Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Carasent (tidligere Apptix)

Carasent: Chairman of the Board Petri Niemi, buys shares

Carasent: The new CEO Daniel Øhman buys shares

Carasent ASA: Proposal from the Nomination Committee

Invitation to Q4 and FY 2022 Financial Results Presentation

Carasent: Board member buys shares

Carasent: CFO Svein Martin Bjørnstad acquires shares

Carasent: Annual Report 2022

CORRECTION: Carasent Annual Report 2022

Carasent: Calling Notice for Annual Shareholder Meeting

Carasent: Change of focus and cost savings initiated

Carasent: Webcast recording and presentation

Invitation to presentation of Q1 2023 results

Carasent: Minutes from Annual Shareholder Meeting

Carasent: Primary insider trading

Carasent: Board member bying shares

“Bying” :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:

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Invitation to presentation of Q2 2023 results

Carasent: Q2 2023 Financial Results and Presentation

Carasent: CEO Daniel Öhman acquires shares