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CrayoNano AS

Det hadde vert gøy. Men er ikke helt overbevist

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Ikke overbevist om at de ikke ønsker å gjøre opp for hele oppkjøpet med en gang, eller ikke overbevist om et oppkjøp?

Ikke overbevist om at det er et nært forestående oppkjøp.


Jeg tror også mest på en strategisk investor som tar en mindre andel. Samtidig så ser jeg at det er noen store investorer (NTG) som har behov for å frigjøre kapital, og det får meg nå til å helle litt mer mot et salg av hele selskapet enn hva det har gjort før.

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Oz; eller “management buy-out” ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Dekningskontroll i morgen, trekk på mandag er siste info fra SP1 nå

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Jeg forstår ikke hva du mener med det. Det er tildelt for lite referanseaksjer til at det er tilfellet, og alle aksjonærer har hatt samme mulighet som NTG til å tegne seg for referanseaksjer.

At det er tildelt for lite aksjer kan også skyldes at EIC fondet ikke ville/kunne investere mer. For å unngå for mye utvanning kan de ha krevet null overtegning i rep emi.
EIC sin andel av preferanseaksjer utgjør ca 700 000

Hvis en strategisk investor kjøper hele eller deler av NTG sin post (til en pris som NTG kan forsvare - ref. egen verdsettelse + premium), rettet emisjon mot denne kjøperen, samt muligens frivillig tilbud til andre aksjonærer - så tror jeg mest på en slik eller lignende løsning.

Management buy-out hypotesen som trekkes frem her tror jeg ikke på, med begrunnelse i at jeg ikke kan forstå hvordan de skal få finansieringen til dette på plass. Forklar gjerne mer hvordan dette kan være et reelt scenario, @EgilJan ?


Om beholdningen blir synlig i porteføljeoversikten vil variere litt fra plattform til plattform mente hun i SP1. Feks der vil beholdningen være synlig. Dette har jo mest symbolsk verdi, men for min del håper jeg det vil synes i Nordea investor

Medvind: som du kanskje så av emojien jeg la inn, så var det et noe spøkefullt scenario!
Imidlertid har jo andre bemerket at det frigjøres kapital fra NTG, og brukt det som begrunnelse for salg til strategisk investor, noe jeg ikke forstår logikken i ettersom man må anta at investoren(e) har sin egen kjøpekraft.
Om altså ikke investoren er managementet.
Jeg verken tror eller håper på et slikt scenario, men det skader aldri å ha et åpent sinn; det har foregått rarere/verre saker enn dette i lignende situasjoner.

Jeg skjønner litt mer hva du mener nå, takk for oppklaringen og beklager at jeg ikke tok humoren rakt :blush:

Har også sett noen stygge buy-outs oppigjennom, føler ikke at det er i ferd med å skje her - tror både vi er «beskyttet» av fondene som er med her, samt at jeg opplever at styret er redelige.

Blir noen veldig interessante måneder fremover nå, vi vet jo at vi i stor grad har fasit på spekulasjoner i alle retninger innen Q3 (for da trenger de mer cash).

September 27, 2023

ams OSRAM secures €300 million in funding

The lighting and semiconductor company specialist is expanding its chip development in Germany and has secured funding worth more than EUR 300 million. The money comes from the federal government and the Free State of Bavaria as part of the EU initiatives to strengthen the European chip industry.

The German federal government and the Free State of Bavaria intend to provide IPCEI funding to drive next-generation optoelectronic semiconductor technologies from ams OSRAM in Regensburg, Germany.

The funding is intended to boost the further development of semiconductor technology. The envisaged IPCEI funding (Important Project of Common European Interest) will support ams OSRAM in making its own investments in the R&D of optoelectronic components at the Regensburg location.

ams OSRAM says in a press release that it is striving to strengthen its development and manufacturing location in Regensburg for future investments. The funds received will be mainly invested in activities for the R&D of optoelectronic semiconductors and their manufacturing processes, thus creating 400 new high-tech jobs.

