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Conan Exiles ⚔ (FUNCOM)

Altså, det er ca 2 måneder siden release, og spillet er fortsatt ikke patchet opp til en stabil ferdig versjon. Nøkkeldeler av spillet har rett og slett ikke fungert for mange brukere (journey systemet, single player, spilling på x-box).

Ja, Funcom er bedre enn før. Men grunnfilosofien deres er den samme som tidligere. De jobber med grunnleggende systemer fram til omtrent en måned før lansering, og så satser de på å luke ut det aller verste i den måneden med fokus på å fikse / stabilisere spillbarheten de første timene og la en del annet være uferdig inntil videre.

De mener tydeligvis at med begrensede ressurser er det bedre å være veldig ambisiøs og bruke 1 - 6 måneder etter lansering til å fikse på ting som burde vært på plass ved lansering enn å være mindre ambisiøse og levere ett mer finpusset men smalere produkt.

Det er deres konklusjon, og det har jo lykkes bra med Conan Exiles - men jeg syntes det er synd at de ikke tar seg tid til å kvalitetssikre fordi jeg er overbevist om at det både går utover ryktet til selskapet og salgstallene. Kun min mening.

Ikke uenig men er det noen som vet grunnen til at de har samlet så mye forskjellig i en patch ? Er jo garantert at en så stor patch vil generere en del nye bugs og mye støy fra misfornøyde spillere.

EDIT: Virker også som om en del ting som skulle vært fikset ikke er fikset :

"I have a question, do you guys actually test stuff properly before saying what is fixed in the patch?

Fence foundations SHOULD be attachable to regular Foundations and Wedge Foundations

or does it mean if you use the word SHOULD that it doesn’t have to be tested because you merely think something MIGHT have been fixed but wasn’t actually looked at all…"

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Poster denne her også. :point_up::point_up:


Sjekk denne change-loggen :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::

Are you ready for this wall of text? If not, well it’s your fault really

You asked for it and we delivered. You totally rallied to the cause as we saw the TestServer fill up quickly with hundreds of you playing. A real sight to behold!
Over 900 of you helped us Stress Test this veritable book of fixes and updates.

You guys seriously rock! Thank you!

Clan Hierarchy Options
We’ve added more control for clans in the form of hierarchy options:
As a first step, we added a new “recruit” clan level, which is the default level after joining a clan.
Vaults will after the patch only be accessible by clan “members”, “officers” and “guild leaders”.
Recruits have to be promoted manually to a higher level in order to access vaults.
Threat Animations
Added threat animations for several animals to improve immersion. These will activate when you get close to the monster. The current system is work in progress.

Detrimental Status Effect Icons above Health Bars
Added Detrimental Status effect icons above enemy target health-bars which indicates the current status effects applied by your weapon finishers like Cripple, Sunder, Bleed

General Highlights
Light Armor Journey bug is fixed! No, really, it is. Can we get a \o/
Added Detrimental Status effect icons above health-bars
The Clan Menu has been redesigned.
Fixed a case where corpses weren’t appearing upon launching the game.
Fixed an issue where your dead body would sometimes be invisible, even when standing right on the death marker.
Dying while offline will no longer respawn you in the desert with wrong hunger/thirst values.
The background image on the main menu has been changed to motion graphics.
Durability bars are now color coded depending on the item type.
Fixed a problem where players could sometimes be removed from the clan between logins.
Human NPCs no longer get stuck after throwing one javelin/orb.
You can now spawn in quest items using the admin panel.
Garden areas in the volcano zone now apply Noxious Gas debuff.
Adjusting the harvest amount multiplier no longer affects how many skeleton keys you receive from bosses.
Fixed a bug where humanoid NPCs (including skeletons) would do more damage on you in their first attack than any other attack.
Shields have been adjusted and provide much more armor.
Much facederp removed (Unique NPC’s should no longer look as if their mother and father were brother and sister)
You can now mute players using the Player List.
Crimson Lotus Powder can now be used in the grinder.
Put your hands together for Irniz of the Furnace who now remembers how to make Epic Flawless Zamorian armor.
Currently Known Issues
Blood stains on your character do not go away (being fixed)
you cannot place the small well on the ground (being fixed)
Khitai DLC items only display in English text
DLC main menu GUI widget is hidden
Some of the NPCs you approach will sometimes not aggro or attack you, they will attack you as soon as you attack them

