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Episurf Medical (EPIS-B)

Episurf Medical (Nasdaq: EPIS B) today presents a clinical update comprising an overview of the most important European clinical trials that are ongoing for the Episealer® knee implant technology.

European multi-centre study of the Episealer® knee implant

A study with the title “Investigation of an Individualised Mini-metal Implant for Focal Cartilage Lesions in the Knee”, led by MD J. Holz at OrthoCentrum in Hamburg, follows 100 patients from nine clinics in six countries. The study is fully enrolled and 70% of the patients have passed 24 months post-surgery. Interim results for this first group are scheduled to be submitted for scientific publication in early 2020. Scientific abstracts have been accepted for presentation at several national and international clinical congresses. The results show significant improvements in clinical scores across all subdomains, and the revision rate is at a very low level. These results were recently presented at ESSKA Speciality Days in Madrid.

[KOOS data presented at ESSKA Speciality Days in Madrid]

Swedish multi-centre study, 2-years’ follow-up

A study with MD PhD A. Stålman, Capio Artro Clinic and Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, as lead investigator, is focusing on patient-reported outcome scores (KOOS and VAS). 22 patients have been subject to the 2-years follow-up and the clinical results are expected to be submitted for scientific publication in early 2020.

Swedish multi-centre study, longer term follow-up

A study with MD PhD A. Stålman as lead investigator, studying longer term follow-up (5-7 years) of the 10 first patients treated with an Episealer® implant, is ongoing. The focus is on patient-reported outcome scores (KOOS and VAS). In addition, standing X-rays will be performed in order to investigate the progression of osteoarthritis. Most of the patients have currently been examined, with final examinations to be performed shortly, and the clinical results are expected to be submitted for scientific publication in 2020.

Implant survival data

As part of Episurf Medical’s post market surveillance, Episurf is collecting data on device revision. The data will serve as a basis for cumulative revision rate analysis. A report is expected to be submitted for scientific publication during the first half of 2020.

Health economics

Ass. Prof. Lars Bernfort at Linköping University, Sweden, has developed a health economic model focusing on cost utility analysis of the Episealer®, which is used as the foundation for a health economic study. That study will be concluded once one or several of the studies above have been published and more Episealer® clinical data is available.

Comparative joint kinematic study

A comparative investigator-initiated clinical study is currently performed by Dr. Ing. P. Moewis at the Julius Wolff Institute, Charité University Hospital, Berlin. The study has the title “X-ray fluoroscopic analysis of knee joint kinematic in open and closed chain activities in patients with Episealer® Knee Implants”. 10 patients that have undergone an Episealer® procedure are followed-up and the joint mobility of the treated knee is assessed and compared with already available data from 10 healthy, non-treated knees as well as with 10 knees that have undergone total knee arthroplasty (total knee replacement). 80% of the Episealer® patients in the study have undergone examination and the remaining patients will be examined in early 2020, and clinical results are expected to be submitted for publication shortly thereafter.

EPIC-Knee: Episealer® Knee System IDE Clinical Study

A prospective, randomised, controlled, multi-centre study to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the Episealer® knee technology compared to microfracture for the treatment of focal knee chondral or osteochondral lesions is being conducted in the US and in Europe. 180 patients will be recruited with a 2:1 randomisation of Episealer® vs microfracture. Eight European sites will participate in the study. These sites are situated in Germany, the UK and in Denmark.

“For several years, we have seen studies evaluating devices within the emerging orthopaedic segment of small implants being published. Based on the results from the European multi-centre Episealer® study, we are convinced that ongoing studies will show the strength and utility of our technology. If we can demonstrate strong clinical results, combined with fast rehab and high implant survival rates, we have met our original hypothesis that the combination of a pre-operative planning tool, individualised surgical instruments and a HA and Ti coated individualised implant delivers excellent results. This clinical pipeline is very interesting, with several important milestones in the near future” says Pål Ryfors, CEO Episurf Medical.