In addition, ams OSRAM will invest in new clean room and laboratory facilities for research, development and pilot production – equipped for working on various applications, such as UV-C LEDs for disinfection and near-infrared emitters for LiDAR for autonomous driving, as well as on fields of application in the context of Industry 4.0.

The construction of the first pilot assembly line for 8” wafer production is currently underway in order to launch the cost-efficient large-scale production of highly innovative microLEDs in the very near future.

“By expanding our development activities in the field of optoelectronic semiconductors, we can create room for innovation and accelerate the time to market for our products”, says Aldo Kamper, CEO of ams OSRAM, in the press release. “At the same time, our investment is a clear commitment to Regensburg as an industrial hub, Bavaria as a high-tech location, and Europe as a hotbed of innovation.”

ams OSRAM secures €300 million in funding (evertiq.com)

Tilfeldig at Crayonano besluttet å legge ned sitt laboratorium og clean room i samme vaset?

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300 Mill € er jo endel penger… nok til å overta noen patenter ol. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Dette må da være i gaten til cnano?
In addition, ams OSRAM will invest in new clean room and laboratory facilities for research, development and pilot production – equipped for working on various applications, such as UV-C LEDs for disinfection and near-infrared emitters for LiDAR for autonomous driving, as well as on fields of application in the context of Industry 4.0.

Er nåværende CEO en tidligere Osram leder også?

Dr. Dobbertin has an extensive international track record in leadership positions in the photonics and semiconductor industry. As General Manager and Vice President at ams AG in Singapore for optical components and prior to this, heading the global laser business at OSRAM Opto in Germany, servicing tier-1 clients globally. Further, he headed the Optics Business Unit as SVP for Nanofilm Technology International in Singapore, in addition to consulting and advisor roles. Thomas earned his PhD in electrical engineering from Technical University Braunschweig in Germany.

Altså hvis Crayonano sine er bedre enn det Osram har i dag ?

Klart de er det :slight_smile: :crossed_fingers:
Fortsatt så er det ikke alltid at de beste vinner…
Ta nokia… Kan ha det beste produktet men det er også behov for en visjon/strategi og alt det der…

## CrayoNano AS: Share capital increase and Subsequent Offering ### Company news ### 2024-07-04 21:50:57

Trondheim, 4 July 2024: Reference is made to the announcement from CrayoNano AS (“CrayoNano” or the “Company”) on 14 June 2024 regarding the general meeting’s approval of the share capital increase pertaining to the private placement of 937,288 new preference shares (the “Private Placement”) and the announcement on 1 July regarding the completed subscription period in the subsequent offering of up to 1,189,059 new preference shares (the “Offer Shares”) at a subscription price of NOK 14.00 per share (the “Subsequent Offering”).

The share capital increase pertaining to the Private Placement has been registered today. Following this the share capital of the Company is NOK 769,235.68, divided into 37,524,496 ordinary shares and 937,288 preference shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 0.02.

Further, the board of directors of the Company has resolved the final allocation of the Offer Shares based on valid subscription received under the Subsequent Offering, and has conditionally allocated 221,973 new preference shares.

Notifications of allocated Offer Shares in the Subsequent Offering and the corresponding amount to be paid by each subscriber will be set out in a separate allocation letter to each subscriber. The allocation letters are expected to be sent on 5 July 2024. The deadline for payment for the Offer Shares is 8 July 2024, in accordance with the payment instructions set out in the Company’s prospectus dated 17 June 2024. Payment for the allocated Offer Shares must be available on the specific bank account on the business day prior to the Payment Date, i.e. 5 July 2024. Subscribers who are not domiciled in Norway must ensure that payment for the Offer Shares allocated to them is made with cleared funds on or before 10:00 hours (CEST) on 5 July 2024.

Subject to timely payment of the Offer Shares subscribed for and allocated in the Subsequent Offering and registration of the share capital increase in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises, the issuance and delivery of the Offer Shares pertaining to the Subsequent Offering is expected to be completed on or about 15 July 2024|

Antar dette da gjelder de usolgte preferanseaksjene. Hvor det nevnte “brevet” sendes gjenstår å se :slight_smile: VPS antar jeg…

Dette er informasjon vedrørende de solgte preferanseaksjene.