Fixed an issue where logging off after placing down a new building piece could result in an infinite loading loop
Various client crash fixes.
Optimized stamina code which improves server performance
Optimized spawn code to be more performant.
Modified update frequency for different actor types to improve server performance.
Fixed and issue with the carousel causing the game to crash.
Your game will no longer crash when rapidly clicking the Inventory and Visceral Camera shortcuts.
The game will no longer crash when certain keybindings are reset with either mouse or keyboard.
Crashing occurred previously after switching the camera from 1st person to vanity while flying with a selected placeable object.
Reduced update frequency for expensive physics functions to improve server performance.
Optimized camera state machine to reduce overhead on dedicated servers.
You can no longer place foundations on Lore Tablets.
Walls in the Volcano dungeon should no longer be climbable
Fixed collision to prevent building base inside mountain at Sillway base.
Fixed collision to prevent building base inside mesh at Kaels Stronghold.
Updated code to relaunch Battleye process if it gets stopped.
Fixed an exploit related to using chairs underwater.
Fixed collision to prevent building base inside tube like structure next to Ruins of Xullan.
Fixed collision to prevent building base inside a tower near Priestkings Retreat.
Fixed collision to prevent building base inside tower near the Tradeway.
Fixed collision to prevent building base east of Black Keep/Ruins of Xullan.
Fixed collision to prevent building base at Deserter’s Gutter tubes.
Fixed an issue that made it possible to regenerate stamina while climbing.
Patched up multiple areas you are not supposed to build in or reach.
The cave entrance to Warren of Degenerates can no longer be blocked off.
Patched up meshes in the Frozen North and Highlands that could previously be built inside of.
You can now learn Serpentmen weapons from the volcano dungeon.
Exceptional and Flawless Hyperborean Slaver set can now be crafted.
All kinds of Hyena Fur Armor should now be accessible
The Shining Trapezohedron can be harvested from the Degenerate now.
You can now craft Obsidian Tools in the Volcanic Forge.
You can now correctly learn the recipes for the Obsidian Javelin and the Obsidian Throwing Axe.
The Volcano flowers now give resources.
Mask of the Witch Queen can now be looted from the Witch Queen’s corpse.
Fixed an issue with foundations where it was possible to create a double layer of protection.
Fixed an issue where traps would remain in the air after dismantling the structure they were placed on.
Updated collision on large trees to allow building nearby
Fence foundations should be attachable to regular Foundations and Wedge Foundations
Khitan Stairs can now be easily upgraded to Khitan Stairs with rails
Alter of the Bat can no longer be dismantled.
Ladders now require less stability than before and thus can be stacked better.
Fixed a case where some placeables could be interacted with if you were not the owner and should not be able to.
Black Hand Tent - Lateen can be placed on the ground correctly.
Much facederp removed (Unique NPC’s should no longer look as if their mother and father were brother and sister).
NPCs should no longer rubberband, teleport, then hit you from far away.
Fixed an issue where a thrall would disappear when moving them out of the thrall slot
Fixed an issue where thralls would use shields once, then never again
Fixed an issue with human NPCs not facing you while attacking.
Fixed a problem with thralls not respawning after being dragged away and hidden.
Fixed an issue where moving a thrall would cause it to move incredibly slowly to the new location.
NPCs should now be able to attack at different elevations with reach weapons.
Enemies no longer lose aggro when the user sits on a chair with armrests.
Fixed problem with thralls swapping weapons
Non human NPCs no longer ignore players in The Passage cave.
Human NPCs no longer get stuck after throwing one javelin/orb.
Fixed an issue with Serpentman sometimes shooting with swords when away from said enemy.
Fixed cases where Exile NPCs would wield weapons and shields when either out of combat or in idle state.
Adjusted spawn rate for crafters on the pirate ship.