Virker som du får ønsket ditt oppfylt. :+1:


Litt positive takter her igjen i dag, synes vi begynner å se en antydning til trendendring. Selv om finansieringsspøkelse fortsetter ligger over aksjen så det er for tidlig å friskmelde Episurf enda.


Denne gangen er jeg inne til suksess eller dovre faller :heart_eyes:


Episurf Medical (NASDAQ: EPIS B) announces that today, the company has been informed by its notified body that the review process for obtaining CE mark for the ankle implant Episealer Talus has been concluded and that the final formal process for issuing the CE-certificate is expected to be completed within 2 weeks.

The implant is intended for osteochondral lesions of the talar dome of the ankle joint. The new ankle implant is supplied together with a kit of surgical tools, and the devices are based on the same technology platform as the companys Episealer knee devices, with an individualised design based on medical imaging and 3D modulation.

We believe this is a world-unique implant solution and we are very happy to add Episealer Talus to our product portfolio says Pål Ryfors, CEO Episurf Medical.

This device is a next step in the treatment of patients with large secondary osteochondral defects both on the medial or lateral side of the talar dome. It offers a tailor-made solution for these otherwise difficult to treat lesions says Prof. dr. C. Niek van Dijk, member of the Clinical Advisory Board at Episurf Medical.

In connection with this, the company has a parallel process to receive CE mark for an individualised osteotomy guide that is intended to help surgeons to find the correct position and depth of the sawing when performing a medial malleolar osteotomy.

Pål Ryfors continues: With the addition of the Episealer Talus to our product portfolio, we are now expanding outside the knee joint and offer treatment options for focal articular defects of the femoral knee joint as well as medial and lateral positions of the ankle joint. We are very excited that our new product line will finally be available on the market. Surgeons have indicated the need and are eager to get started. We will, of course, inform the market once the final certificate is issued, but todays information was critical to us and to this process.

[Pl Ryfors CEO Episurf Medical]

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Gårsdagens volum var 413k…

Eller du får 50% på en dag? :smiley:

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Potensialet gitt dagens kurs er så mye mye høyere

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Det var et godt rykk idag, gratulerer med god timing! :rocket::partying_face:

Jeg står fortsatt godt på sidelinjen i påvente av en avklaring rundt finansene. Der må det snart skje noe, og en emisjon vil vel ikke være veldig overraskende.

Men er enig med deg i at potensialet er enormt stort prisingen tatt i betraktning. :muscle:


Oioioi for et rykk, det er veldig hyggelig!

CE godkjenning for Episealer Talus er på plass:

Episurf Medical (NASDAQ: EPIS B) announces that today the company has received CE mark for Episealer Talus and Talus Osteotomy Guide.

Episealer Talus is an implant technology intended for osteochondral lesions of the talar dome of the ankle joint. Talus Osteotomy Guide is an individualised osteotomy guide that is intended to help surgeons finding the correct position and depth of the cut when performing a medial malleolar osteotomy to access the talar dome.

We have been looking forward to this and we are enormously happy to finally have the CE mark in place. It is fantastic that we now offer our implant technology not only for knees but also for these difficult to treat ankle injuries. Of course, this is also a significant commercial opportunity for us. We now have three commercial legs; knee joint, ankle and imaging says Pål Ryfors, CEO Episurf Medical.

There is a great demand for this implant, as there are few alternatives for lesions in the ankle. In many cases, patients with these injuries are forced to undergo joint fusion. It feels fantastic to finally be able to offer our solution. This is an example that Episurfs technology in principle can be applied to all joints comments Leif Ryd, Senior Medical Advisor, Episurf Medical.


