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Conan Exiles ⚔ (FUNCOM)

En stor tysk streamer (477k följare på twitch) är tillbaka på Twitch efter en lång frånvaro. Börjar med Conan Exiles. runt 600 tittare atm



For de som ikke har sett filmen conan the barbarian. https://youtu.be/SSmlB9j7XCo


#121 i dag, forventer egentlig ikke noe større bevegelser før live får det nye kampsystemet.


One thing’s clear, and that’s that Funcom want the full release on Conan Exiles on 8th May to be a really meaningful one, bringing in more accessible systems, a new swamp to explore and plenty more. As Joel stated, “You see it with Early Access a lot where games sort of trickle into release […] but the difference between the live game that’s on Steam now and the launch game that you’ve been playing today, there’s a big wide gap in the play experience. I’m really excited to see what players make of it when we actually launch it.”



…och idag får vi se mer av swamp i streamen! :grinning::ok_hand:t2:


Begynner interessen for CE å ta seg opp så smått?

90 dager view “Conan Exiles - Video game”


Fredrik gör sitt för att bidra till hypen :smile:


Får hoppas att han har rätt! :crossed_swords: :slight_smile:


Liam Mcintyre er australsk skuespiller og spilte i den siste spartacus serien


(Hittills :wink: ) ganska positiv omtalan av spelet… Och detta i en gammal build! :slight_smile:


Gts 102 nå faktisk. Lokalt oppe på topp 15

Stream begynner straks, se Joel vise frem myra!


Begynner å skje noe i google trenden også (tallet for denne uka er estimert).




Den der kommer han til å ramme inn og henge på veggen på kontoret sitt :joy::joy:

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:joy:. Du borde lagt in Jens i ansiktet bakom!

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Hvordan var streamen i dag?

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Ok, ikke så mye nytt.

Eeeeen ting som Joel nevnte heeelt på slutten:
Det kommer ikke noen flere biomer … til dette kartet. :stuck_out_tongue:

Implisitt, hvis spillet selger bra, så kan de finne på å lage et helt nytt kart, med nye biomer. Jeg vil tro at hvis det blir tilfellet, så kommer de til å lage det som en betal-DLC.

I tillegg, så spekulerte vi om de kom til å komme med en siege mode når spillet kommer ut, ettersom journalistene hadde vært med på sieges, men det kom klart fram i dagens stream at det var bare et siege av en borg de hadde bygget på sin interne server for at journalistene skulle få et siege.

Utenom det, så synes jeg de virket mye mindre slitne og relativt fornøyde. Det er masse småbugs i spillet men de er nettopp det. Småbugs.


Stream Notes and Answers: April 10th, 2018
This stream focused primarily on the Swamp biome and answering questions from the chat.


