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CrayoNano AS

The company restructuring continues, they are not hiring anybody in Norway.
New additional position ended in CrayoNano. The person used to reside in Trondheim, but not now.

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Tenker du da oppkjøp eller relokalisering i eks Taiwan?

At de trekker info om listing på EuronextGr kan vel både bety listing et annet sted eller oppkjøp.

Det at det blir færre og færre ansatte passer vel best med oppkjøp som har blitt nevnt. Ingen ny CEO er funnet.

Hva betydning har det at Jo Uthus nå er ny styreleder? Vs at det blir færre ansatte og ikke ny CEO?

Det er spennende det er sikkert, men det er ikke godt å si hva som skjer. Det er vel sagt på tidligere trade updates at dette er en hemmelighetsfull bransje. Og siste 6 ish mnd’er viser at de kan evt være gode til å holde tett?

Regardless of stock listing, acquisition or venture capital investment growing, you would like to build the semiconductor company near the expertise, competence, supply chains, distribution hubs etc, and Taiwan is such a place.

Without any major breaking news from the company, the torture of the shareholders will continue.

However, the facts are there, the employee number in the Norwegian Business Register is down from 44 in the summer to 27 as of today. All non-tech positions and operations are being ended, despite for 3 sales managers. So among the employees visible on LinkedIn, the company has 3 roles regarding sales. In addition the company is lacking a new permanent CEO, the longer it takes, it would support a case of being acquired if combined with the other signs.

There has been major statements from the board, former CEO, the new GM in Taiwan about the accelerated commercialization and the “incredibly journey ahead” and “journey towards technological excellence”. With that being said the employee numbers does not support a stock listing, because they are not hiring anybody and not doing any roadshow. Actually the super acceleration of commercialization is not supported in what the company is doing in practice, thats why it might be joining a company with existing sales and marketing in the industry.

Former CEO stated few days ago on LinkedIn he thanks the company (board) for being “allowed” to be CEO, but now he is made Chairman, and actually ironically given the power to insert new CEO himself. That part is very strange because usually you would announce the new onboarding CEO at the same time, and all research shows that CEO being put in Chairman roles hampers the development of a new fresh CEO.

In my opinion he might be put in that Chairman position to support a handover/transfer/integration period, which is normally a requirement from a buyer.

As with former employees in the company, many of them has not updated the position actually being ended some time ago, which is normal when looking for a new job. Some has update ended position in CrayoNano with no new job, which supports the position has been ended because of a process and given a severance package (and parachute for CEOs are normal).

Excluding the Taiwan branch, which is 5-10 persons now, there are 30 positions being listed on LinkedIn outside Taiwan possibly getting pay from Crayonano AS, but the employee number in the Norwegian Business Register is as mentioned now 27, more of the people has actually left, but yet to update their profiles.

RSUs: The Extraordinary General Assembly last week was to convert board compensation from cash to stocks and actually extend the expiration date of the existent stock options to former CEO. Even former Chairman was given RSUs for 200K NOK (@14,-) regardless of not taking any compensation earlier years. This is a clear sign of preparations.

My takes:
1: Stock listing and sales focus = Employing sales personell and doing massive roadshow with PR/media (not happening as of now).

2: Acquisition = Scale down the positions (sales/marketing) the buyer already has covered and implement hiring freeze as part of integrations process. Stop doing PR/media because it is not needed. Buyer would decide new CEO and the former CEO helps the buyer to transfer the assets/tech/culture.


Det var det noen som kjøpte på 10 kr
Salgsposten er like stor fortsatt så da er det altså skjulte aksjer til salgs i tillegg til de 25.000

Kom mer inn på 12 kr også:

Hvis det er snakk om oppkjøp, kan de ha fått en avtale om kjøp av nok aksjer til å gjøre disse endringene vi ser i selskapet? For meg ser det ut som en bred eierbase her. Ville man ikke forvente et bud til aksjonærene først?