Fixed an issue where the Witch-Queen would not retaliate when standing in a particular place in the room.
Llarn Steeltoe was incorrectly flagged as a T3.
Thugra has been given an actual weapon to fight with.
Crocodiles will now attack when inside water.
Added a white dragon at the bottom room in the Frost Temple.
Fixed issues with Serpentmen boss clipping into a wall and preventing it from attacking players.
Collision for dragons has been improved.
Wight creatures no longer spawn in clumped up.
Tent-mending NPC in Raider’s Ridge was previously suspended in the air.
Fixed a bug where humanoid NPCs (including skeletons) would do more damage on you in their first attack than any other attack.
Dancers in Conan’s Tavern no longer drop loot.
NPCs were previously located in an inaccessible building in Sepermeru.
Moved Thrall Priest on Altar of Set ontop of the altar, instead of being submerged in it.
The Witch Queen can no longer be knocked unconscious.
The Witch Queen can no longer be killed by her Statues.
Razma’s looks are now consistent throughout the game.
The Pagoda area now have more lemurians with an increased amount of priests and crafters available.
Human archers in the volcano now wield Falcatas instead of stone swords.
Fixed a bug where the Alpha Snake would not aggro the user and couldn’t be harvested.
Fixed a crash issue with the Purge.
Messages have been altered to be more comprehensive about building restrictions during the Purge.
Fixed some spawn issues with purge NPCs
Some of the purge areas have been tweaked.
Nordheimers now spawn more reliably during a purge.
All Star Metal weapons should now equal Khitai weapons in durability, armor penetration and damage.
Fixed repair-cost issue with Khitan armors
Fixed a balance issue for DLC building pieces
Insulated Wood recipe now consists of 2 Resin, 1 Oil instead of just 1 Resin to bring the cost of Tier3 Black Ice buildings more on par with Tier3 stone buildings.
Obsidian weapon crafting has been revamped. Obsidian now requires Composite Obsidian to be crafted. This resource can only be crafted in the Volcanic Forge, and the recipe can be (re)learned from the end of the Volcano dungeon. Obsidian weapons can be crafted in any blacksmith bench as long as you have Composite Obsidian.
The climbing bonus from armor flexibility has been rebalanced.
Planter structures previously only took 2 HP per damage from trebuchets.
The “Thatched Awning” building piece’s stability now correctly decreases.
2 Handed Epic Spears now all require he spear handle as part of the recipe.
Weathered Skull previously had 0 HP.
Updated the 1st Hyrkanian bow feat and modified text.
Fixed incorrectly set up damage multipliers on the Kinscourge that caused him to deal less damage than intended.
Fixed light attacks with Warspear of the Black Circle, which used more stamina than Heavy attacks.
Hot temperature debuffs adjusted slightly - removed max health penalty from them.
Silent Legion armor now requires epic (perfected) paddings.
Fixed an issue where hatch doors had the same HP as walls instead of doors.
Damage increase from Accuracy perk 10 now correctly increases damage by 10%.
Changed Yellow Lotus Potion expiration time which is now consistent with other potions.
Chests are harder to break. They broke too easily before if accidentally hit during a fight.
The chest behind the snake boss in The Unnamed City now gives legendary loot.
Armor penetration kit bonus was lowered from 15% bonus armor penetration to 5%.
Extremely Cold debuff reduced maximum health by 40 instead of 50.
Weight of the Dragonbone throwing axe has been reduced.
Greater Wheel of Pain feat no longer requires the Master Craftsman feat.
Changed some ingredients required to craft certain Religion Tools.
Hyena armor now increases temperature by +8, rather than +10.
Fixed Weight values of Baal-pteor’s to be more consistent.
Glowing Wall Torch now provides temperature bonus.
Vanir armor now grants improved frost-resistance.
Cooling down/Warming up effects from drinks and food has been increased in efficiency.
The food poisoning buff now has a reduced duration and does damage more rarely, giving some time to heal between each tick.
Skinning Knife now gives less hide when used on human NPCs.
Religious tools from temples no longer give Manifestations of Zeals when crafted.
Journeyman Roofer feat now requires Apprentice roofer feat.
