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CrayoNano AS

This comment has been deleted, and it was there this summer. The comment most highly was an indication of an ongoing event after previous CEO departure and awaiting replacement.

In addition most employees are not engaging on LinkedIn anymore, despite being active before until around new years. Now it just a repeating regular group of 4-5 employees involved in activity.

Obviously new company policy and instructions in conjunction with" long term capital funding" process. Also seen in connection with all previous files, presentations, QA etc are fully removed.

Sitter med en følelse av at det ikke skjer noe av interesse før en tid etter den kommende delisting fra NOTC (når nå dette måtte skje).

My guess is that the delisting will complete very close to announced major news. Either the delisting will happen and then news follow very shortly (avoiding any trading reactions).

Alternative, the news will be announced first and then the delisting will be performed close thereafter. However, this will make a short window for market reactions, and a new buyer/investor would not like that.

The voting for delisting was just preparations for the upcoming event, to facilitate for fast delisting when other awaiting processes are finally cleared out.

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Jeg tror ikke delisting har noe med preferanseaksjene å gjøre, men ble bakt inn i EGF av praktiske årsaker for upcoming events.

Interesting, non of the companies presented on the delegation list from Canada visiting Taiwan work in water treatment/disinfection (or UV). Most companies are high tech working with innovations in photonics and optics for chip communications.

Not directly linked to CrayoNano, but major sell of shares in NTG last week.
Two transactions on a total of 5 324 669 shares, approx 7.5% of all shares.
This should trigger some news publishing - any TI Insider Plus to identify the transactions?

Sammenlignet med listene på Proff er Global Opportunities Pe AS ute (hadde 3,4 mill.) og Hadeem Imvest har økt med 3 mill. Om det har skjedd nå eller tidligere vet jeg ikke.

Dette gjelder NTG?

Jeg har en liten post i Global Opportunities og har nettopp mottatt info om ny utbetaling fra selskapet. Antar dermed at Global Opportunities nylig har solgt NTG- aksjene.

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New update with a summary from Taiwan event on LinkedIn. In my opinion it is very hard to grasp anything consistent out of this with regards to the company focus.

UV-C LEDs are in the context of water used for disinfecting water by killing viruses and bacteria, while wastewater treatment in semiconductor fabs involves more complex chemical and physical processes, such as removing hazardous materials and pollutants, which are not primarily targeted by UV-C technology. Wastewater treatment in chip fabs typically deals with contaminants that UV-C light may not be effective against, such as heavy metals and chemical byproducts from manufacturing.

We know nanowires and graphene materials platform are super areas of research by the largest companies when it comes to chips, ICs and even next-gen computing platforms involving photonics/optoelectronics instead of voltage, but this seems like a stretch for CrayoNano as of today? “A highlight for me…innovations to address the needs of AI…”

Whats happening, is this the new strategy with a new owner being involved outside UV-C LEDs, or are they really trying to already putting the company in the middle of everything for potential investors?

Others got thoughts on this?

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In a normal daily life for businesses I don’t see any strange things with this, but off course we all know something is about to happen so it’s natural to speculate about all aspects and activities now

Very interesting the angle on semiconductor industry with this attendance. The delegation participation list published online shows most companies working in opto/photonics as a cutting edge technology for chip communication and data transfer among other. Nothing connected to water treatment.

We know the company several times has stated the use of their hypermaterials platform for other use cases.

They are stating the following in light of the short term funding covering Q3. Sounds like the “long-term funding solution” is secured when they can state the following with 3 more weeks of Q3:

CrayoNano looks forward to being a part of the industry’s scaling and expansion…

Even if they where fighting for their life I think they still will keep positive statements like this on LinkedIn.
But I also think they have secured funding


Hva med dette next gen(nanowires) produktet ?

On the basis of a revised business plan with the market insight taken into consideration, the Company will reach out to its shareholders and other relevant stakeholders and continue to reach out to potential investors and partners to explore opportunities for the short and long-term liquidity needs in order to execute the revised business plan. The Company will update the market on the developments of the above-mentioned initiatives as soon as possible. It is highly uncertain if the above-mentioned activities will succeed and there is a risk that there is no basis for continued operation.

So “ready for stock exchange” in the Norwegian newspaper Finansavisen just some weeks ago?

Unable to obtain any funding from new investors on this breakthrough technology with numbers that would revolutionize the industry? The industry is full of M&A activity.

The 3x liquidity preference shares - is it just for covering a downside?

Får nok ikke noe for pref aksjene heller
Virker som vi har blitt lurt trill rundt her
Nå skjønner jeg hvorfor selskapet har lukket seg inne

It is pretty heavy to announce this message with regards to customers, partners, potential investors etc, since it affects the view of the company, and doesnt make it easier.

I have mentioned earlier that we would see the truth unfold with regards to new strategic investors. The numbers stated (performance, lifetime, power) for their technology is a revolution compared to the best in the industry, and that makes me question if they have approached any buyers (as in leading competitors) or new industry investors at all, because if the tech works, they would get the financing or being acquired. That makes me question if they have really reached out to them, because the touted tech may not work, and they would like to not get exposed. If the tech do not work, then how on earth, are they able to communicate how they do.

Nanowires is a breakthrough technology in the semiconductor industry involving a wast span of products, and the industry is doing massive investments all over the line.