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Prototyping combos - great things to come Exiles...
— Joel Bylos (@joelbylos) 22 August 2017
Pleeease ikke ødelegg mer enn den fikser!
Bare å håpe, morsomt å se alle memes og lovord de får FØR folk har prøvd den iallefall.
185 kommentarer allerede.
Håper virkelig den fikser de største problemene…
fy søren om det ikkje funker no da…
Da lager de bare en ny patch i kveld og så bruker ms en uke på å godkjenne den, så får vi fiksen tidlig neste uke.
Da har de mistet veldig mange kunder/potensielle kunder…
Konk neste!
Emisjon da, først
Intervju med CM’ene. Siden er tysk, men her er en lett oversettelse. Uansett positivt at de er on track, og sier at alle lovnader kommer til å være i spillet før endelig release. Framover blir hovedfokus å rette på bugs, exploits og glitcher.
Even if Funcom is not present directly at Gamescom, we met the three community managers Jens Erik Vaaler, Nicole Vayo and Andy Benditt, and asked them about Conan Exiles . After the last expansion: The Frozen North, the question arises: what’s coming next?
Many secrets at Funcom
The three community managers were not able to answer most of our questions, because much information is still held back by Funcom. The community managers themselves are, among other things, not trained in everything, and often do not know what is programmed or designed behind closed doors.
We could still get some information from them - at least two additional gods are supposed to find their way into the game and there might be more. There could also be an additional expansion in the future - but that is certainly not certain. In the near future, however, the developers will mainly deal with bug fixes , as well as the removal of hacks and glitches.
The promised content comes - as promised!
The content announced since the beginning of the early access, such as mounts, thralls adjustment and the purge will find their way into the game before the release. The community managers assure us that the promised content will also land safely in the game.
Mounts, for example, is already functional, and was supposed to be released with The Frozen North. The feature was however removed from the expansion, as it was not quite ready yet. But they are on the right track.
Mounts er nær klar! Wow det var herlige nyheter!
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Blir vell litt feil og si det slik??
This list will be updated regularly as each respective publisher’s/title’s specific Xbox One X enhancements are confirmed
De som er på listen er bekreftet hvis det var det du lurte på?
Veldig bra at de bekrefter the purge. Jeg tror det kan være en veldig kul PvE feature!