Health values for the Rocknose King Molten and Boss have been balanced.
Bonuses from the Relic Hunter armor have been balanced.
Sandstorm Breathing Mask and Setite Mask now grant temperature bonus.
Increased bonuses from temperature foods.
Lessened the effect of the cripple from 0.9 to 0.3.
Glowing Essence must now be crafted from the Firebowl Cauldron.
It was previously not possible to click the “OK” button after typing the wrong IP address and then timing out.
You will no longer get a loading screen if the wrong Direct Connect IP address is entered.
Fixed a bug where you couldn’t open the admin panel after opening it during an Avatar summoning
Fixed an issue where the Journey Step UI would reset after logging out and logging back in
Game now displays the correct error message when a player tries to join a co-op session while it’s closing down.
Tethering Distance slider should no longer be grayed out in the New Game’s Custom sub-menu
Changed Purge Meter Update Frequency to Purge Meter Update Interval and updated tool tip.
Added a tool tip to the “Avatar Lifetime” combat server setting.
“Cause of death” messages should now be properly localized.
Removed placeholder preview image which could show up when using the dye functionality from a crafting station.
You can now access purge settings while playing.
Fixed an issue where editing the Player Idle Thirst Multiplier and Player Idle Hunger Multiplier as an admin did not save after applying changes.
Made the on/off switch more intuitive on crafting stations when using a controller.
The Clan Menu has been redesigned.
In the settings menu, nudity is now a dropdown option to be in line with other setting choices.
Disabling laptop mode no longer requires the client to restart.
Added proper resolution scaling when in windowed fullscreen mode. In this mode, only resolutions with the same aspect ratio as the desktop resolution are available.
The background image on the main menu has been changed to motion graphics.
Only first armor color slot can be selected in dye UI using mouse & keyboard. (?)
Buttons located on the left and right side of the keybindings can no longer be permanently dismissed with the controller.
It was previously possible to permanently dismiss almost the whole keybindings with the controller.
Stackable items will now merge with it’s empty stack icon on the toolbar when the toolbar is full.
Durability bars are now color coded depending on the item type.
Voice chat indicators no longer stop showing after respawning.
Adjusted the Event Log to look more like the other menus within the main menu.
Modified the Iron War Axe description so it no longer suggests that it’s made from steel.
Modified description on Hardened Steel Bar.
Updated description of The Great Sword and Obsidian Pick.
Changed default decay colour of food and drink
You can now spawn in quest items using the admin panel.
Added proper resolution scaling when in windowed fullscreen mode. In this mode, only resolutions with the same aspect ratio as the desktop resolution are available.
The list of humanoid NPCs in Admin Panel is better sorted.
“Invalid Placement” text was previously difficult to see against snowy ground.
Moved DesertCooking book so it cannot be build over.
Religious tools have been re-labelled for constinstancy.
Adjusted quality for the standing torch particle effect.
Collision for plants in the planters have been removed.
Updated the Stats Menu, where the lower part of the effects text was cut off.
You can now mute players using the Player List.
Functional Warpaints now properly decay over time.
Fixed a bug where dropping multiple items wouldn’t combine them into one big bag
Khitan building pieces can now be crafted from the quickbar/radial menu.
You can no longer activate Ansel from the main menu.
Placing an item on the ground will no longer trigger a basic attack animation.
Swimming through water no longer causes stamina drain. (?)
Destroying buildings on and around corpses now causes the corpses to react correctly to the physics.
Nudity level now updates instantly after changing it in the server settings.
Loot log now correctly shows items remaining when consuming food.
Player can no longer drop items through walls.
Fixed a problem where players could sometimes be removed from the clan between logins.
