS6/AXL Axis Suppresses Tumor Progression by Blocking the Interaction Between Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts and Cancer Cells in Gastric Carcinoma

Cheong A Bae 1 2, In-Hye Ham 1, Hye Jeong Oh 1, Dagyeong Lee 1 2, Jongsu Woo 1 2, Sang-Yong Son 1, Jung Hwan Yoon 3 4, James B Lorens 5, Rolf A Brekken 6, Tae-Min Kim 7, Sang-Uk Han 1, Won Sang Park 3 4, Hoon Hur 8 9

Affiliations expand


Background: The effects of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF) on the progression of gastric carcinoma (GC) has recently been demonstrated. However, agents targeting the interaction between CAF and GC cells have not been applied in a clinical setting. Here, we examined if inhibition for Axl receptor tyrosine kinase (AXL) can suppress CAF-induced aggressive phenotype in GC.

Methods: We investigated the function of CAF-derived growth arrest-specific 6 (GAS6), a major ligand of AXL, on the migration and proliferation of GC cells. The effect of the AXL inhibitor, BGB324, on the CAF-induced aggressive phenotype of GC cells was also investigated. In addition, we performed immunohistochemistry to examine the expression of phosphorylated AXL protein in 175 GC tissues and evaluated its correlation with the prognosis.

Results: The qPCR and western blot analysis showed that GAS6 expression was higher in CAF relative to other cells. We found that co-culture with CAF increased the phosphorylation of AXL (P-AXL), differentiation into a mesenchymal-like phenotype, and cell survival in GC cell lines. When the expression of AXL was genetically inhibited in GC cells, the effect of CAF was reduced. BGB324, a small molecule inhibitor of AXL, suppressed the effects of CAF on GC cell lines. In GC tissues, high levels of P-AXL were significantly associated with poor overall survival (P = 0.022).

Conclusions: *We concluded that CAF are a major source of GAS6 and that GAS6 promotes an aggressiveness through AXL activation in GC. e suggested that an AXL inhibitor may be a novel agent for GC treatment.

Edit: Nyhetssak om dette fra idag 15.05.20: http://www.koreabiomed.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=8254

Ergo en av de vanligste kreftformene i Sør-Korea mener man har et potensiale for å bli bedre behandlet enn idag ved å hemme AXL-tyrosin kinasen. Har også sett artikler på øsofagus-cancer m.m. Bergenbio må snarest opprette et asiatisk kontaktpunkt :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :smile:


Å virkelig forstå biologien bak et drug target er en av de avgjørende faktorene for om et legemiddel lykkes eller ikke. Når man ser på statistikk over LoA for legemidler utviklet 20 år tilbake i tid er det ofte en veldig stor variasjon i hvor godt man faktisk forsto biologien bak det man prøvde å gjøre. Jeg vil påstå at mange av disse stiller i en helt annen kategori enn bemcentinib i forhold til alt man kan om biologien.

Å hemme AXL kan se ut til å være relevant for en rekke indikasjoner innenfor kreft og potensielt også fibrose, denne biologien begynner å bli så godt validert at BergenBio er sannsynligvis på radaren til en rekke BP selskap for et oppkjøp. Det blir selvfølgelig kun spekulasjon, men det hadde ikke overrasket meg om flere selskaper går inn for å kjøpe hele BergenBio hvis de presenterer bra data i høst.


Det hadde vært fantastisk for oss aksjonærer men potensielt synd for norsk biotek, arbeidsplasser, osv. I den siste helsenæringsmeldingen til mydinghetene så var håpet om nye arbeidsplasser det viktigste…

Tviler på Trond Mohn og gjengen vil selge Bergenbio altfor tidlig, i så fall blir det dyrt for BP :sweat_smile:


Fantastisk dag for BGBIO på børs. Det tok altså bare en uke å hente seg inn igjen etter emisjonen. Jeg vil påsta at det er MEGET sterkt!

Nå får vi krysse fingrene for at vi ser kr 100 til neste uke. Tvi Tvi. Hurra for 17.Mai folkens! God helg :slight_smile:


Spennende… eller🥂


Hjertelig @Kratos

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En hyggelig løsning hadde vært en utlisensiering av bemcentinib, da får man mye penger med en gang og så får man 10 år med ekstremt fantastiske utbytter på bakgrunn av royalties fra salg. Sannsynligvis mer utbytte per år en hele investeringen man har nå. Og selskapet kan fokusere på antistoffet og andre fremtidige overraskelser.


Rimelig tynt opp til 60kr
Vanskelig for store institusjonelle å komme inn/øke. Vi har snakket om lav freefloat i åresvis. Nå begynner det å materialisere seg.

Gratulerer til alle som holdt.
Gjør noe med 17mai feiringen dette :partying_face: :norway:


Is anyone else getting the feeling that Axl is going to be the ‘it’ target in the not too distant future…


Ja, dette var moro!!
Med en slik avslutning så fortsetter dette på mandag… tikk takk tikk takk🥂


De blir slaktet på twitter. Sees på som en pump and dump av enkelte. De er ikke en gang i kliniske forsøk. De har null idè om hvordan dette vil fungere i mennesker.


Tusen takk :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: shit så nervøs eg ble der… :joy:

Vi vet uansett om bemcentinib virker, sannsynligvis før Sorrento engang har startet forsøk.

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Was going to say, i wouldnt mind some clinical trial results before the company claiming a cure. Sounds pretty cowboyish if you ask me.


First thing that struck my mind was probobly like they say at the trvx thread “expensive news” but second thought was more like, wtf have they got absolutely no decency or is it the shit… But I can see clearly now, the rain has gone, thanks :heart:

Edit: I deleted the trash. Super tråd dette her :ok_hand: