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Bjørnefella: 2.2 - Det klargjøres for Bearfest 202x 2

Denne Wikipedia artikkelen summerer opp de to leirene ganske presist

Some observers have regarded Livermore as the greatest trader who ever lived, but others have regarded his legacy as a cautionary tale about the risks of leverage to seek large gains rather than a strategy focused on smaller yet more consistent returns


Jesse Lauriston Livermore (July 26, 1877 – November 28, 1940) was an American stock trader.[1] He is considered a pioneer of day trading[2]and was the basis for the main character of Reminiscences of a Stock Operator , a best-selling book by Edwin Lefèvre. At one time, Livermore was one of the richest people in the world; however, at the time of his suicide, he had liabilities greater than his assets


Ed Thorp:

“One of the early things that I learned, fortunately, which was how much to bet on good situations. If you bet too much you’re likely to be wiped out. gambler’s ruin

Å finne kjøpssignaler er det minst viktige, bl.a fordi ingen har spåkuler.
Det hjelper heller ikke med kjøpssignaler uten penger.

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Er det her det er pissekonkurranse :nerd_face:


Børsene snudde opp nå :muscle:

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Tendenser til litt lettere skydekke her, kanskje man priser noe slakkere oppgang i rentene

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24.86-2.05 (-7.62%)

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Grei støtte på 3900.
Børsene burde vel nesten gå oppover nå som alle forventer kraftig nedgang.



In an interview with the Financial Times, Thomas Barkin, president of the Fed’s Richmond, Virginia, branch, said the central bank had already shifted its monetary policy towards much tighter settings to rein in the worst price pressures in roughly four decades.

However, he said that in order to restore price stability, the Fed would need to tighten policy further so that so-called real interest rates, which are adjusted for inflation, sit above zero.

“You do have to move to a level where inflation expectations come down in order to have enough restriction on the economy to bring inflation down,” Barkin said on Tuesday. “The destination is real rates in positive territory and my intent would be to maintain them there until such time as we really are convinced that we put inflation to bed.”

Several of Barkin’s colleagues, including John Williams of New York, have recently indicated that the federal funds rate will probably need to rise above 3.5 per cent and remain there in 2023. That is well above its current target range of 2.25 per cent to 2.50 per cent. Cleveland’s Loretta Mester, meanwhile, backed rates rising above 4 per cent by early next year.

Those levels “would not surprise me at all”, said Barkin, who noted he favoured using near-term inflation expectations to calculate what constitutes a positive “real” interest rate.

In terms of how fast the Fed should move to reach such a threshold, he said: “I have a bias in general towards moving more quickly, rather than more slowly, as long as you don’t inadvertently break something along the way.”

Åpner FED for å øke renta med mer enn 0.75% om 2 uker?

ps: når FED snakker om “rente over inflasjon” så snakker de om rente over core PCE, ikke CPI antar jeg.

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Nå klarner det opp litt med mulighet for et godt gammeldags lettelsesrally/short covering rally

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Jeg blir veldig utålmodig uten bear, tok tilbake de jeg solgte her, så sover jeg godt på natten igjen. Kan gå begge veier her avh av hvor aggressive sentralbankene er, men ønsker ikke å stå helt tomhendt uten bear om det fortsetter ned. Vingling men det er viktig å ransake seg selv…


Det er best å være lett på labben som bjørn :smiley:


Jeg er langsiktig bear så det viktigste er å ikke bli stående igjen på perrongen når toget går :grin:


Unngå store drawdowns så er mye av jobben gjort. Avkastningen kommer nesten av seg selv, men det hjelper ikke om du gir tilbake hele gevinsten.

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Ble +0,75% :muscle:

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Kan vel ikke være bra for børsen :grimacing:


De prøver jo å få arbeidsledigheten opp?

Da må de jobbe hardere - siden det gikk nedover nå