Ja, de har topp50👍
1927 hos Nordnet nå. Ryktet spres:smiley:
Ja, de har topp50👍
1927 hos Nordnet nå. Ryktet spres:smiley:
"Yet, nature conservation currently receives only 3 percent of global climate finance.
That’s where the world’s money managers come into play. With more US$ 8.7 trillion in assets under management, financial institutions have the power to help drive the global transition toward a sustainable economy that incentivizes the protection, rather than destruction, of nature. Conservation International and other partners will support these financial institutions as they engage with companies in shifting away from deforestation in their supply chains.
“Today, we turn the tide with this commitment — it will put markets on our side, disincentivize unsustainable practices, and instead reward good behavior,” Sanjayan said".
LNC er nature-based
Da har svigers og investert i Desert. Om noen mnd er jeg garantert favorittsvigersønnen
Hahah. Nå har du lagt hodet på blokka:sweat_smile:
Uten tvil et spennende case.
At selskapets ide har gått under radaren over så mange år, er overraskende
Noen som har en ide om hvor komplisert det er å blande inn clay uten å få bunnfall, uten å tette igjen spredningsdyser etc ?
Når blandingen pumpes gjennom lange slanger (vanningsanlegg) skulle man tro det ville oppstå problemer med avleiringer og tilstoppinger, særlig i dysene.
Det samme har jeg lurt på bamse
Redigert :
Det vi vet (?) er at lnc består av leirepartikler som frastøter hverandre. Mulig risiko for bunnfall er minimalt, men kanskje at lnc klistrer seg til enkeltdeler/områder i distribusjon a la lnc+sandkorn
Oppfatter den sekvensen @bamse på lik linje med å mixe mud som skal ned i hullet. At konsistensen ikke er for tynn slik at det forsvinner ut i formasjonen eller for tykk slik at man går stuck.
Har tenkt i de baner, Concorde. Men i borehull er det adskillig større trykk.
Dessuten må de ha ulik mengde clay avhengig av type jordsmonn. Det må jo være en max konsentrasjon før trøbbel ?
Ja det blir kanskje litt andre forhold enn sandstein i øvre jura på 1600 meter eller gasskondensatfelt på 4700 med trykk på 900 bar å en temperatur på 170*c
Største bremseklossen til DC, til dags dato, er nok at trauste nordmenn ikke har fantasien til å se for seg at et norsk ukjent selskap skal kunne løse et så gigantisk problem på en så simplistisk måte. Den iboende beskyttelsesknappen, som skal hindre at man går fem på i all sin naivitet, slår ut for fullt. Man blir felt av sin egen intelligens. Det motsatte av Dunning-Kruger, hvor kontrollmekanismene instinktivt veiver det røde flagget på sviktende grunnlag.
Patentet gir ganske gode svar på dette.
Ett utdrag:
In a first embodiment the invention relates to a binder composition for use as a structure stabilizing element in masses of organic and/or inorganic particles, comprising a homogenised mixture of clay, whereby the clay particles prin cipally are separated into single flakes of clay. The binder composition preferably comprises air micro bubbles bonded to a considerable part of the clay flakes. The binder composition is preferably a liquid based dis persion, preferably based on water. The binder composition preferably comprises at least one plant nutrient.
The binder composition preferably comprises one or more dispersion agents. Another feature of the invention relates to a method for the preparation of a binder composition, whereby the method comprises the steps of homogenising a dispersion of clay and a liquid in a homogenisation device in order to make a dispersion of clay flakes and to introduce a clay flake dispersion and to introduce gas microbubbles in the dispersion of clay flakes.
The gas micro bubbles are preferably added during the dispersion process. The gas is microbubbles are preferably air microbubbles. The dispersion of the clay flakes is preferably put into a substantially laminar flow, for thereafter to be put into a turbulent flow caused by a substantial change of direction. Alternatively, the clay flakes are put into a substantially laminar flow movement, thereafter they are put into a turbu ent flow movement caused by a substantial change of direc tion, whereafter the flakes again are put into a substantially laminar flow for thereafter again to be put into a turbulent flow caused by a substantial change of direction. The change of direction is preferably in the range 45-135 degrees.
The method according to the invention preferably also comprises the step of introducing at least one dispersant to the dispersion of clay flakes. The method further comprises the preferable step of adding at least one plant nutrient to the dispersion of the clay flakes. A further embodiment of the present invention relates to the use of a clay flake dispersion according to the invention as a water- and particle binding agent and a capillary transport enhancing agent for a soil mass as well as a plant protection agent.
The treated layer of sand particles have the ability to filter out unwanted positively charged impurities, for example salt in seawater, cleaning contaminated water. The filter mass will typically consist of a particle structure which is pretreated with the clay flake dispersion in such a way that the particles are covered with clay flakes as done for stopping wind erosion in Sandy deserts. This method uses approximately 13% of the amount of clay used in the old dry mixing method and achieves the same benefits together with an immediate binding of the sand particles.
The process for the preparation of the binder composition according to the invention may be carried out in any Suitable device. The present invention also relates to the use of the above binder composition as a filtering mass. In this embodiment of the invention the binder composition is used to increase the adsorption- and absorption ability of for instance water, impurities in water and unwanted Substances in or on a target object when the binder composition is brought into contact with the target object.
When the binder composition is used to remove unwanted substances from a target object this is done by filtration of a fluid containing the unwanted Substances through the binder composition which is prepared with the wanted structure in Such a way that the unwanted Substances are retained in the binder composition.
A preferred embodiment of this aspect of the invention relates to use of the clay flake dispersion as disclosed above for the preparation of a filter mass for purification of water and air, including desalination of sea water.
The filter mass may typically consist of a particle structure which is pre treated with the clay flake dispersion in such a way that the particles are covered by clay flakes. In practise the desalination of sea water may be carried out of preparing a layer of sand on a mesh, this is treated with the clay dispersion and when the layer is filled with salt remains, this can be flushed into the ocean or the salt can be used for other purposes
Alle eksisterende og potensielle aksjonærer bør lese og sette seg inn i patentet.
Det gir veldig mye informansjon rundt problemet, problemløsningen, og potensielle andre bruksområder:
Videre til det @Aaleby skrev, så ble ikke selskapet notert før 14, april i år, før det var den nok vanskelig å komme inn. Men de som kom inn var bla Jakob Hatteland og en del andre lokale creme de la creme investorer som har lang og god kjennskap til selskapet.
Er denne gammel eller ny?
Flott artikkel Den er så potent den aksjen her. Greier de etter resultatene fra pilotprosjektet å redusere kostnadene fra 1,5 euro til 0,5 å lavere kommer det til å ta virkelig av litt ut på nyåret. «Fra karrig sandjord til innhøsting av modne meloner på 40 dager» Er jo så drøyt!!