Her er litt kopiert fra 16jan.saken til SB1M - dette er info som i min verden går langt utover hva som ble gitt ifm Q3 og som jeg mener burde påvirket kursen dersom dette hadde vært meldt via børsen til samtlige interessenter. Noen har hevdet at det var en skikkelig PW som kom ifm Q3, men i min verden oppfattet jeg det definitivt ikke som at man skulle ende på 30 mill røde i EBITDA for 2022, mens guiding fortsatt var svart. Måten å pakke inn sakene på i svært runde vendinger i november, så kommer det good news rundt årsskiftet som drar kursen godt opp, CEO selger, og deretter har det kun vært nedtur - og også uheldig forfordeling av info til en analytiker mener jeg.
Then over to estimate changes and what is new. Our understanding is that given the current temporarily uncertainty with
regards to smartphone volumes in 2023, OEMs (Xiaomi etc.), are not able or willing to give any guesstimate on volume
guidance for the coming year (this is new). The consequence is that 4Q22 is left with only license revenues on new
smartphones and laptops with ELABS inside launched in the quarter and zero from expected smartphone volumes for
delivery in 2023 (this will be booked when the units are sold in 2023 instead). Hence, we model with revenues of NOK8m
in 4Q22 (previously NOK48m), which compares to NOK34.7m in 4Q21 and NOK27.3m in 4Q20 (likely to a be a negative
data-point even though no customer are lost). Moreover, with a continuation of negative datapoints on # of units sold in
the global smartphone and laptop market we also lower our 2023 estimated volumes to account for this and is left with
NOK150m (previous NOK195m). Our 2024 revenue estimate is however kept unchanged (NOK375m) as this incorporate a
normalization within consumer electronics. Consequently, even though we argue neither sell-side, buy-side nor the
market in aggregate believe in the 2023 ambition of NOK500m revenues and +50% EBITDA margin, we nevertheless
expect the company to push the ambition out in time, which might be another negative in connection with 4Q22.
As we view our 4Q22 estimate changes more of a technicality and not lost customer/volume and 1) the most important
KPI’s continue in the right direction (signed one more out of the five largest smartphone OEM’s on top of Xiaomi and two
more out of the five largest laptop OEM’s on top of Lenovo), 2) the fact that the company had a cash balance of NOK200m
as of 3Q22 and a trailing 12m burn-rate of NOK18m (this will worsen in 4Q22 to NOK47m on our estimates, given the
revenue effect above, (which is the third negative) and 3) we continue to base our valuation on 2024 (to give credits for
the newly signed enterprise license agreements), we keep our Buy rec. and NOK22 target price.