Du antar dermed at kræsjet vi fikk i fjor er likt tidligere kræsjer, men det er jo mange avvik å hensynta? Ikke bare var det det raskeste fallet vi noen gang har hatt, men også den raskeste innhentingen. Rekordmengde penger er spydd ut også: det er rart at så mange tror dette ikke vil få negative konsekvenser down the line…
“If the Fed maintains its current policy stance, it risks inadvertently creating a perfect storm for the U.S. economy later this year and early next year: a combination of high inflation, slowing growth and financial instability. This would come with political and social consequences that could further undermine the much-needed economic recovery and expose the most vulnerable segments of our population to more pain. And it would take hold at a moment when, due to persistently high inflation, the Fed would feel forced to slam on the monetary policy brakes, aggravating every element of this unfortunate mix.”