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CombiGene AB (COMBI)🇾đŸ‡Ș

Informasjon og kommentarer fra Jan Nilsson rundt lisensavtalen. Blir veldig spennende Ä fÞlge fremover nÄ. Opp 7% i dag.


Melding fra selskapet om ny hjemmeside. Overskriften fÄr en ikke til Ä hoppe ut av skoene, men meldinga er faktisk veldig bra. Spesielt merker jeg meg det de skriver rundt det pre-kliniske(satt i bold). Tenker da at det mÄ vÊre gode muligheter for Ä gÄ over i klinisk fase i 2021? Det er isÄfall veldig spennende. Det er ikke sÄ fryktelig lenge til.

CombiGene lanserar ny hemsida

Fördjupad information om de senaste framstegen inom epilepsiprojektet CG01 och bolagets nya lipodystrofiprojekt

CombiGene har under de senaste veckorna tagit flera betydande steg framÄt. Utvecklingen kan kort sammanfattas sÄhÀr: VÄrt epilepsiprojekt CG01 har tagit tvÄ viktiga steg mot kliniska studier i och med att vi slutgiltigt har valt sÄvÀl CRO- som CDMO-partner och vi kommer att avsluta projektets prekliniska fas med biodistributions- och toxikologistudier som Àr planerade till andra hÀlften av 2020.

VĂ„r projektportfölj har utökats med ytterligare ett projekt – lipodystrofiprojektet. Vi har efter förvĂ€rvet av Panion Animal Health nu full kontroll över alla immateriella tillgĂ„ngar som rör CG01-projektet, vilket Ă€r viktigt i förhandlingar med potentiella partners.

Sammantaget innebÀr detta att vi nu har en bredare och Ànnu intressantare projektportfölj, att vÀgen mot kliniska studier för CG01 Àr utstakad och att vi Àr bÀttre rustade Àn nÄgonsin i vÄra diskussioner med framtida partners.

Baserat pÄ detta har vi uppdaterat vÄr webbsida med ny och fördjupad information om de projekt som CombiGene driver. Vi uppmanar alla att besöka den. Och berÀtta gÀrna om CombiGene och genterapi för vÀnner och bekanta. Vi vill att sÄ mÄnga som möjligt Àr med pÄ den spÀnnande forskningsresa som ligger framför oss.

Jan Nilsson

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Ny presentasjon fra aktiedagene for Combigene.


CombiGene receives a second payment of EUR 1.21 million from Horizon 2020

Nov 18, 2019

May 15, 2018, CombiGene announced that Horizon 2020, the EU framework program for research and development, will invest EUR 3.36 million in CombiGene’s ongoing development and commercialization of the company’s gene therapy project focusing on hard-to-treat epilepsy. The upfront payment amounted to EUR 1.51 million. The second payment amounts to EUR 1.21 million and has now been payed after a careful examination of the project by EU and their external reviewer.

“The payment from Horizon 2020 is a confirmation of the progress that has been made within the CG01 project, not least the work we are doing together with CGT Catapult to develop a commercially viable production method”, says Karin Agerman, Karin Agerman, Chief Research and Development Officer at CombiGene. “In addition to getting our report approved and the money paid to our account, we have also received positive feedback and valuable recommendations from Horizon 2020’s external reviewer. That our epilepsy project is one of the projects that Horizon 2020 has chosen to invest in means a lot for CombiGene. In addition to the capital that is provided into the project, it is also a significant seal of excellence of our development work and commercial potential.”



Skjer her?

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Lite/ingen interesse. MÄ vÊre ekstremt tÄlmodig med Combigene :slight_smile:

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Veldig fin melding og :slight_smile: Selskapet trenger en skikkelig markedsboost og fÄ has pÄ noen storfisker som investorer.


Ny analyse ute for CombiGene (link nederst i innlegg). Nye oppdaterte kursmÄl er satt inn. Base case er satt ned fra 2.2 til 1.8 pga. aksjeutvanning som fÞlge av oppkjÞpet av Panion.

Bear: 1.1
Base: 1.8
Bull: 3.7

Verdivurdering i forhold til selskapet og assets:

Partiell lipodystrofi er ikke tatt med Ă„ estimatene pga. at de er i tidlig fase.
Kontantbeholdning er antatt Ă„ vare frem til H2 2020.
Avtale og utvikling i forhold til den nye indikasjonen partiell lipodystrofi er pga tidlig fase ikke lagt inn med verdi i analysen. De anser likevel for at dette har et potensialet og vil eventuelt fÄ dette med pÄ senere tidspunkt.

Ellers ogsÄ en fin vurdering i forhold til selskapet og risiko er tatt med.