Fixed an issue that when pressing the crouch button in shallow water, your character would start swimming in the air over the water.
A loot chest previously spawned on top of a rock in Dustdevil Ridge.
Corrected some spelling errors for the Door Frame building parts.
Fixed an issue where if you placed anything but a weapon in the first slot of a weapon rack, the rest of the weapons would not be displayed.
Fixed an issue where Ivory Horns had 0 HP upon placing.
The “spit emote” book is no longer located underground.
Insulated Wooden Frame Foundation no longer has the same model as Stonebrick Fence Foundation.
The sickle now correctly loses durability when you harvest plants.
Fixed an issue where only two master workstations can unlock “Create Master Workstation” Journey Step.
Stone throwing axes can now be crafted from your inventory.
You can no longer control your character during the ending cinematic and walk through the Cursed Wall.
Some of the green crystals could previously not be harvested in “The Passage”.
Fixed controls when climbing under a ceiling.
Brimstone can now be harvested with multi-tool.
Fixed an issue where you could not open a map upon exiting to the Main Menu when any Avatar is summoned and re-joining it.
Craft All button was previously inactive if you had resources for 1 or 10 items.
Fixed a case where using the Extended Leap perk would limit your interaction and attack ability.
Fixed a case where the trebuchet’s inventory could not be accessed.
Fixed an issue where bombs would roll and explode/damage both where they stop and where they started.
Added water volumes to the shallow water in the swamp tunnel.
When using a controller, there was an issue where you were no longer able to navigate the main menu if the wrong password was entered in.
You can no longer sit in a chair that someone else is already sitting in. Get a room, you two!
Adjusting the harvest amount multiplier no longer affects how many skeleton keys you receive from bosses.
Exceptional Nordheimer Armors recipes no longer missing from armorer’s bench with a tier 3 Nordheimer armorer attached.
Fixed a bug where an NPC would attack a player sitting on a chair, but the chair would be destroyed leaving you stuck in a sitting emote.
Black Ice pickaxe showed wrong requirements in the UI.
It was previously very easy to destroy mini-boss loot chests by accident and not get the rewards.
Armors are now set up with the right descriptors (Some had the wrong one, claiming armors were Low Grade or Mid Grade while they were in fact High Grade, etc).
Fixed a bug where you could join a server from the main menu if it was previously highlighted.
Fixed a bug where the letter in The Unnamed City instantly closed.
Dragonbone items’ claimed that dragons do not breathe fire, though the Red Dragon clearly does. The text has been changed to reflect this.
It was previously possible to use a shield with Dragonbone Spear, Maul and Two-handed Sword.
It was previously possible to shoot at the Abyssal Remnant without activating the boss.
Spikes no longer have 0 HP upon placing.
Fixed an issue where “Get Dedicated Weapon” achievement would not trigger in all localizations.
Dye would previously not work on radium gem wall torch.
Most weapon-recipes now grant the “Craft Weapon” journeystep instead of only select primitive weapons.
Fixed a bug where Avatar heads (Mitra, Derketo) got stuck looking sideways at random directions.
Maximum encumbrance value does now updates correctly after resetting all attributes while the Attributes menu is open.
Fixed a bug where no religion name would show in character creation.
Fixed an issue where your Skeleton Key would be consumed every time you interacted with a Legendary Chest, whether it was opening OR closing.
You can now die from jumping into the lava pools in the volcano dungeon.
No longer possible to block hits with a building brush anymore.
Patched up holes in the towers within the volcano that previously allowed players to get inside.
Added building blocking near the Shrine of Oracle.
Patched a hollow area inside the Bridge of the Betrayer so you can no longer build inside it.
Fixed the terrain in The Pit so it’s no longer possible to get under it.
Patched up a place in the Boundary Spillway that was possible to get inside.
Fixed a pocket inside a mountain at “The Crevice” that could previously be built into.
Removed redundant pillars underneath the Deathwhisper Ruins location.