For more information, please contact:

Pål Ryfors, CEO, Episurf Medical


Grei utvikling her i dag :+1:


Skulle akkurat til å si det. Spennende. Hadde vært gøy om det løsnet nå. For episurf er en uslepen diamant :heart_eyes: sky is the limit


Tok inn en liten pott her igjen, selskapet er uten tvil spennende.
Skulle gjerne sett en partner komme inn, noe som hadde sikret drift uten emisjoner. Oppkjøp kan jo også være aktuelt.

Tilgangen på penger har alltid vært ett problem for selskapet.

vet du hvordan cashbeholdningen er i selskapet @holmes?

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Vet ikke noe mer enn andre, men de må nok hente kapital snart. Så er spørsmålet i hvilken form det blir denne gangen.

Cash-situasjonen er vel det absolutt største «aberet» med dette caset…

I Q3-rapporten ble det kommentert at de hadde behov for finansiering. Husker ikke detaljene, men Google den så får du litt mer info.

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Måtte sjekke opp igjen litt selv nå… :laughing:

Sannsynlig med emisjon innen 12 måneder står det i Q3-rapporten. Kan selvsagt bli finansiert med partner osv, men de nevner spesifikt emisjon som et alternativ i rapporten. Jeg blir sitteende på gjerdet litt til…

Jeg synes Episurf mangler den der profesjonaliteten innenfor kommersialisering i styret/ledelse, og jeg er ikke overbevist av presentasjoner hvor styreleder sier at «vi gjør så godt vi kan» og «jeg har kontakter», når de blir spurt om hvordan de jobber ut i markedet (Aktiedagen 2019, tror jeg det var).

EDIT: Det var ikke styreleder, men styremedlem (og grunnlegger?) Leif Ryd som kom med uttalelsene.


Selskapet har ikke påbegynt den virkelige kommersialiseringen enda, derfor er jeg ikke helt enig i det du skriver. Aksjen lider under det faktum at tidligere ledelse ikke har forstått viktigheten av kliniske studier og det har gjort at man har bygget opp urealistiske forventninger om kommersialisering uten data. Det forstår nåværende ledelse og styret, men på grunn av historikken er det mange som avfeier Episurf og holder seg unna. At de tross alt har fått til en liten kommersialisering spesielt i Tyskland har nærmest vært negativt for kursen siden markedet da har tolket det som at produktet allerede er kommersialisert, men med lave salg. Det som jeg derimot heller vil peke på er at de fortsatt ikke har fått på plass første operasjon i USA og synes heller ikke det har vært noen tydelig kommunikasjon rundt hva som ligger bak denne forsinkelsen, forhåpentligvis er dette rett rundt hjørnet nå.

Styreleder er forøvrig Stripe som man kan lese om her, ikke noen lettvekter i mine øyne


Mr. Dennis Stripe has almost 40 years of experience from various positions in management, sales and marketing on a global basis. When joining Kendall Healthcare Products in 1983, Mr. Stripe started a career within the healthcare industry lasting 33 years. In 1991, Mr. Stripe joined Smith & Nephew as a Senior Product Manager. During his time at Smith & Nephew, Mr. Stripe held various senior positions with Marketing, ending as a Group Marketing Director within the Orthopedic Division. Following a successful career at Smith & Nephew, Mr. Stripe joined the Spine Division of Stryker Corporation in 1996 and remained there until 2008. At Stryker Corporation, Mr. Stripe held several senior management roles on a global basis, including the Vice President of Global Marketing. In 2008, Mr. Stripe joined OrthoHelix Surgical Designs, a medical technology company focusing on implants and instruments for reconstruction surgery. Mr Stripe remained at OrthoHelix Surgical Designs until 2013 and served as Chief Executive Officer and as member of the Board of Directors for five years. OrthoHelix Surgical Designs was ultimately sold to Nasdaq listed company Tornier N.V., a transaction led by Mr. Stripe.

Mr. Stripe is currently a key executive of California based Compliant Innovations, a company focusing on software solutions for the healthcare industry, as well as a member of the Board of Directors of Central-Insurance Companies and Medshape.