For Ä dra inn min egen personlige vurdering i forhold til risiko her sÄ mener jeg at i forhold til investeringscaset sÄ er det finansiering som blir den stÞrste utfordringen.
En av de store fordelene CombiGene har i forhold til andre genterapi selskaper i pre-klinisk fase er at de faktisk har tested medikamentet sitt pÄ menneskelig hjernevev og sett at den gode effekten de har fÄtt pre-klinisk, har de fÄtt testet i menneskelig vev og sett at de fÄr den responsen de Þnsker. Dette vil jeg pÄstÄ gir en liten ekstra edge i forhold til Ä vurdere sannsynlighet for Ä lykkes. Her er det derimot lang vei Ä gÄ, men utrolig spennende prosjekt. Gleder meg til fortsettelsen.


Gode nyheter for Combigene!

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Mer omtale fra Combigene


Ny artikkel ute i Nature rundt forskningen gjort av en av forskjerne til CombiGene. Dette er teknologien de bygger pÄ i sin kommende behandling for Epilepsi. Det er jo rimelig hÞyinteressant at et selskap i pre-klinisk med proof of concep kan vise at de skaper den reaksjonen de Þnsker ogsÄ i mennekslig hjernevev i forhold til Ä kunne behandle og muligens kurere Epilepsi ligger for Þyeblikket pÄ 70 MSEK mcap. Hvis dette selskapet fÞrst fÄr vind i seilene sÄ kan det fly hÞyt.

Study in human brain tissue shows that NPY can suppress epileptic activity via Y2-receptor activation

Professor Merab Kokaia, one of CombiGene’s scientific founders, has conducted an important study concerning the suppression of epileptic activity via activation of the brain’s Y2 receptors. The study was conducted in human, pharmacoresistant epileptic brain tissue that had been donated in connection with a surgical procedure carried out to inhibit epileptic seizures.

The study clearly demonstrates that, by activating the brain’s Y2 receptors, epileptic activity in pharmacoresistant epileptic brain tissue can be suppressed with NPY. NPY’s mechanism of action is exactly what CombiGene intends to achieve with the candidate drug, CG01. The results therefore provide a very promising basis for testing the treatment in clinical studies.

The results from the study is available here:

Nedenfor er en direkte bedre direkte link direkte til studien.


Meget interessant artikkel i Nature rett fÞr jul (ref posten til @laplagam rett over). Blir spennende Ä fÞlge Combigene i 2020 og fremover nÄ som genterapi virkelig begynner Ä skyte fart.

The new lipodystrophy project secures CombiGene’s position as the leading Nordic gene therapy company


The promise of huge returns on gene and cell therapies will likely drive acquisitions in 2020, Choy predicted. “These treatments are so transformative for patients, and as the clinical proof of effectiveness continues to grow, you’re going to see a lot more deal-making in this area,” he said.

Buyers will likely show a willingness to invest in early-stage gene and cell therapies, especially if they come with technology platforms that allow for the development of many follow-up products, Choy added. “For these types of therapies, the lifecycles will be much shorter than they are for traditional pharmaceuticals, particularly for rare diseases,” he said. “If you administer a one-time therapy, that revenue peaks quite quickly and then drops off. So to have a sustainable revenue from a gene therapy business, you need to replace that, which requires managing a pipeline.”

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Combigene resolves on a new issue of shares raising MSEK 32.5 covered to 80 percent by subscription and guarantee commitments

The Board of Directors in Combigene AB (“Combigene” or the “Company”), reg. no. 556403-3818, has today, the 18 February 2020, resolved on a new issue of shares of not more than MSEK 32.5 with pre-emption rights for the Company’s shareholders (the “Rights Issue”). The Rights Issue is carried out in accordance with the authorization to the Board of Directors from the Annual General Meeting in Combigene on 16 May 2019. Subscription and guarantee commitments amounting to MSEK 26, equal to 80 percent of the Rights Issue, have been obtained from external guarantors and the Company’s Board of Directors.

Terms for the Rights Issue

Two (2) shares owned on the record date gives the right to subscribe for one (1) unit. Each unit contains two (2) new shares, one (1) warrant of series TO1 and one (1) warrant of series TO2. The subscription price per unit is SEK 1.00, equal to SEK 0.50 per share. The warrants are issued for free. TO1 expires in August 2020, and TO2 expires in November 2020. The subscription price will be decided with regard to the volume weighted average price of the 10 trading days before exercise with a discount of 30 percent. However, the minimum subscription price to subscribe for shares with TO1 will be SEK 0.4 and the maximum will be 0.6. The minimum subscription price to subscribe for shares with TO2 will be SEK 0.5 and the maximum will be 0.7 per share

There are presently 65,053,647 shares outstanding in the Company. The Rights Issue entails not more than 32,526,823 units being issued with pre-emptive rights for the Company’s shareholders. This means that not more than 65,053,646 new shares and not more than 65,053,646 new warrants may be issued. Assuming full subscription of the Rights Issue, the Company will receive not more than MSEK 32.5 before issue costs, which are estimated to MSEK 3.7. Assuming that all warrants are used to subscribe for new shares, additionally not more than 65,053,646 shares will be issued and the Company will thus receive an additional amount of not more than MSEK 42.3.