Fixed collision issue for Status of the serpents in last boss throne room in Skelos Dungeon.
Fixed some grass that was floating on the desert, between Dustdevil Ridge and Summoning Place.
Your character you should no longer clip into the ground textures near the Aviary.
Fixed collision on doors in one of the house types in Sepermeru City.
Fixed collision on part of the Khitan Rooftop Junction.
Water inside Deathwhisper Ruins Cave was missing water volume and effects.
Fixed issue with curse wall near buccaneer bay that caused building issues.
Moved the building blocker slightly near buccaneer bay so you can now build on rock spires off the shore.
Pillar lying on the ground was missing bottom texture near Flamemist Camp.
Filled in gaps between textures near the North-West side of The Unnamed City.
A crafting station side-bar has been added for the Tower of the Bats.
Fog from the environment behind the Portal at Altar of the Bat was showing through the portal.
You can no longer build in previously buildable NPC camps.
Fixed collision in Black Hand Camps that was missing from one side.
Fixed positioning for Rasmajournals that were hovering and covered by ground.
Added missing fragment of cobblestone floor in ‘The Unnamed City’.
A tree was clipping into a rock near the Descend of Dragon area.
Adjusted a visual where the seamline was visible on the north-east quarter of in-game world.
A rock inside The Well of Skelos dungeon had misaligned collision.
Fixed rock mesh from Hanuman’s Grotto which could be seen sticking out from the sand.
Fixed collision on various mountains when climbing them.
Adjusted terrain surrounding a tower near tradeway that allowed bedrolls inside it.
Fixed a bug where you could clip through a rock on Southern Desert Area.
Fixed some floating rocks in The Unnamed City.
Garden areas in the volcano zone now apply Noxious Gas debuff.
Adjusted collision with masks inside the Palace of the Witch Queen.
Fixed collision on branches of large trees.
Fixed multiple floating objects in the Flotsam camp (heh).
Two tents in the Skulker’s End were previously placed in the air.
Grass is no longer growing underwater at the far north-east of the swamp area.
Patched up an open seam in the landscape at The Ruined Outpost.
Fixed textures on the cobblestone floor in ‘The Well of Skelos’.
Adjusted the LOD distance for the spooky trees in the Shattered Springs area.
Fixed an issue where some Insect nests were hovering off the ground.
Fixed a bug where the magical barrier around the Volcano Dungeon boss was climbable.
Collision from the top part of the Throne in the Witch Queen boss room has been fixed.
Fixed weird sideways tilting of certain monsters when they moved on uneven terrain.
Slightly adjusted rotation rate of shellback taunt.
Cinematic events are no longer triggered from far distances.
Subtitles in the opening cinematic were off-sync.
All cinematic events now have 3D sound instead of 2D sound
Fixed a bug where using a Keystone while a clan leader could break the ending cinematic.
Updated and hooked up different animation for climb up from ledges.
Ragdoll on bound thralls has been adjusted and looks better.
Added sound effects for dismantling placeables and crafting stations.
Fixed wrong or missing audio for several GUI elements.
Added sound cues when browsing inventory.
Fixed Gui Audio during Character Creation
Fix for purge audio playing on top of itself.
You should no longer hear the Witch-Queen dungeon sounds of battle outside the intended area.
Glowing sticks no longer have fire sounds.
Toned down the amount wolves howled at night.
Combat Music no longer persists after combat with non-killable NPC or Dragging an unconscious NPC.
Added sounds for sliding ice chunks.
Fixed a case where ghostly wind sound looped constantly and would not stop.
Fixed Vocals for wheel of pain.
Crafting Complete GUI sounds were annoying over time. They are lowered in volume and have distinct but subtle differences depending on crafting category.
Fixed a case where newly created character VO was inaudible if no Voice option was been chosen by the player.
Fixed audio on young animals since they were silent when players hit them. You monster.
Eat & drink items now play sound when you use them.
Added missing waterflow sound effects by the river in Oasis.
Added sound for Sandstorm