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Her er det mye ville spekulasjoner. Jeg er mest spent på oppdateringer om 2 gen produkt

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The board is free to do any restructuring or strategy changes as they see as necessary, either as part of preparation for signing a deal. First is the signing of term sheet and then signing of definitely purchase agreement. The final agreement needs voting in general assembly though usually the largest owners will sign NDA and show backing of the agreement.

So you do not need any special clearance for singing term sheet, participating in due diligence and restructuring of the company. Signing of the definite purchase agreement is also allowed, but it will include a clause which say it needs voting in accordance with previously existing shareholder agreement and laws.


Basert på selskapets status og utvikling, er det mye som taler for at det vil skje store ting i 2024

  • Nye kontrakter
  • Økt salg
  • Notering
  • Oppkjøp
  • Synliggjøring av potensiale

Dersom ikke kursen er opp minst 100% fra dagens nivå rundt 10 kr innen året blir jeg overrasket…

If they are in a capital raise crisis, they cannot state “is accelerating fast into the commercial scaling phase”, if the funds are not backing it.

Previously observing Jo Uthus need for putting himself in the center of attention (LinkedIn, namedropping, tagging), maybe as a newly minted Chairman he wanted to be “attending the party” before announcement being made (“put me on the page”)?

Some strange and speculative reflections here at the moment. I am looking forward to Q presentation included product update

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De har sagt at det går som planlagt. Og nå har de sagt de skal oppdatere på Q update i feb. Så ikke noe breakthrough å melde om virker det som nei, men de kan ihvertfall tydelegvis oppdatere oss på noe om ca 1 mnd

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Skal ikke si at det er slik, men jeg tror nok selskapet må holde kortene tett til brystet for tiden nettopp på grunn av prosesser vi ikke er kjent med. I og med at de er på NOTC er informasjonskravene lave, noe som resulterer i forvirring hos oss som er vant til OBX-nivå på infoflyt.

Jeg tror definitivt ikke selskapet er i noen stressposisjon, og jeg tror enda mer definitivt at EIC ikke ville investert om fundament / ledelseskvalitet er så dårlig som en kan få inntrykk av (pga lite informasjon og “underlige” bevegelser i ledelsen).

Jeg sitter i ro, som EIC.


Er ikke så mye annet å gjøre, enn å sitte stille i båten å vente :innocent:

This is very interesting, not involving CrayoNano directly as a company, but involves very close current actors of CrayoNano.

Huge acquisition in the industry (UV lighting) was completed a couple of days ago (announced September), that Excelitas Technologies acquired Heraeus Noblelight.

Who is on the Board of CrayoNano?
VP / GM of Excelitas Technologies, William Bill Cortelyou.
He was CEO/President of Phoseon Technologies for 16 years, company also actually acquired by Excelitas last year.

Who is on the advisory board of CrayoNano?
David Harbourne, former president of Heraeus Nobelight (just bought by Excelitas)

Harald Maiweg, former VP of Heraeus Nobelight

Who is in the management of CrayoNano?
Michael Peil, CRO of CrayoNano, previous GM and Head of Business of Heraeus Nobelight for 11 years.



Well done, Vince! I believe the solution lies there; it’s evident that the historical foundation is seamlessly integrated into/with CNANO. This response seems to be closely guarded, and undoubtedly, it will be positive news for CNANO shareholders.

Do you have any data on revenue, employees, and financial results for Excelitas?


Thanks Vince - I like your analytical apporoach. If CNANO had been listed on another stock e. - these speculation about takeover etc would set fire on the stock - not to burn but lift the value. I believe that there is limited amounts of traders/owners to make a uplift of the volume. However I hope that existing owners will not let the company be bought under NOK 30. Can we have a discussion about what a fair value should be? Maybe financial newspapers gets any info on a later stage… Some months ago I saw a note from DnB - stating this could be the next Semiconductor sucsess from Norway after NOD…

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Ironi? :slight_smile: Neida, men litt moro at de poster om informasjon og kunnskap om selskapet mens vi her inne kanskje føler en viss mangel…

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