Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

CrayoNano AS

Altså! Er det svaret uansett markedsvilkår og prising?? Kan selskapet, under-ingen-omstendigheter, hente mindre enn det?

ELLER har du vært med på ‘pre-sounding’ og fått dette etablert som en nylig-og-fersk ambisjon?

Kan hente mindre, men eic har vilkår om matching av deres innskudd, så minst 100 mnok.

Takk. Det var tydelig fellili.

Så da sliter de med å finne en ‘Lead Investor’, for inntil 55 mnok ny fersk kapital.

Husk at EIC er inntil 5 MEUR!

Selskapet har hele veien sagt de ikke vil gå på børs hvis klimaet ikke er “rett”, problemet er vel mer at det har bare blitt verre og verre jo mer de har ventet.

Likevel holder jeg en knapp på @fellini sin kommentar like over. ref:
“I CrayoNanos tilfelle tillater jeg må å tolke lengre prosess på pengeinnhenting som økt sannsynlighet for bevaring av aksjonærverdier.”

Kanskje jeg også tolker feil, i så fall har jeg en veldig dårlig inngang :exploding_head:

3 dager igjen til Q1 er over - og hva betyr det at EIC term sheet går ut 31.03.2023?

Bør vi ikke høre noe om emisjon/listing senest i morgen?
Eller trenger de ikke komme news enda selv om de går med EIC ?

Ser vel ut til at time frame knyttet til term sheet med EIC forlenges - slik det har blitt gjort før?

Fra 27 Mars.

«CrayoNano har allerede inngått et term sheet med European Innovation Council (EIC) Fund for en investering på opptil 5 millioer euro. Sammen med lånet fra de tre største aksjonærene vil dette danne fundamentet for den rettede emisjonen som nå er inne i siste fase og er forventet å være fullført innen utgangen av første kvartal 2023.»

Første kvartal ender 31. Mars. Regner med vi får informasjon i løpet av morgendagen vedrørende emisjonen.

«Selv om det alltid vil være usikkerhet og risiko knyttet til en rettet emisjonsprossen er det styrets vurdering at det med det fundamentet som allerede er på plass med låneavtalen fra de tre største aksjonærene og et signert term sheet fra EIC Fund, samt det faktum at prosessen er forventet å være fullført innen kort tid, er hensiktsmessig å forutsette at selskapet har evnen til å fortsette sin virksomhet i overskuelig fremtid.»


Dette kan jo også se ut som en god butikk

Konkurrent ?

Meget mulig. Uansett et marked som ikke jeg har sett før nå.

Virker nesten som at markedet er uendelig :star_struck:

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Må vel låne noe fra chatGPT her også da…

Holder en knapp på at vi ikke hører noe før påske. Vet ikke hvordan det skal tolkes, kan lage både bear og bull narrativ til det.

Tenkte du før påsken 2023 eller? :joy:

Blir spennende å se om vi hører noe good news i morgen.

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CrayoNano AS: Contemplated private placement of approximately NOK 100 – 150 million


Trondheim, Norway—CrayoNano AS (“CrayoNano” or the "Company”) is contemplating to raise gross proceeds in the range of approx. NOK 100 - 150 million through issuance of new ordinary shares (the “Offer Shares”) in the Company (the “Private Placement”). The net proceeds of the Private Placement to the Company will be used to accelerate operations, acquire patent rights, and invest in manufacturing capacity and flexibility, reducing risks around supply chain disruption and product quality, as well as for general corporate purposes. The Company’s board of directors (the “Board”) has resolved to pursue a listing on Euronext Growth Oslo within the next 12 months.

CrayoNano has entered into a term sheet with the European Innovation Council (“EIC”) Fund where they have pre-committed to subscribe for Offer Shares for an amount of up to the NOK equivalent of EUR 5 million at the subscription price per Offer Share in the Private Placement (the “Offer Price”) subject to certain terms and conditions being fulfilled. Any subscription from EIC Fund is subject to, inter alia, CrayoNano raising gross proceeds in the Private Placement of an amount equal to or exceeding the NOK equivalent of EUR 5 million from other investors than EIC Fund, of which new investors constitute minimum 25%, (the “Matching Capital”) and KYC verification by EIC Fund of all investors constituting the Matching Capital. If the Matching Capital is below the NOK equivalent of EUR 5 million, the EIC commitment will be reduced correspondingly. Following the Private Placement, EIC Fund will be assigned with one board observer seat.

Further, CrayoNano’s three largest shareholders, Nordic Technology Group AS, SpareBank 1 SMN Invest AS and Skips AS Tudor have shown strong support and have earlier this year granted a bridge loan to the Company, which together with accrued interests constitutes approximately NOK 28.05 million, that will be converted to equity at the Offer Price as part of the Private Placement and will be eligible as Matching Capital (the “Loan Conversion”). The Company has entered into a guarantee commission agreement with Nordic Technology Group AS pursuant to which Nordic Technology Group AS shall receive a commission of 2% of the size of the Private Placement for providing a customary indemnity undertaking on behalf of the Company in connection with the Private Placement.

