Da er han på farten igen
CEO bare: “og ja, jeg synes aksjen er et veldig godt kjøp på disse kursene. Noen som ikke fikk det med seg? Jeg gjentar…”
The companys overall Q4 report (19 February) was strong, given the headwind among almost all elective procedures in Q4. However, underlying sales still increased YOY in 2020, a good sign. During the year, the amount of published clinical data increased (and should continue to rise in 2021) and this strengthens the companys competitive position. Focus going forward will be on the EPIC-knee trial and the patellofemoral implant aimed to be filed in the US this year. We have lifted our fair value for the shares to SEK2.5-8 (previously SEK1.9-6.5).
Q4 earnings hurt by the pandemic. Sales of implants were below our forecast, but included a one-off revenue from a license sale of its software system, leading to higher revenues than expected. Operating costs were somewhat higher than forecast but lower than Q4 last year. Sales of implants were hurt by the Covid-19 pandemic and the second wave of infections spiking in Q4. The type of surgical procedures where Episurf Medicals implants are used are the typical elective surgeries that have been cancelled and postponed due to the pandemic.
US PMA trial moving forward but pandemic affecting the pace. The trial started in Q3, with only a few patients included as of now. The pandemic has hurt patient recruitment, although we believe the company is attempting to speed up recruitment. It is discussing the inclusion/exclusion criteria with the FDA, looking for ways to increase the proportion of screened patients recruited for the trial. We hope changes will be implemented during the spring. Having the trial fully recruited in 2021 (180 patients) might be a challenge, given the pandemic impact in Q4 and also in Q1 2021.
New implant for patella injuries developed. The company announced a new implant product developed for focal cartilage injuries of the patella for which it plans to file in the US (for a 510(k) clearance) during 2021. Such a product could be approved and available in the US market in 2022. Focal cartilage damages in the patella are a problem and a potential contraindication to the ordinary Episealer implant. This could become an interesting addition to the overall implant portfolio, we believe.
New fair value of SEK2.5-8/share. We believe the company is moving in the right direction with the growth in clinical documentation set to continue into 2022. The new patella implant product could add revenues earlier than previously forecast and allow entry into the US market sooner than with the Episealer implant system. Its financial position improved solidly in 2020 and is stable, and its cash should take it into 2023.
Click here to view full report (https://www.dnb.no/seg-fundamental/fundamentalweb/GetReports.aspx?file=CMPSP_171398.pdf&Sid=1-7XT0MIJ)
Best regards
Patrik Ling | DNB Markets | Equity Research | Senior Analyst Healthcare
Sånn cirka
Må si jeg synes dette ser lovende ut selv om volumet denne uka ser for lavt ut til å konkludere med brudd opp ennå. Spennende fremover
Fine dager i Episurf. Denne ligger aller lengst inn i skuffen.
Enig, både teknisk og fundamentalt, så har jeg god tid. Lite motstand før vi kommer laaaaangt opp og gode utsikter til å kontinuerlig få oppjustert fair value. De må bare fortsette å levere de samme tallene som de har gjort i syv år
Epi epi episurf! Ser ut til at man kan tjene inn igjen mange gangen av de 85000 man tok som tap i 2018.
Jepp, jeg begynner å nærme meg 100% nå, hadde vært 150% hvis jeg hadde vært en dag tidligere ute. Synes ikke det er risk fritt her på 4kr, men godt potensiale for 100% til, så det får gå.
Egentlig er dette en 10-bagger kandidat over kanskje tre år. Fair value fra DnB har jo beregnet inn at ting går galt underveis og har nok ikke lang nok horisont til å få med seg hele potensialet
Med tanke på at det no har vore ein pandemi i eit år, som har medført at det meste av elektiv kirurgi har blitt lagt på is, er det veldig imponerande kva Episurf har fått til. Har ståltru på selskapet og her trur eg me vil sjå ein markant auke i talet på opererasjonar når ting normaliserer seg med tanke på planlagte operasjonar. Episurt satsar jo over heile verda og ser ut til å vera veldig godt drevet. Ligg i long-delen av portefølgjen min i alle fall.
Haha, han gir seg ikke nei! Morsomt. Lurer på hva han mener er en fair pris. 5-10-20-40 kroner?
Liten tvil om bruddet Skal vi bare videre opp, eller blir det en tur ned til 3,25 først?
jeg blir glad for en tur till 3,25 men det blir vanskelig med de dumme insideköpene hmmmm
Dette var visst markedsdirektøren. Positivt at flere innsidere kjøper.
Episurf Medical (Nasdaq: EPIS B) today announces that the first surgery with the ankle implant Episealer Talus in Asia was performed on Friday. The company has previously communicated the scheduling of this surgery and can today provide additional information.
The surgery was performed by Dr. Wilson Li, Dr. MAN Shui-wah and Dr. Dennis Chan at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Hong Kong, assisted by Prof. Niek van Dijk, Clinical advisor to Episurf Medical, over video link.
The implant sat perfectly well into the defect, thanks to the customised patient specific guide that fitted the anatomy precisely, and the whole instrumentation including the osteotomy guide was very user friendly. Great technical support from the Episurf team throughout the interactive preoperative 3D planning session and also intraoperative online feedback! says Dr. Wilson Li.
I am very proud of that this surgery could be performed, despite the challenges that the pandemic has created. I would like to congratulate Dr. Wilson Li and the team at Queen Elizabeth Hospital on this successful surgery. I would also like to extend my gratitude to the teams at Episurf and Pacific Medical Systems (Episurfs distributor in Hong Kong) as well as Prof. van Dijk, for making this possible. We are looking forward to many more surgeries in Asia going forward says Pål Ryfors, CEO Episurf Medical.