Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

CrayoNano AS

Summarized: The board is quickly asking the general assembly for permission to sell the company despite it is a breach with the business plan. Possible fire sale.

  1. Mandate to sell assets
    Based on the Board’s assessment the underlying value of the Company’s assets is significantly higher than the debt of the Company, meaning that the balance is not insufficient. The Board may on that basis explore the possibility of selling some or all of the Company’s assets if deemed in the best interest of the Company and its stakeholders.

In order to allow the Board to continue these discussions while having all relevant tools available, the Board will ask the General Meeting for authorizations to carry out issues of new ordinary shares and new preference shares, as well as convertible loans with conversion right into ordinary shares and preference shares

The Board will also explore alternatives to sell the Company’s assets, including the Company’s IPR, which will require a resolution by the General Meeting.

Board was of the opinion that it was necessary to carry out the private placement of preference shares in the May 2024 equity raise to secure short-term funding and pursue short-term options for long-term funding of the Company.

Rart det ikke blir mer støy og oppvask.
De har altså sagt at selve teknologien som ingen kan måle seg mot skal være rett rundt hjørnet, siste info var at den skulle komme i Q4 2024. Og nå er de i stedet rett ved å gå konk ? De må jo ha skjult masse grums for aksjonærene her ??

Det er jo litt snodig at selskapet har satt seg i en situasjon hvor det fremstår som om de har gamblet på en langsiktig finansieringsløsning, som falt i fisk.

Noen høydepunkt i fra Investor Update 24. mai 2024:

  • Ongoing commercial traction and active discussions with a number of global names, some advanced
  • Achieved first cost reduction for the UV-C LED product, providing benefits to customers through a 10% lower pricing and improving CrayoNano’s competitiveness in the marketplace
  • Good progress being made in product development, and targeting to reduce the price-performance parameter by 50%, with pilot products anticipated to be ready by end Q4 2024
    *CrayoNano is in active discussions with a number of global names, some advanced, which could meaningfully scale revenue in the near-term, and hopes to announce a new contract as well as other partnerships shortly.
  • Alongside advancing contracts, progress in Q1 2024 included the further scaling of the global sales pipeline including design-ins, and improvements to the competitiveness of the UV-C LED product in the marketplace thereby growing the total addressable market. CrayoNano continues to have a secure order book of initial volume sales, and with the considerable scope to add contracts as the year progresses, is confident in the outturn for 2024.
    *CrayoNano is currently in active discussions and working closely with several global names, including a leading home appliance manufacturer, and hopes to announce a new design-in with a blue-chip brand shortly, as well as other strategic and commercial partnerships.
    *As detailed in the Financial Update below, revenue growth is anticipated to be second-half weighted due to the anticipated lead times.
    *CrayoNano has made further progress in the development of its next UV-C LEDs, and is continuing to grow the total addressable market and applications for its product through ongoing technology and pricing. Through recent engineering, CrayoNano has been able to achieve a first cost reduction for its UV-C LED product, providing benefits to customers through a 10% lower pricing and improving its competitiveness in the marketplace. CrayoNano is still targeting to implement a significant step forward to a market leading position by reducing the price-performance parameter by 50%.
    *CrayoNano has also secured five design-wins since the period end to date, illustrating the ongoing positive advancement of the pipeline following actively working with partners on design-ins. These design-wins cover a disinfection solution for the Korean public transportation system, water and surface disinfection for smart farming, and further water disinfection reactors.
    *CrayoNano already has the operating structure and purchased inventory in place to deliver on the initial NOK 13m order book. In addition, only modest additional operating costs and capex would be required to deliver on additional large scale volume orders.

Jeg googlet CrayoLed i går kveld, og fikk opp innlegg i LinkedIn kontoen til BSH (Siemens, Bosch, Gaggenau, Neff++). Men når jeg går inn på linken finner jeg ikke noe av teksten i søkesvaret. Kan den være slettet eller redigert?

Denne plutselige brå vendingen vedrørende fremtidsutsiktende virker noe suspekt.

Dette du refererer til er fra CrayoNano selv.

*The Board is authorized pursuant to the Companies Act section 11-8 to resolve to take up *
*convertible loans with an aggregate principal amount of up to NOK 220 million. Subject to this *
aggregate amount limitation, the authority may be used on more than one occasion.

Bør vel være nok kapital til å holde selskapet flytende opp mot 3 år, med dagens cash burn.

