Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

CrayoNano AS

Jeg liker endringen her, og det er jo flott for oss at RSU settes 14kr :slight_smile:

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Supertechifo; valid statements there; bare though in mind that the change of remuneration is for 2023, nothing really said about the future.
Cannot see any reason for having this EG, other than possibly making sure the options are valid before others taking over !?
If so, meaning two things; takeower very soon, entering a Stock somewhere, and value then expected considerably higher.
This is speculation, but again; what other reasons are there for this early EG?


I see this general assembly as clearly technicalities to have the valid documentation for extending Jo Uthus previous obtained options, and making him Chairman as of now, fulfills the argument for doing just that. In addition giving previous Chairman Rune Rinnan RSUs despite he has never taken any pay for the roles during the years, also is a sign of taking the “last opportunity” for some RSUs with the rest of board. Its a combine opportunity grab, but its within reasonable scope.

The strike price of 14,- is the lowest the board can go without pissing of the other shareholders or signalling to the market that the current stock price is reasonable (low). So clinging to the “latest” emission capital raise price of 14,- from April is also 100% clever on paper.

The rushing of the general assembly from ordinary in the spring to the “first thing in the new year” is obviously done for a purpose. Rushing the documentation.

Remember the board has not put in a new CEO yet, and the longer it takes…

If it will be announcement of M&A by signed lawfully binding purchase agreement, it usually takes between 3-6 months before finalizing and completing the transaction, and the current/new board members almost always signs contracts to stay available and supporting the M&A until completion. That why in my opinion of Uthus going Chairman and new CEO is not “found” - is a great fit for acquisition.

It boils down to the strangest aspect, Uthus just left and no new CEO announced, not even for a future date, meaning Uthus just left before takeoff as he personally stated on LinkedIn.


Min vurdering er åpenbart spekulativ opp mot vekting over til RSU fra kontant oppgjør.

Når det er sagt vil jeg minne deg om ubekreftede meldinger om bud fra kinesiske investorer som priset selskapet i de luftlag jeg indikerte. Sekundært vil jeg minne om at du kan velge blant en mengde børsnoterte selskap og finne ubalanse i verdsetting:

Ta f.eks. NEL, som fortsatt ikke tjener penger = taper milliardbeløp årlig er priset til ca. 11 mrd…

Du bør holde deg for god til å definere andre til å være useriøs / tullete i det børslandskapet vi befinner oss i!!


Also board member Jan Eyvin Wang representing CNANOs 3rd largest investor (Wilhelmsen family company Skips Tudor) is leaving the board.

God jul til alle sammen! :santa::christmas_tree:🧑‍🎄
La oss håpe på lysere tider med Crayo-NANO-wires. Gen2. i alle dingser :white_check_mark::bulb::bulb:



Takk det samme :santa::christmas_tree:🧑‍🎄
Men la oss håpe at også CrayO-NANO passer i de samme dingsene snart :wink:


100% tenkte det samme :white_check_mark: etter jeg leste posten igjen :checkered_flag:


Fortsatt mulig å plukke noen aksjer under 20kr.-.

Edit: det var selvsagt en spøk.

Fortsatt mulig? Her har det vært salg året rundt. :joy:

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:slight_smile: :rocket: :sweat_smile:

ferie på meglerne?
Ingen som matcher kjøp og salg?

Fill or kill.

Ser ut til at vi starter året på 11,5kr. Noen som har gjort et lite støttekjøp?

Se om det holder til stengetid :innocent:


Måtte sende opp en liten rakett. Ble for fristende :rocket:


Og tenk hvor mye du skapte i ekstra formueskatt. Selskapet ble verdt 93 millioner mer med den handelen siste handelsdag i 2023.

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Opps. Utgjør formueskatt ca 750 kr hvis man har Crayonano for 100.000 kr ?
Og så gikk den opp ca 28% i dag så da da blir det et par-tre hundrelapper ekstra per 100.000 ?
Jeg har snittkurs på over 13 så snittet faktisk videre ned med å kjøpe der selger lå i dag(11.50)…:wink:

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CrayoNano er et unotert selskap, hvor Formuesskatten er basert på formuesverdien (ligningskursen) og ikke på kursen på OTC. Formuesverdien er langt lavere enn kursen på 11,50.


Utdrag fra Jo sin nyttårs blogpost på LinkedIn

According to a dozen or more analysts, consultants and investment banks - 2024 is going to be a good run for tech-companies (again?). Capital will flourish, IPOs will once again happen and particularly in semiconductor and adjacent industries will we see consolidations, PE acquisitions and strategic investments in startup and scale-up companies (perhaps even with non-AI companies!). Meaning that those of us working in these industries will actually be able to execute disruptive plans and make an impact!

To witness the $600bn semiconductor industry from outside of the US can be overwhelming, but for me it is a humbling experience to be a small part of fast-growing Norwegian businesses that disrupt, challenge and outgrow in this very competitive space! Either as board member (or chair), CEO, investor, shareholder or just a mentor, coach, friend and supporter to old colleagues, friends and really really good people!

I have learned alot and promise to put the learnings to good use for 2024 and beyond!

:point_right: CrayoNano for allowing me to hold CEO position while the teams formed to release products, onboard 40+ customers and build the foundation for true semiconductor scale growth in the UV-C LED disinfection markets.

Learning that a focused strategy, willingness to adapt (again!) and hard work with Jens Gustav Kielland now in the CEO role and the team positioned to run fast with our customers is a winning formula. I am truly excited for next year with me taking a much more strategic role entering in the next phase of the company.

…and a big thank you for allowing me to follow, be inspired by, invest in, admire and learn from a large number of other Norwegian companies with same struggles, experiences and learnings, I´m sure…