Ja dere får avgjøre selv hva som er nødvendig. Man ser jo på tilbakemeldingene at Sivertsen er veldig på ballen med å svare folk og bruker mye tid på det. Men det for hver enkelt avgjøre.
Helt enig i at man bør være restriktiv, men samtidig har selskapet med OKS i spissen også et ansvar for å fordele byrdene internt og unngå overbelastning.
Spot on. Soleklart at de har en utregningsmetode for hvor mye LNC som skal til på ethvert «prosjekt»
Det vi vet er at det koster fortsatt $2, så over flow ville nok fort blitt dyrt & unødvendig.
Svar dra DC :
Det er ikke noe problem med å påføre for mye LNC utover at når man tar betalt fra kunde per m2 så vil man gjerne ikke påføre hverken mer eller mindre enn man skal. Det er også fordelaktig å få påføring noenlunde konsistent slik at man ikke får ujevnt vannbehov og ujevn avlingsvekt men det er slingringsmonn her. Det vi jobber med for de store vannkanonene er at de skal bevege seg i rette linjer og via algoritmer som beregner eksakt hastighet i forhold til «flow & pressure» så får vi en temmelig uniform påføring hvor man kan styre inn f.els 20 eller 40 liter per m2. Andre teknikker leger vi også enkle modeller for å forenkle og styre konsistent / uniform påføring. "
Oppdatert video med mer utfyllende beskrivelser av påføringsmetodene.
Mye innovasjon som pågår i det skjulte her.
Fet video snutt
Mandag i morgen å 11/4.
Vi sitter så godt posisjonert nå før meldingen om distribution/salg kommer.
Nyt sola i dag hens å knall uke på børs ønskes.
Da var d altså Petter stordalen v Strawberry Capital som huka til seg 100k aksjer fra Caceis bank i forrige uke
Morro og se han og har trua
Mye god deling her , keep up the good work !
Da har selger kun igjen 30-35% av opprinnelig beholdning. Dette blir da «gratisaksjer». Så ikke utenkelig at de blir med videre med denne beholdningen.
Ja, da får han et nytt kapittel om «Jordbær loven» fra UAE og USA.
Vi får høre om de holder seg til sin plan, dettte er hva de sa sagt til EU etter sine prøvereaultater!
Summary of the context and overall objectives of the project
Desert Control AS has developed a patented technology called LNC which enhances desert sand’s and arid soil’s ability to absorb and store water and nutrients to levels comparable with high quality farming soil — with lower irrigation requirement and potentially higher crop yields using established irrigation methods. In short, the effect is to enable unproductive and depleted sandy soil to regain the ability to retain water, minerals and nutrients, making it productive again.
The ultimate goal of the project is to design our commercial-ready automated mobile LNC production units for the automated production and application of LNC in situ. The Feasibility Study specifically aimed to identify how to mature the LNC technology and our commercialization strategy to prepare to license our business solution starting in 2022. We undertook:
- Technical planning of the specific technical developments and testing needed to arrive at a commercially viable, fully validated LNC mobile LNC production units;
- Commercialization assessment to refine our go to market strategy and a partner search for the various actors in our value chain;
- Consolidation of Regulatory Compliance & IP to assess regulations that our technology will need to comply with and opportunities to further consolidate our IP strategy.
- Financial Feasibility assessment to identify team growth and financial projections needed to ensure ROI by 2027.
In parallel, we have also done an in-depth investigation of the market to support the elaboration of our commercialization strategy and needs for company growth. This complete analysis has been integrated into an updated business plan.
Work performed from the beginning of the project to the end of the period covered by the report and main results achieved so far
The necessary design modifications needed for our commercial mobile LNC production units include: devising a method to continuously produce LNC at a rate of 68m3/hour; ensure the unit is completely mobile and ruggedized and can optimally connect to any water supply system on site to be build, trial and test in three consecutive sizes. A detailed market study has concluded that LNC has a massive potential to treat millions of hectares of land for the private and public sector. For the former sector, reforestation projects alone represents a multi-billion-euro opportunity, while treatment in the agricultural sector and golf industry represent endless opportunities in the private sector. We have also prepared our supply chain, with a list of suppliers for industrial pumps, local source of sodium bentonite, software developers and the sensors including MEGA AS and Vegetronix & Pycno.