Members of the Board and management, and Nordic Technology Group AS, have all agreed to a 12-month lock-up, subject to customary exemptions.

The Offer Price will be determined through an accelerated bookbuilding process. The bookbuilding period in the Private Placement starts today, 11 April 2023, at 09:00 CEST and ends at 16:30 CEST on 14 April 2023. The Company may at its sole discretion extend or shorten the application period at any time and for any reason.

The Private Placement will be directed towards selected Norwegian and international investors, in each case subject to and in compliance with applicable exemptions from relevant prospectus, filing and other registration requirements. The minimum application and allocation amount in the Private Placement has been set to the NOK equivalent of EUR 100,000. The Company may, however, at its sole discretion, allocate an amount below EUR 100,000 to the extent applicable exemptions from the prospectus requirement pursuant to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and ancillary regulations (including Regulation (EU) 2017/1129) are available.

The final number of Offer Shares to be issued and conditional allocation of the Offer Shares will be made by the Board at its sole discretion at the end of the application period. Notification of conditional allocations are expected to be distributed by the Managers on or about 17 April 2023. Settlement of the Offer Shares will take place on a delivery versus payment (“DVP”) basis following approval by a general meeting in the Company (expected to be held on or about 24 April 2023) (the “GM”) and registration in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises (including customary case handling) and will be facilitated by a prepayment agreement expected to be entered into between CrayoNano and the Managers.

The Board will propose to establish an option scheme to be directed at employees who are not founders of the Company for such number of additional options required to achieve a total number of distributed options corresponding to 10% of the fully diluted share capital of the Company after the Private Placement (the “Offering Option Scheme”). The options issued pursuant to the Offering Option Scheme shall be issued with strike price equal to the Offer Price.

Completion of the Private Placement will be subject to (i) the EIC KYC verification being completed to the satisfaction of EIC Fund, (ii) that EIC Fund has been granted access to listen in on a customary bring-down due diligence call between the Managers and the Company to be held prior to the GM and the content of and disclosures made in the bring down due diligence call are satisfactory to EIC Fund, (iii) any and all information that has been made available to EIC Fund that constitute inside information has been made duly available to the public or lapsed prior giving effect to EIC Fund’s subscription in the Private Placement, (iv) the Company giving EIC Fund certain customary representations and warranties, (v) the Loan Conversion having taken place, (vi) the Board resolving to consummate the Private Placement and allocate the Offer Shares, (vii) the GM resolving to approve the Private Placement and issue the Offer Shares, (viii) payment being received for all of the Offer Shares, (ix) the Board and the GM to approve the Offering Option Scheme, including the GM authorizing the Board to issue the corresponding shares and (x) registration in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises of the share capital increase in the Company pertaining to the Private Placement and the allocated Offer Shares being validly issued and registered in the VPS. The Company and the Managers reserve the right, at any time and for any reason, to cancel, and/or modify the terms of, the Private Placement. Neither the Managers nor the Company will be liable for any losses incurred by applicants if the Private Placement is cancelled, irrespective of the reason for such cancellation.

The Private Placement implies a deviation from the existing shareholders’ pre-emptive right to subscribe for the Offer Shares. The Board has considered the Private Placement in light of the equal treatment obligations set out in the Private Limited Liability Companies Act and deemed that the proposed Private Placement is in compliance with these obligations. The Board emphasizes that by structuring the equity raise as a private placement, the Company is expected to raise equity efficiently, with a lower discount to the last registered trading price on NOTC, at a lower cost and with a significantly reduced completion risk compared to a rights issue. The Company may, subject to completion of the Private Placement and certain other conditions, consider a subsequent repair offering of new shares at the same subscription price as the Private Placement and otherwise in line with market practice.

The Private Placement is directed towards investors subject to applicable exemptions from relevant prospectus requirements, (i) outside the United States in reliance on Regulation S under the US Securities Act of 1933 (the “US Securities Act”) and (ii) in the United States to “qualified institutional buyers” (QIBs) as defined in Rule 144A under the US Securities Act. The minimum application and allocation amount has been set to the NOK equivalent of EUR 100,000.

An updated company presentation is uploaded on the Company’s web site.

DNB Markets, a part of DNB Bank ASA; and SpareBank 1 Markets AS are acting as Joint Bookrunners (together, the “Managers”) in connection with the Private Placement. Advokatfirmaet Wiersholm AS is acting as legal advisor to the Company.

For further information, please contact:

Jo Uthus, CEO

Tel: +47 47 38 06 34

Email: jo.uthus@crayonano.com

Jens Kielland, CFO

Tel: +47 95 81 55 81

Email: jens.kielland@crayonano.com


Spent på hvor stor rabatten blir.

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På en allerede veldig kav kurs. Får håpe de overrasker positivt og vi slipper å se 12 kr eller noe sånt.
Har en følelse om at den har blitt holdt nede av enkelte som har lyst på så lav emipris som mulig…

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Noen som finner denne?