Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer AksjonÌrlister


Ser det har gütt litt fort i svingene her. Tenkte at ratene var alt for høye med de tallene som dukket opp først sü nür jeg endelig fikk satt meg ned sü var det litt mer normale tall.

Antar at 60% er Amazonas og 40% Rio.

Amazonas: 115,2mill Usd / 1092 = 105k usd rate

Rio: 76,8mill usd / 1456 = 53k usd

Ratene er cirka like pü Amazonas og Rio i følge dokumnter pü Petrobras sin tenderportal. Ca 72k pü begge

Notice of annual general meeting DOF Group ASA

DOFG (Buy, NOK 123):

Projects an EBITDA ranging from $470 million to $520 million for 2024.

Focus on rapid debt reduction over 2024-25 to facilitate easier refinancing conditions by 2026.

Buy and hold, this stock is too cheap. Arc

Siem øker med 422k aksjer for over 30mill nok, har 4,75% totalt nü

Blir veldig spennende ü se hva som skjer ift oppkjøp og sammenslüing i offshore i tiden som kommer. Det ligger litt i luften at noe kommer til ü skje snart.

De store subseaentreprenørene vil mangle büter om de ikke foretar seg noe (Subsea7, Technip og Saipem)

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Invitation to presentation of Q1 2024 results


Building long-term visibility

We expect still-high utilisation in Q1, and adj. EBITDA of

USD107m (3% above consensus). Demand for subsea

vessels remains firm, and DOF is in the process of

securing new contracts for PLSVs and AHTS vessels

with Petrobras, which we believe will result in 3.5–4 years’

average backlog coverage for the DOFCON and Norskan

silos (together accounting for 40% of our 2025–2026e

EBITDA). Peer group 2025e EV/EBITDA and FCFF yield

suggest a fair value of NOK106–116. We reiterate our

BUY and have raised our target price to NOK110 (85).

    


Pareto Securities 13. mai 2024: We increase target prices in DOFG to NOK 115 (80) and SIOFF to NOK 42 (36), respectively, corresponding to 1.1x GAVs – with improving economics expected to continue to lift asset values. For DOFG, this corresponds to 5.1x EV/EBITDA ‘25e (YE’24 NIBD), and 12.5% unlevered FCF yield. In SIOFF, our TP corresponds to 12% FCF yield ‘25e. We favor SUBC and DOFG with heavier assets and project organizations, making them less vulnerable to ordering of small/medium newbuilds. SOFF and AMSC are unrated due to our role as financial adviser.


Financial Report 1st quarter for DOF Group ASA

The reporting currency has been changed from NOK to USD from 1st of January

The Group’s revenue for 1st quarter (management reporting) totals USD 330
million (USD 295 million) and EBITDA totals USD 114 million (USD 104 million).
The operating profit (EBIT) is USD 70 million (USD 69 million). Net financial
costs amount to USD -52 million (USD -44 million) including unrealised currency
loss of USD -26 million (USD -6 million). The result after taxes is USD 6
million (USD -1 million). The Group’s net interest-bearing debt is USD 1,358
million (USD 1,466 million). The equity is USD 1,029 million (USD 592 million)
giving an equity ratio of 34% (22%).

Key highlights in 1st quarter:

¡ Average utilisation of the owned fleet 87% (91%).
¡ Good performance in all the regions.
¡ Two PSVs have been sold; Skandi Captain (built 2004) delivered in March and
Skandi Gamma (built 2009) delivered in April.
¡ The total current fleet includes 57 vessels (incl. 13 vessels on management
or hired in):
¡ 16 AHTSs, 10 PSVs and 31 Subsea vessels.

¡ DOF has been ranked with the 2[nd] highest score in the Petrobras PEOTRAM
2023 audit.
¡ The order intake in 1[st] quarter was USD 188 million.
¡ The firm backlog by end March is USD 1,852 million (USD 2,109 million) and
order intake after balance date is approx. USD 250 million.

Note: all number above are based on management reporting

Statement from the CEO, Mons S. Aase: “We deliver another solid quarter despite
a normal low season in certain regions. The Group has been awarded several
contracts particularly for the AHTS and subsea fleet. The tender activity has
continued to be high, hence, expect the backlog to continue to grow for the
remainder of the year. The current contract coverage for the Group is 88% for
2024 and 61% for 2025 which gives good visibility on the earnings the next 18 to
24 months. The repair of Skandi Buzios is going according to plan and the vessel
will be on route to Brazil during 2nd quarter. The recently published Integrated
Annual Report for 2023 confirms the Group’s commitment to continue having
sustainable operations and reduce the CO2 emissions from the fleet going
forward. The EBITDA guiding for 2024 is adjusted from USD 470 -520 million to
USD 490-520 million”.
Please see enclosed 1st quarter Financial Report 2024.

Disclosure of voting rights at annual general meeting

DOF GROUP ASA - Annual general meeting

DOF Group announces awarded contract for Skandi Vitoria with Petrobras

DOF Group awarded long-term contract for IMR services by Equinor

Dof har dermed fütt 3-4 mrd ekstra i backlog kun idag. Meget positivt og vil anta at de klarer ü bygge ordrebøkene sin videre opp fremover.
Lite nye offshore skip som generelt blir bygget sĂĽ antar vi har mange gode kommende ĂĽr.

DOF Group awarded multiple contracts with Petrobras

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Nice- 3 ür for PLSV og 4 ür for AHTS med ROV lar seg høre

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