Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

CrayoNano AS

Bra de holder aktiviteten oppe på marketing fronten. Synlighet er ikke feil. Og bak i kulissene er det meget spennende tider nå, ser må vi bare håpe det går veien. Trist som bare det i de fleste norske start ups på growth osv, må bare håpe Crayonano får det til


CRAYONANO Preferanse:
NTG 392 858 - dvs. de har fått tildelt nesten 7,3 % av eksisterende portefølje, det er vel knappe 0,4 % mer en tilbudet i rep. emi (6,9 %). Fremstår fair det.

Cofounder AS 142 857, 12,7 %.
Petrock II AS 100 000, 8,9 %.
Skips AS Tudor 88 000, 4,2 %.
PRO AS 75 000, 8,7 %.
Molver AS 60 000, 6,8%.
S. Munkhaugen AS 42 858, 7,5 %.
Weman 40 000, 3,6 %
Julmas AS 35 715, 12,5 %
Lucellum AS 17 045, 6,9 %

Vi kan vel avkrefte at det er noe som fremstår fishy her…



If this is the new shares for the preferred capital raise, then this is a major bull sign in my opinion.

Helge Weman is the founder of CrayoNano and the inventor of the whole technology + patents. He is participating with approx 500K NOK.

CoFounder is the first “outside” investor in CrayoNano many years back. They are a VC-ish.

Almost wanted new names on this, meaning they are able to attract international private capital. However, the founder and previous CTO participating is super, and they make no fuzz about it.


It is, I just received the full list. Chairman did not participate.

I think it is tidy the board members did not participate personally, and only through NTG for one represented member.

At start of the year, all existing board member was given RSUs anyway, so they already got that in direct compensation for work. Jo Uthus also got his options extended. I know Jo Uthus got a loan when he bought his shares some years back, so nothing special.

I guess the big question is, what happens next?

  • Why only bridge financing in may?
  • How long will the cash last?
  • What will the next financing round look like?

I believe Crayonano have been very accurate in their communication so far. So I expect

  • Strategic industrial investor
  • Valuation above the last share issue (NOK 14,- / share)
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Thats hard to say, it could be upcoming home run (acquisition) or a new round.

The only specific I would focus based on this last information is that the founder/inventor (and former CTO) has never bought shares since inception of the company in 2012, as of my information. He got a cut of the cake when the company was founded. Seen in light of his super-position and now putting in his own money while the company obviously has no intentions of hyping anything around it, and instead we have to dig out the information. That is a pure bull signal.

The company stated last week surprisingly at LinkedIn they would raise next round (if not acquisition or IPO instead) at no lower valuation then the last short term round. It is kind of strange stating that on LinkedIn and is a breach of pattern. It is very confident, so if a new long term capital raise is up next, I believe it will be on higher valuation.

Wildcard if new strategic investor, is the possibility to voluntarily sell shares to the new investor at the same valuation, or stay along, but without NOTC.

Morten Frøseth, partner in CoFounder, was previously CEO of Crayonano (2017).

Morten has more than 15 years experience from developing and leading research-heavy startups, most recently Crayonano, which is a spinoff from NTNU’s leading nano technology group.

I cannot findthis post on Linkedln. Is it deleated?

Joda, den er der fortsatt:

the lack of “buzz” might be because they know more than we do :slight_smile:

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NTNU Technology Transfer har visst skrevet av verdiene både i Condalign og Crayonano. Vet ikke hvor mye man skal legge i det men

Det er vel fordi de allerede har fått betalt for patentene sine, og Crayonano ikke har noe utestående til NTNU.

De er store aksjonærer på topp 20 listen
De har skrevet av fordi de ikke regner med gevinst.

De er nr. 18 med 421 425 aksjer. Men har de også skrevet av verdiene på aksjene?

Ja det har de

Hvor du har det i fra?

Daglig leder i selskapet sa det per tlf til en bekjent. 110% sikker kilde.
Det trenger jo ikke bety alt heller da, de vet jo ikke hvordan det ender de heller

Jeg finner ikke årsregnskap for 23, men i 22 hadde de bokført verdi tilsvarende kostpris, Ca. 18,2,-/aksje