Diskusjon Triggere PortefĂžljer AksjonĂŠrlister

Den store OLJE-trĂ„den 🛱 1

Ikke direkte oljerelatert, men likevel av betydning.

March 27, 2020

Renewable energy projects expecting to achieve financial close or break ground globally will not avoid taking a hit from Covid-19’s effect on the economy. A Rystad Energy analysis shows that forecast growth in newly commissioned solar and wind projects will now be wiped out for 2020 and cut by a further 10% next year as the US dollar surges and currencies fall across the globe.

We expect these movements in the foreign exchange market to cause companies to pause contracting key components, which are typically procured in US dollars. Renewable projects in Australia, Brazil, Mexico and South Africa will be especially impacted, as projects in the procurement phase could face capital cost increases of up to 36% due to the rapid depreciation of local currencies in these countries.

Before the novel coronavirus epidemic, Rystad Energy expected 140 gigawatts (GW) of global solar PV additions and 75 GW of wind capacity additions in 2020, a year-on-year increase of 15% and 6% respectively. This eradication of this growth is due to government restrictions on movement that will impact construction timeframes, bringing this year’s commissioned projects on par with 2019.

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Tusen takk

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En forsmak pÄ hva som kommer



Tips til Olje ETF ? Mener Ä huske at det var bedre Ä eie olje enn olje selskap i 2016, sÄ blir Ä flette den inn i portefÞljen.


Spent pÄ hvor hÞyt denne skal :thinking:

Jepp. Blodbad her no

Baker Hughes riggtelling for Nord-Amerika viser at det fredag var 782 rigger i drift. Det er hele 88 fÊrre enn uken fÞr, og 312 fÊrre enn pÄ samme tidspunkt Äret fÞr.

Flere analytikere har talt for at oljeetterspÞrselen kan falle sÄ mye som 20 millioner fat per dag under coronakrisen.

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RÄoljen Western Canadian Select fra Alberta falt til 4,58 dollar fatet pÄ fredag. Det er billigere enn en litt fancy kopp kaffe.

Canadisk tungolje er nÄ sÄ billig at det koster mer Ä frakte den til raffineriene enn verdien pÄ selve oljen.



De store rÞrledningsoperatÞrene i US ber nÄ oljeselskapene om Ä frivillig kutte produksjon.

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Ikke direkte oljerelatert, men kan fort bli det

13Mbpd ser ut som et bra target

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Fra Moody’s 26.03.2020

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NĂ„ er showet igang, fytti.

Chart? Hva skjer? Har sett litt pÄ olje og lest endel analyser og gjort mine egne tanker. Jeg tror vi skal under $20 for brenten. Har target pÄ 15 men blir ikke overrasket over 2-3 dollar lavere. Da tenker jeg Ä gÄ long olje. I den forbindelse, noen som vet om noen gode olje derivater uten rebalansering men med litt giring? :smile:

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Spesielt WTI som fÄr kjÞrt seg