The record date for the right to participate in the Rights Issue is 18 March 2020.

The last day of trading including unit rights is 16 March 2020. The first day of trading excluding unit rights is 17 March 2020.

The subscription period runs from 20 March – 3 April 2020. Trading with unit rights takes place between 20 March – 1 April 2020.

The prospectus regarding the Rights Issue with full terms is estimated to be published on
16 March 2020.

The Rights Issue contains an oversubscription option of not more than 4.95 million shares directed to the guarantors that may choose to set off a part against the agreed guarantee commission.

The Company’s main focus is to further advance the main project CG01, which focuses on focal epilepsy, on its path towards clinical trials. To pursue the project further this new issue of shares needs to be carried out.

Subscription and guarantee commitments

80 percent of the Rights Issue is covered by external guarantee commitments, partly including the subscription commitments by the Board of Directors.

Partner Fondkommission is the financial advisor in connection with the Rights Issue.

Comment by Jan Nilsson, CEO

“With this new issue of shares Combigene will receive resources to further conduct the epilepsy project CG01 with full force. The results from the animal trials show a very promising potential for all those epilepsy patients that do not have any medical treatment alternatives. The market potential for our chosen indication is SEK 4-10 billion per year even with careful assumptions. We welcome shareholders to take part of this exciting journey.


Har jo bare ventet pÄ dette selv om det kanskje kom litt tidligere enn jeg hadde trodd med tanke pÄ at de har en del Horizon 2020 penger ennÄ. Men var kanskje fornuftig Ä gjÞre det nÄ ettersom det sannsynligvis er fÄvkurslÞftende nyheter Ä vente i 2020.

Jeg er klar for Ä fylle pÄ her :+1:

Safety fÞrst nÄ og sÄ klinisk. NÄr vi kommer dit sÄ tror jeg vi ser en helt annen verdsetting enn det vi har i dag.

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Voldsom utvanning, 200% flere aksjer om det blir fulltegnet og alle TO benyttes

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Blir vel strengt tatt kun 100% utvanning. 2 aksjer = 1 unit = 2 aksjer (de har det med Ă„ gjĂžre ting komplisert :slight_smile: )

Det jeg liker med emisjonen er at innbetalingen og bestemmelsen av kursen skjer fÞrst i August og September. Det gjÞr strengt tatt at dersom kursen begynner Ä gÄ oppover i forkant pÄ nyheter sÄ kan det bli rift om aksjene for tilgang til units. Det kan dytte bÄde kurs opp og gi verdi til eksisterende aksjonÊrer som fÄr unites/tegningsretter. I tillegg er emisjonen garantert 80% sÄ finansieringen i forhold til emisjonen kommer uansett pÄ plass. Dette kjÞper selskapet ganske godt med tid fremover pÄ vei mot Ä nÄ klinisk fase.

PÄ kort sikt sÄ har dette slÄtt ut som det ofte gjÞr med emisjoner, men liker at vi allerede nÄ har sikret finansieringen som ikke skal skje fÞr pÄ hÞsten. Da kan en fokusere pÄ driften fremover mot klinisk fase. Synes dette er veldig bra. FÄr heller tÄle at markedet gav kursen en liten trÞkk her. Tror det fort kan snu ganske sÄ bra utover hÞsten. HÄper ihvertfall det :slight_smile:

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Du mÄ huske pÄ TO-ene ogsÄ :grin:

TO1 og TO2 er fra det jeg kan se de 2 aksjene en fĂ„r fra uniten. Det stĂ„r ogsĂ„ at det finnes 65,053,647 aksjer og at det vil med fulltegning vĂŠre “no more than 65,053,646 shares”. Jeg tror jeg fortsatt det jeg skriver er riktig. De har hatt en emisjonen tidligere som var ganske lik. Uthevet i teksten nedenfor. Jeg tror jeg har rett, men aldri godt Ă„ vite nĂ„r det blir sĂ„pass detaljert :joy:

Ikke for Ă„ gjĂžre dette til en stor sak, men det er kanskje bevist fra selskapet at de gjĂžr meldingen uklar.
Det skal tildeles 32 526 823 units. Hver unit inneholder 2 aksjer, 1 TO1 og en TO. Dette vil da gi 65 053 647 nye aksjer, 32 526 823 TO1 og 32 526 823 TO2 :abacus:

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