We have evolved our commercialization strategy into a three-tiered plan for evolving both the technology of LNC and consecutive business models for each. For the present, we will continue to commercialize LNC under a B2C model until we launch a B2C business model in 2022 whereby we license our mobile LNC production units and standardize our pricing (annual license fees and royalty fees). In order to ensure that we can carry out this strategy, we have identified the need to grow our team by 18 persons over the next 5 years.
We have identified the needs for an LNC Certification Guideline which will detail suppliers of certified calcium bentonite, documentation for Directive 2006/42/EC, 2009/125/EC and Regulation 167/2013, GLOBALG.A.P. and ISO 14055. We identified new patents and other patens we will need to design around to ensure our own FTO of WO2014028467A1, US9505660B2 and US9464003B2. By undertaking a series of financial projections we have found we will achieve ROI within the second year after our market launch. This is taking into the €1.73 M in costs we have estimated associated with the necessary scientific equipment, consulting services and other project costs.
Progress beyond the state of the art and expected potential impact (including the socio-economic impact and the wider societal implications of the project so far)
Beyond the objectives we initially set out to achieve, we have realized an opportunity to completely automate the entire mixing and application process by developing a new software system called OptimaLNC. We have identified the necessary databases and programming steps that we need to develop to enable the system to automate and program LNC mixing and application and track changes to the land post treatment. We have also identified opportunities to enable the system to provide concrete irrigation recommendations which would provide additional benefits for the licensees of our automated mobile LNC production units
We have also prepared to develop new references for the key end users identified during our market study. By classifying the appropriate characteristics (i.e. sandy soils, water stress) we have identified optimal locations for a series of three demonstration projects in Palm Springs in California, Huelva in Spain and in the Great Green Wall in Nigeria. With those locations in mind, we have identified potential partners for undertaking these demonstrations and secured LOIs from interested partners.
Regarding our financial assessment, we were also able to identify how many licenses would be necessary to achieve ROI in the first year rather than the second year and generate 20% more revenue and EBITDA in our first year of commercialization. Furthermore, in order to continue to advance our business model and ensure our company’s continued growth, we have planned a third stage of commercialization, as early as 2025, in which we will enter a B2B2E business model whereby we will have multiple pricing models including monetization of data.
So it begins… Mtp hvor dårlig 2020 har gått så langt. Covid, krig, inflasjon, matvarekrise og nå vannmangel…
Spent på hvordan DCG holder seg på børsen fremover. Jeg mener kursmessig den skal minimalt ned.
Tror kjøpersiden er såppass på ballen nå.
Er det noe krig gjør så er det å aligne kompasset igjen mot det som er viktig her i livet.
(Se gjerne videoen i linken over)
Oppsiden vanvittig, nedsiden begrenset….
Ser ut som om DCG er motsyklisk i en ellers dyster tid.
We have also prepared to develop new references for the key end users identified during our market study. By classifying the appropriate characteristics (i.e. sandy soils, water stress) we have identified optimal locations for a series of three demonstration projects in Palm Springs in California, Huelva in Spain and in the Great Green Wall in Nigeria. With those locations in mind, we have identified potential partners for undertaking these demonstrations and secured LOIs from interested partners.
Det er nesten litt tragikomisk å tenke på alle de som nå kaver rundt på leting etter gode aksjeinvesteringer, samtidig som denne aksjen blir omsatt under 30…
Mange som er skeptiske til selskaper på Growth da. Det er jo store kursvariasjoner, men er man villig til å ta litt risiko er potensiell gevinst desto større.
Anser dog ikke DCG som særlig risikabelt, for meg er det en no-brainer.
Hva tror dere årsaken kan være at selskapet fortsatt verdsettes til kun ca 1,2 mrd kr?
Tror man ikke på informasjonen fra selskapet, eller er det fortsatt for ukjent?
Sett i lys av dette underlige forhold, så mener jeg at den første kommersielle kontrakt kan få langt mer positiv innvirkning på kursen, enn den i seg selv eventuelt forsvarer.
Jeg tror det er fordi de fortsatt ikke har tjent penger (av betydning).
Den første kontrakten blir en enorm derisking for mange tror jeg.