Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Enad Global 7 (tidl. Toadman interactive)


Han har ju trøttnat. Han vill ju bara sælja allt och flytta till en paradis ø. Gjorde ju ett grymt salg på 90kr



Han har uansett en god del aksjer igjen som er i lockup fram til neste sommer. Regner derfor med at det er motivasjon nok til å holde ut fram til neste år :slight_smile:

Der fikk han fyken :sweat_smile:

Veldig bra av styret å ta tak i dette kjapt.


Lol. Eg7 altså. Never change. Han hørtes jo helt åndsfraværende ut på tv idag.

Ja , reagerte også på at de ikke kjørte Q&A etter presentasjonen. Kanskje det allerede var diskusjoner rundt han som CEO ?

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Ja det kan hende. Han virket totalt resignert.

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Jeg tenkte rus, kan hende det er en litt trasig historie.

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Jepp. Godt mulig. Fikk fort mye penger mellom hendene.

Privat Mail fra Robin til en på discorden tyder jo på noe annet.

Hva sier den ? har du mailen?

EG7 Broadcasts Presentation With Q&A

EG7 wants to inform its shareholders and other interested parties that a video presentation will be broadcasted at 8:00am CEST on September 9, 2021. The presentation will be led by EG7’s acting CEO Ji Ham.

The purpose of the broadcast is to introduce the new acting CEO of EG7, Ji Ham, and to provide an opportunity to send questions to the company.

Questions can be submitted in advance to: ir@enadglobal7.com.

To access the presentation with Q&A, please use the following link at the given time: EG7 Acting CEO Ji Ham Presentation and Q&A - YouTube


Alexander Albedj, Chairman of the Board

Phone: +46 76 221 30 75



EG7 is a group of companies within the gaming industry that develops, markets, publishes and distributes PC, console and mobile games to the global gaming market. The company employs 470+ game developers and develops its own original IP:s, as well as act as consultants to other publishers around the world through its game development divisions Daybreak Games, Piranha Games, Toadman Studios, Big Blue Bubble and Antimatter Games. In addition, the group’s marketing department Petrol has contributed to the release of 1,500+ titles, of which many are world famous brands such as Call of Duty, Destiny, Dark Souls and Rage. The group’s publishing and distribution departments Innova and Sold Out hold expertise in both physical and digital publishing. EG7 is headquartered in Stockholm with approximately 845 employees in 15 offices worldwide.

Nasdaq First North Growth Market Ticker Symbol: EG7

Certified Adviser: Eminova Fondkommission AB, Phone: +46 8 684 211 00


This information is information that Enad Global 7 AB (publ) is not obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. However, the information is of importance to communicate to the company’s interested parties.

This release was sent by Cision


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Presentasjon ved kjøp av innova i februar

Group rev 2020: 2061MSEK, 2021 1608MSEK. 20% nedgang
Group EBITDA 2020: 652MSEK, 2021 400MSEK 40% nedgang
Group EBIDTA% 2020: 32%, 2021 24,5% 22% nedgang.


"The change entails having a more decentralized approach towards its subsidiaries, as opposed to a more integrated approach that was pursued by the previous management in the last six months. "

Tror dette(samme strategi som embracer :wink: ) kombinert med endringene i ledelsen er bra for selskapet så blir interessant å se hva de får til de neste årene. Har iallfall mer tro på de nå enn jeg hadde for et par uker siden.

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