Ja hvis de får et sånt lån så er det vel bare å gå for det vel? Men da må vel banken først tro på at de kommer i mål og får kommersialisert produktet sitt ?

Fundamentalt avvikende kurs vs. det finansielle. Aksjen prises som en branntomt vs. faktisk gjeldssituasjon og de finansielle verktøyene som er / vil være tilgjengelig.

Du er en snedig ende, Apple :slight_smile:

Rumors suggest that a process went south, while explanations of customers not paying have impacted cash flow. The truth may be a combination of the two, as companies rarely disclose publicly when processes fall through. A long-term solution might have been close, given that the founder injected 600,000 NOK before summer, which they likely wouldn’t have done if everything looked grim or even average.

Regarding the company’s recent communications, we must remember the importance of fulfilling compliance and regulatory requirements on liquidity when being listed on NOTC, with NTG, the largest shareholder, also being publicly traded. With good corporate governance, I expect this unfortunate turn in communications to have been planned with some buffer and foresight. However, I won’t downplay the seriousness in the tone and content.

The company has already secured the necessary steps to hold an extraordinary general assembly. They are now practically asking for all authorizations to sell the company, either in whole or in parts, raise capital, or issue convertible debt. This will empower the board to act efficiently in dynamic negotiations since they will have decision-making power.

The board states that the value of the company’s IP and assets is much more significant than reflected in trading prices, and they clearly plan to explore every option. I believe the company would have folded long ago if there were no substance behind it.

Remember that the largest shareholders, since the start and around 2015/2017, hold shares at an average of 14-16 NOK per share, including investors like NTG, NIK, and others. This is the same level as the share issuance in spring last year and the short-term funding before summer.

I’ve always thought the company would eventually be sold to a competitor because raising capital for deep-tech novel inventions, especially in the semiconductor industry, is extremely difficult. It requires institutional investors with the right expertise and mandate. This is why most semiconductor companies with usable inventions are acquired long before commercial breakthroughs.

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Det må da vitterlig finnes noe mulighet for statlig støtte/bidrag/lån som støtter opp om norsk innovasjon og sikrer de i en overgangsfase fram til cash flow er tilstrekkelig til å stå på egne bein?

Når man vet hvor mye tull politikere kaster bort penger på…

Innovasjon Norge.

Send tips til CrayoNano-ledelsen, be om hurtig hjelp :slight_smile:

Men det er vel rammer for hva de kan bidra med, og jeg frykter kanskje er begrenset til et kvartals drift?

De er i hvert fall statlige, aner ikke noe om rammer, men CrayoNano passer som hånd i hanske i forhold til Innovasjon Norge sitt kjerneområde: Støtte til lokal idé og lokal oppfinnelse i Norge for salg i utlandet. Pro norsk eksport-industri.

Angående restverdi ved et konkursbo-tilfelle eller salg: At dette dreier seg om verdier over dagens kurs på 0,50 - 1, 00 kr kan nok være, men hvor mye vil det være igjen for de ordinære aksjene etter at de prioriterte preferanse-aksjene har stukket av med 42 kr hver seg først? DET er egentlig det store spørsmålet her for de fleste av oss aksjonærene.

Basert på den nåværende situasjonen, synes det å være en klar distanse mellom den allmenne forståelsen og de faktiske hendelsene. Jeg uttrykker et sterkt håp om at sannheten vil komme frem med tiden. På nåværende tidspunkt er jeg imidlertid ikke i posisjon til å dele ytterligere detaljer. Det kan imidlertid påpekes at vi alle har vært utsatt for betydelig feilinformasjon, og at dagens utfordringer i aller beste fall kan tilskrives ukloke og ubetenksomme beslutninger fra ledelsens side. Jeg er redd de aldri vil innrømme hva som har skjedd. Men det er ingenting som dette forumet har vært inne på foreløpig.

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Hvis du sitter på det du mener er viktig informasjon som allmenheten burde ha vist, så tenker jeg at det er på sin plass at du forteller det. Om ikke fremstår det kun som et forsøk på å skape enda mer usikkerhet.

Om det ikke er hans informasjon og opplysninger å dele, så er det ikke hans informasjon og opplysninger å dele. Det kan selvsagt være irriterende for andre, men korrekt av ham.

Hvis han ikke har noe fornuftig å bidra med så er det best å holde kjeft.