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CombiGene AB (COMBI)🇸🇪

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High activity level in the pain program COZY in preparation of the final preclinical toxicology program

  • May 11, 2023

Since the beginning of 2023, CombiGene and the Danish company Zyneyro have jointly developed the pain program COZY. The goal is to develop an effective treatment for severe chronic pain, a common and often difficult to treat condition. The program consists of two projects – a peptide treatment (COZY01) and a gene therapy treatment (COZY02), both of which are based on a new mechanism of action for pain-relieving treatment.

Both the peptide and the gene therapy are being developed for treatment of severe chronic pain conditions, the gene therapy is reserved for patients where the possibility of spontaneous reduction of chronic pain is judged to be limited (or unlikely). The peptide-based therapy is expected to be ready for human studies within a few years, while the gene therapy will need a few more years to reach the same point in its development.

Selection of partner for COZY01’s pivotal preclinical toxicology program
Since the collaboration with Zyneyro began at the beginning of the year, the level of activity has been high. After the companies’ first joint steering group meeting, work has intensified regarding preparations for the pivotal preclinical toxicology program in the peptide project COZY01. The preparations include, among other things, the ongoing selection of the company that will produce the material for the pivotal preclinical toxicology program and the company that will conduct the toxicology program. Choosing the right partners is an extensive task that has long-term and important consequences.

Early interest from NIH
An independent evaluation of the potential of COZY01 as a future pain treatment is ongoing at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the US, in a government-funded program (Preclinical Screening Platform for Pain, PSPP) aimed at finding non-opiod-based pain relief options that are not addictive or result in tolerance development.

COZY01 has undergone the first level of three and has been selected to move on to the next level where the substance will be tested in different pain models as well as for any disturbances in behavior and motor activity.

During the first quarter of the year, CombiGene and Zyneyro worked on preparatory activities for the next level.

“The fact that COZY01 has already been recognized by the NIH is of course extremely encouraging and points to the great need for new forms of pain relief. COZY01 has passed the first of three levels in the PSPP program and has moved on to the next level where the substance will be tested in different pain models and possible neurological side effects. It is also very gratifying to note that CombiGene and Zyneyro have quickly established a very good collaboration and that the pace of the project is now high and focused on the upcoming pivotal preclinical toxicology program,” says CombiGene’s CEO Jan Nilsson.

About the pain program COZY
Chronic pain can be devastating for those affected. The disease also leads to enormous costs for society. Between six and eight percent of the adult population is estimated to suffer from severe chronic pain, and the societal costs of chronic pain are estimated at USD 635 billion annually in the US alone.[1]

Conventional treatment consists mainly of anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, anticonvulsant drugs and opioids (a group of substances with a morphine-like mechanism of action).
The problem with these treatments is that they are not specifically developed to treat chronic pain. The pain relief that is achieved therefore often has a number of debilitating side effects such as substance abuse problems, depression, anxiety, fatigue, reduced physical and mental ability.

The COZY program is being developed to address these enormous challenges by offering effective pain relief without the problems that today’s drugs can bring.


Statusuppdatering från CombiGenes vd - BioStock

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Aktiedagen Göteborg 15 maj 2023


Nytt nyhetsbrev nettopp lagt ut fra CombiGene.

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According to succession plan som de skriver.

Noen som har satt seg godt inn i den?

For me as Chairman of the Board of CombiGene, it is very satisfying that we are now carrying out this change of CEO in accordance with pre-established succession plan. Together with the rest of the Board and all employees at CombiGene, Peter Ekolind and I are looking forward to continue the development of the Company into an increasingly stronger and attractive gene

Corden mener dette kan ha noe med saken. Ceos nye rolle her

Ellers er folk forventningsfulle at ny kost kan kommunisere og få frem verdiene bedre.

Så må vi ta høyde for at det kommer noe negativt om Spark? Bør ev komme raskt, vil jeg tro, slik at ny Ceo ikke får det på sin vakt.

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Huff, håper ikke det, da ryker alle analysene rundt omkring :cold_face:

Hvorfor tror man det skal komme noe negativt om Spark?

Jeg tror ikke det er veldig sannsynlig. For 2 dager siden så kom de med nyhetsbrev hvor de kom med oppdatering på møtet som nylig har vært. Der melder de om et veldig vellykket møte. Jeg tror nok mer det er at han sikkert ønsker å redusere arbeidsbyrden og jobbe med andre ting da han begynner å bli en eldre mann. Er også en del på facebook gruppen som har ønsket at han skulle byttes ut, men selv hadde jeg gjerne sett han være med frem til klinikken. Blir spennende å se hva som skjer fremover her.


Det gjøres deals

Alexion, AstraZeneca Rare Disease, enters agreement with Pfizer to acquire a portfolio of preclinical rare disease gene therapies. Under the agreement, Alexion will purchase and licence the assets of Pfizer’s early-stage rare disease gene therapy portfolio for a total consideration of up to $1bn, plus tiered royalties on sales.



Det var vel ikke noe ekstraordinært som kom frem i rapporten, utover at prosessene går fremover?


Og dagens melding betyr?

Significant progress has been made in the gene therapy field since CG01 was first designed, both in terms of manufacturing and in the formulation of gene therapies. For the epilepsy project CG01, this means that now is the perfect time to take full advantage of this new and important knowledge and optimize some of the components of the project before moving it towards clinical studies.

Når biotek skriver at det er den perfekte tid til å gjøre endringer og det egentlig betyr; sorry, vi må utsette litt til, så gjør de alt kommunikasjonsmessig slik de IKKE bør spør du meg.

Tror de investorene er dumme?
Sorry, men blir litt oppgitt over slik kommunikasjon :sweat_smile:

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Basert på det jeg leser over skal de bringe ny tech inn i CG01 og får dermed en utsettelse, men også et bedre produkt.

Som sparegrisen sier: Markedet virkelig hater utsettelser

Får se hvordan dagen ender. De har Spark i ryggen og en slik melding burde absolutt akkompagneres med oppdaterte timelines for drug og cash runway, imo.

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