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Liker vinklingen (min utheving)

As with the previous Chinese-styled Imperial East pack, it’s an entirely cosmetic bundle of new craftable construction blocks, decorative items, weapon skins and armour sets in Aquilonian (Conan’s Romans) style. Nice to look at, but it doesn’t offer any advantages over what’s currently in the game. Laudably, all the real new content is going to be delivered as free updates, at least for the time being.

Greia er jo at de har reprodusert en årsak til den rapporterte feilen og har fikset denne. Det de ikke er helt sikre på er om det er andre årsaker som de ikke har funnet. De burde nok ha skrevet noe mer i tråd med “Fixed a bug in relation to blahblahblah”.

Det jeg ser på som positivt her er at når en fyr klager på rubberbanding, så fikk han dette svaret fra en på rps:

There isn’t any rubber banding issues if you play on a private dedicated server. I’ve been playing on one since coming back with release.

I can’t understand how anyone can play official/private (non dedi) because the rubber banding is a joke.


The above is where I play, although Im sure there are plenty of others. Server costs ~£120 a month I think to run, so it isnt cheap. But having 70 players and no rubber banding etc isnt possible otherwise.

Mao, problemet er noe som går an å løse med mer hardware, eller videre optimalisering. Med tanke på at Funcom kjørte opptil 60 spillere på test-live nå, så er det et godt tegn på at spillet blir mer og mer optimalisert.

… Nå skal det sies at Funcom ikke helt vil ha folk på de offisielle serverne, men heller på private servere, så opplevelsen på de offisielle serverne kommer nok aldri til å bli bedre enn “grei nok”. :stuck_out_tongue:


Absolutt! Viktig å presisere at man ikke får spillfordeler ved å hoste opp penger :slight_smile:

Ja en del klaging kunne nok vært unngått med å formulere patchnotes bedre.

Noen som vet om de kjører wipe på testlive mellom patcher? Når jeg leser tilbakemeldinger på patchen så slår det meg at en god del av feilene sannsynligvis ville blitt oppdaget hvis de oppgraderte en eksisterende server og sjekket hva som ikke funket etterpå.

De kjører vanligvis ikke wipe, men denne gangen wipet de charactere. Vanskelig å få folk til å spille der hvis serveren blir wipet hele tida. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ja men hadde de tatt en snapshot av en eksisterende server og oppgradert den burde de vel ha funnet en del av de problemene de hadde med denne patchen ?

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Ligten digresjon, men jeg lurer litt på om det er teknisk mulig å lage en slags bot som skal gjøre all slags ting i spillet og rapportere debug-info om hvordan det gikk? En slags simulert spiller som kun har som oppgave å sjekke om ting fungerer eller ikke.

Ja, men utrolig vanskelig å lage en som et god nok til at den for noe verdi.

Det jobbes naturlig nok med en hotfix

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Tror jeg også. Ville kanskje fanget opp noe, men ikke forsvart tiden det tar å utvikle den.
Mange feil blir vel oppdaget ved at spillere gjør saker og ting som ikke utviklerne så for seg at de skulle gjøre, og da blir det vel vanskelig å kode noe som skal finne de :slight_smile:

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https://www.humblebundle.com/monthly Conan Exiles i Humble Monthly.


$12/month men jeg kan vel avslutte med en gang? Så det er i realiteten CE + 2 spill på superrabatt? :sweat_smile:


Ingen hotfix i dag :frowning: Synes dette er elendig av funcom og håper bare at de klarer å få ryddet opp i morgen.

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Så ca 1.juli hadde CE 1140205 owners på steam…


Er det mulig å finne ut hvor mange reviews Conan hadde frem til 1 juli og dermed koble disse to?

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Ja, hvis vi spør @colzjek :stuck_out_tongue:


Så 1.juli hadde CE 1140205 - refunds + (de som ikke har spilt enda) owners på steam :wink:

Jeg lurer på hvor mange humble spill som faktisk blir spilt. :stuck_out_tongue:

I mitt eget tilfelle ca 1 av 10