Targo stjeler oppmerksomheten, men ser ut til at aksjekveld har effekt på BIOEX idag
Ja mer volum på 20min enn de pleier ha på en hel dag. Var egentlig fullastet, men ny vurdering må tas
Noen som vet om Bioextrax har sammenlignbare “konkurrenter”?
Eller er teknologien banebrytende…
(prøver å lese meg opp )
Er det flere enn meg med DNB som ikke får handlet denne aksjen / på spotlight?
Det stemmer at man ikke får handlet på Spotlight via DNB på nett. Mulig det går via telefon. Jeg bruker Nordnet sin Zero-konto til Spotlight-handel.
Går ikke å handle den på ASK-konto
Hos DNB kan man heller ikke handle Spotlight på vanlig aksjehandelskonto, ihvertfall ikke på nett.
Det stemmer, jeg bruker vanlig konto.
På presentasjonen i går ble det sagt at BIOX sin teknologi var den eneste som har fullt biologisk produksjonsprosess og gir fullt biologisk nedbrytbar bioplast.
Bare så alle er klar over det.
På 70SEK er market cap 220mSEK.
Revenue stream fra den første avtalen vil med diskonteringsrente 10%, varighet på 20 år og følgende inntektsdistribusjon (Scenario guidet i pressemeldingen)
år 1 - 10 MSEK
år 2 - 20 MSEK
År 3 - 30 MSEK
År 4 - 40 MSEK
År 5 - år 20 - 50MSEK
Være verdt 474mSEK i royaltee i nåtid ved avtaleinngåelse. Det er:
150 kroner aksjen.
Avtalevurderingsperioden løper frem til 21. Februar.
(Jeg har brukt =nnv(diskrente; revenueår:revenueår) i excel til å beregne netto nåverdi.)
Hvis noen som ikke har hørt om selskapet så på presentasjonen i går og deretter sjekket market cap tipper jeg de ble sjokkert. Med så mange muligheter inn mot store og voksende markeder burde den vært 3 ganger høyere.
Får de på plass den første kommersielle avtalen bør vi passere (den første) milliarden.
Touchet 74 i dag ja, tror de bør ha flere presentasjoner
Eller 10 evalueringsavtaler til …
Sitter og ser på 125-150kr aksjen før første dealen avgjøres. Fallhøyden kommer til å bli stor, med en stor oppside fordi resten av pipen deriskes ved suksess.
Lett å bli “solgt” når en hører denne presentasjonen
Denne blir spennende å følge videre
Chaten har funnet ut at DNBkunder faktisk kan kjøpe denne aksjen likevel ved å ringe inn til desken. Ingen har tydeligvis handlet den fra Norge før nå, så de har ikke lagt den til i traderen.
Ikke så rart, siden IPO var bare litt tidligere i år.
Fra patentet for plastestraksjon
Beskriver prosessen
The present invention relates to a bio-based process for the extraction of bioplastics produced in microbial cells. The present invention further relates to a bio-based process for the production of monomers from said bioplastics. These processes are operated without the use of any chemicals, such as organic solvents, acid, alkali or other chemical additives. Thus, there is provided an organic solvent free and chemical free extraction and recovery of high-purity biopolymer granules from different bacterial strains. Also the bioplastics are obtained in a native form without any degradation or other losses. In addition to the bioplastics, non-bioplastic materials are also obtained during the extraction process. The non-bioplastic materials could comprise different cellular materials, such as lipids, nucleic acids, proteins, peptides and/or amino acids and other biochemical molecules. The present method of extraction involves the provision of microbial cells containing bioplastic materials. The bioplastics are accumulated as granules in the cytoplasm of the microbial cell. The cells containing the bioplastics are preferably bacterial or archaeal cells. To perform the extraction according to the present process, the mentioned cells containing the bioplastics are contacted with inoculum of bacterial cells of the genus Bacillus , preferably of the species Bacillus pumilus . The Bacillus cells act on the cell wall of the microbial cells containing the bioplastics, mainly they lyse it and utilize its constituents as nutrients for growth. In doing so, they disintegrate the cell structure of the bioplastic containing cells and uncover the bioplastic granules. The exposed bioplastic granules may then be collected. The lysis of the bioplastic containing cells may be performed using one or several enzyme and/or other lysis affecting materials. The lysate obtained upon the lysis of the bioplastic containing cells is supposed to comprise exposed bioplastic (e.g. as granules), proteins, peptides, amino acids and other cell residues in aqueous solution. As disclosed above, the bioplastic may be removed and used as a high-end, high-purity product. It may also be used in further processes. Further, proteins, peptides and/or amino acids and other biomolecules may also be recovered as further value-added products.
Further, the process according to the present invention also enables production of the monomers of the recovered bioplastics by depolymerization. The depolymerization is achieved using depolymerising substances or microbial cells producing such depolymerising substances. Depolymerising substances may be chosen from enzymes and other depolymerization affecting substances. Depolymerization may be performed in one or more steps. As a one step process, depolymerising substances may be added to the bioplastics or the complete mixture from the extraction process containing the bioplastics. Alternatively, the bioplastics or the complete mixture from the extraction process containing the bioplastics disclosed above, may be contacted with microbial cells producing depolymerising substances. Then the bioplastics will be depolymerised upon contact with the produced depolymerising substances. The mixture formed may contain a mixture of monomers and oligomers. It is to be noted that the microbial cells producing the depolymerising substances may start acting on, e.g. consuming, the obtained monomers, which may result in a decreased yield of monomers. As long as cells producing depolymerising substances are present with monomers formed, there is a risk of the monomers being consumed by these cells. In order to overcome such an effect, the depolymerization may be performed in multiple steps. By providing a first step wherein a bioplastic or a mixture containing such a bioplastic is contacted with microbial cells producing depolymerising substances and allowed to react. When a desirable amount of depolymerising substances have been obtained from the cells, the reaction is terminated. The obtained mixture comprises cells, depolymerizing substances, polymers, monomers etc. A separation step separates depolymerizing substances from the other contents. The separated depolymerizing substances may then be used in a second step, and admixed with a bioplastic or a mixture containing such a bioplastic. This two-step process is a way to increase the yield of the monomers to be obtained.
The production of monomers from bioplastic produced according to the present process enables production of specific monomers in high purity. This method of producing monomers may be very attractive because of its simplicity, cost-efficiency, energy-efficiency, high product purity and low environmental impact. The monomers that may be obtained in enantiomerically pure form may be very difficult to obtain via conventional routes.
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