Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

CrayoNano AS

4000 aksjer a 7 kr :point_right::money_with_wings:

21% ned der ja…
Er ikke noe gøy dette :rage:

Blir som å kjøre bil, hold blikket festet langt fremme :slight_smile:


Om 1 år er 7 kroner glemt

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Det har snart blitt sagt i to år :slight_smile:

Bortsett fra at tidligere het det, «om en stund er 25 kr glemt»

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Det er jo tre år siden.
Skulle jo vert listet for 2,5 år siden. Nå er det ingen som vet noe.

De går nok tom for penger før det skjer noe å da er nok 14 kr blitt 5-8kr i emi kurs.

Uansett … 35% retur på tapet er jo litt. For de som ikke tørr mer……

37,84% faktisk :laughing:

Bør du som eier aksjer og aksjefond gjøre noe før nyttår? - DNB Nyheter.

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Enda bedre, eller verre - ikke rart folk flytter til Sveits. Er nesten ikke verd å få gevinst heller. Tenk når gevinst på aksjer blir 110%…

Additional position ended before Christmas, along with the others since summer/H2 2023.
Employee handling the maintenance of the MOCVD machine, which we know was sold/divested in the Trondheim lab, due to moving everything to Taiwan.

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More incoming ending positions, 3 positions to be announced ended, now in tech.
Seen in connection with all the ended positions since the summer, something major is happening at CrayoNano. With regards to the announced future bullish and confident news plus 100+ current customer in-design, either the company is faking it heavily or the breaking news is incoming.

Characterization Engineer Mukesh Yadav starting a new company and 2 current employees in CrayoNano joining:

David Barriet, Process Team manager
Jong Wook Noh, Senior Process Engineer

Vincent - Thanks for sharing and investigation. Agree - very interesting. I guess we will see soon…

Most likely ? Buy out…?

And what will the result be for shareholders? NOK 20?

Alt er jo ren gjetting. Jeg tror selskapet selges for et eller annet sted mellom 2-4 milliarder.

Det ser ut at det er nesten tom for penger…kutter stillinger for å overleve…

Typically the company would cut positions only after being acquired.m. It looks more like they are trying to manage cash flow so they can last as long as possible in this tough macro environment for companies without revenues. They should have listed during the green boom in 2021-2022, but missed that opportunity unfortunately. CNANO need to be acquired in the next year or another dilution of shareholders will happen, this time more significant than before. Also personally I find CEO/CFO combo as big red flag. Looks like they struggle to attract good candidates. Also, I would not read too much into what they say or write, it’s typical bullshit without any facts. Overall the situation is very concerning and it is reflected in falling share price however not representative OTC is…I am shareholder, but has already written off this post

And they burn around 20 million per quarter…so I guess in the Autumn they will have to raise…unless they are acquired by that time.

Konverteringskursen var 16 kr

Jeg skjønner ikke helt logikken for å være helt ærlig…også gitt at Jens er CEO nå uten særlig kompetanse i industri og kombinerer den rolle med CFO. Jeg forstår hvorfor Jo vil bli styreleder - han beholder opsjoner, ikke sant?