  • We’ve dubbed it the Swungle, because we’ve called it both a Jungle and Swamp. Though, it is more of a swamp than a jungle since it’s not as dense.
  • We won’t see Jens in a Derketo cosplay. :frowning:
  • There is a reason that there’s a swamp there in regards to lore.
  • We entered the Sandswept Ruins. There is a mystery character sitting in a high chair. An old man who knows about the sandstorm, why it’s there, and how it works. He was not currently there on the version Jens and Joel were playing, but it’s not Conan.
  • With the swamp will come lots of new resources, armor sets, locations, and such. Lotuses and vines (which can be broken down to plantfiber) will be added.
  • Fixing decay is a big focus for the code devs. Everything we’re doing right now is bug fixing because we’re on content lock. We won’t be adding more content from what we have on the internal build that will be at launch so we can focus on fixing and smoothing out the game.
  • There are giant roaming spiders in the swamp. You’re welcome.
  • We don’t have an exact date for TestLive going Live. The build we played on is an internal build.
  • There are more buildings and lore to discover and figure out why you’re there in the Exiles Lands.
  • Private server admins have the option to turn the Purge off on their servers, but we’ll talk more about the purge in the next stream. We’ll also show off the Volcano on a future stream.
  • We showed off the Pagoda of Boundless Lusts, which houses Yakira, Priestess of Derketo. She’s actually voiced by Frida Wolf! Who you may know from The Park game or Mass Effect: Andromeda as the female Ryder.
  • We’re doing a on of internal testing on the Swamp and Volcano. Those are completed in sense of landscape. We are doing mechanical stuff though and don’t want to spoil things in it. We’re stabilizing the launch version and it takes time. The plan is to move combat and the purge and lots of new content (building things and weapons) before launch to live.
    It’s been on TestLive for a while to help with finding and fixing these bugs before going live.
  • We want to be clear that the team who works on AI, are not the same team who works on, say, new content and additions. We have different teams working on different things.
  • We very likely won’t make an Endowment Potion for women. Apparently there is one for men? Maybe one after launch. We can’t add anything before launch than what we have internally due to the content lock.
  • We walked into Flotsam. It has a camp with a wrecked ship and looks super cool. They have the Blackhand Pirates, who made it out here to the Exiled lands and trying to patch the ship up to leave. They are hostile.
  • No plans to add boats for players right now.
  • We can’t add gliders due to lore.
  • The Purge is when NPCs come to attack your stuff based on where you build once your purge meter fills. For example, if you build in the swamp, you’ll be attacked by the pirates and animals in that area. The desert will be relic hunters, hyenas, and so on. If you build on a mountain, then undead can come from underground. There will be waves and a boss at the end. The Purge will contain some unique NPCs you may want as thralls. No where is safe!!!
  • Showed some really pretty and colorful hornbill birds walking around in the swamp.
  • You’ll be able to build in the trees so you can build upwards.
  • We’ve tried to centralize certain NPCs to certain areas. So Silkwood will have the giant spiders instead of scattered around the map.
  • There will be world bosses in the swamp. There are 4, Jens thinks.
  • We entered The Passage, which has a tight cave to walk through. You almost feel a little claustrophobic walking through. However, the passage ends in an enormous cavern. Which has spiders, of course.
  • No race exclusive items, ever. Joel won’t let it happen. Mostly for roleplaying and backstory. It’s about making the character you want to make, not forcing you to certain stats. Same with having Gods. You can explore all forms of the game and make it free form. We want you to be able to experience it all.
  • We saw a carrier thrall walking around with a big backpack. He’ll be able to carry extra stuff for you. No word if they’ll carry and hit halves of a coconut together…
    If we can get the time and people, we can do magic for the game. It’s something we have to see about.
  • We can get new beards, hairstyles, and such if it’s something our character artist can do. It’s a wait and see kind of deal.
  • There are a few developer voices in the game. Some merchants at least.
    Unfortunately, you won’t get to have mods on Conan Exiles for consoles. It’s very difficult and we don’t have the infrastructure of it.
  • Showed off the Derketo Tier 3 alter. The fires on it is witch fire! You’ll be able to dye fires to different colors soon.
  • Also showed the male Derketo priest outfit. Has a skull face piece and it looks awesome. The female version has nipple covers in case you were wondering.
  • We’re 100% aware of Xboxers being unhappy about the wait for an update. The plan is to update Xbox before launch. We apologize for the wait but we promise we haven’t abandoned you.
  • Derketo was summoned on the stream. She looks badass and also half rotting. She can step on buildings and destroy them but her main attack is a breathe attack that does hurt enemies. However, she also has a healing breathe because she is both a good and bad goddess.
  • Jens killed himself when summoning Derketo the second time and it was hilarious: https://clips.twitch.tv/CrowdedAntediluvianPastaItsBoshyTime
  • Would you consider removing dodge roll during swing attack animations? Nope, dodges cancel.
  • Next biome is not Atlantis.
  • Private servers won’t get a full wipe at launch. That’s up to the server admin. But official servers will be to give equal footing.
  • Italian language will be available at launch!
  • Will removing your bracelet be possible in the future: Absolutely is. If you complete the whole story in the game and you do it you will die and never come back into the exiled lands. So you’re basically deleting your character if you do it. Kidding? Who knows! You’ll see!
  • Crossbows MAY come back but not until after launch.
  • Joel says he likes where bows are in terms of power. There seems to be a lot of debate on that.
  • You do not have to buy the game again if you bought it already in early access.
  • Balliste are not coming for launch. Maybe one day?
  • Anything about DLC or post-launch stuff, we will talk about after launch since we’re putting all focus on launch at this time.
  • New music will be added! Some of it is already on TestLive. You can get the soundtrack through the Barbarian Edition.
  • Jens will be in London for EGX Rezzed. This won’t effect development since Jens is the only one going.
  • There will not be another biome coming in the Northeast. The map at launch will be the complete map of this area.

En av tingene vi spurte Funcom om når vi var på investormøtet var hvor dyrt/tidkrevende det var å lage innhold til CE vs SWL. Svaret var at det var veldig mye billigere.


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