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Episurf Medical (EPIS-B)

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Episurf skal presentere 5 års data for Epi Sealer i dag på ein virtuell konferanse. Trur dette kan vekke litt interesse…

Episealer®: Clinical results with 5-years’ follow-up data to be presented at the 3rd World Arthroplasty Congress
MON, FEB 15, 2021 08:00 CET
Episurf Medical (Nasdaq: EPIS B) today announces that the scientific report "Clinical results of a patient-specific mini-metal implant for focal cartilage lesions in the knee after 5 years” by Dr . med. Johannes Holz from Orthocentrum, Park-Klinik Manhagen, Hamburg, Germany, has been accepted for presentation at the 3rd World Arthroplasty Congress. The congress is arranged as a digital meeting on April 22-24, 2021. The presentation will be included in the ePosters Knee Session and focuses on clinical results from the use of the Episealer® knee implant.

“This is a great milestone for us as a company. For the first time ever, clinical results with 5-years’ follow-up of Episealer® patients are included in the scientific program at a major clinical congress. The investigator has informed us that the results are highly promising. Being able to demonstrate successful 5-years’ data is a critical milestone for any medtech company, but absolutely nothing one should take for granted. As previously communicated, another Episealer® knee study with promising 5 years’ follow-up data has been submitted for publication. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of all of this,” says Pål Ryfors, CEO Episurf Medical.

Ellers så deler Pål Ryfors ein interessant artikkel på Twitter i dag:

Seier litt om potensiell marknad for produktet til Episurf.


Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic joint condition, which causes pain, stiffness and mobility problems. The number of people affected in Western Europe has grown 54% in the past 30 years, reaching 57 million in 2019 and causing 2 million years lived with disability.


Lang konsollidering her nå, spennende å se om det endelig kan bli brudd opp her snart.


Jeg efterlader lige denne her … mulig test af 4,00 inbound?

Hvad er årsagen, ud over det tekniske, til at den trækker 7 - 8% i plus i dag? FOMO vedr. kvartalsregnskab eller?


Close på dagens højeste, så mon ikke der er plads til lidt mere? RSI tenderer kun moderat til den positive side, så jeg ville forvente øget interesse i de kommende dage; men selskabet ér jo på vej til at blive en regulær guldfugl, om man vil.


Jeg som hadde så troen! Oh well, er jo helt klart en traderdrevet aksje dette :stuck_out_tongue:

Tester for å se om det er støtte over 50 dagers snitt

Veldig pent chart da, ATH market cap!


Økte på ma50 i dag, vil helst se at den rusler oppover nå.


Solgte 100.000 … købte 100.000 … gang i markedet i dag; nærmest unreal hanging man jfr. dagens candle. Check længden af den wick …


“Whilst this is the best quarter in the history of Episurf, I know that once the Covid-19 pandemic has subsided, we have much more to look forward to. Of course, we recognise that we are at the start of our financial journey. But showing a strong increase in gross order intake, a growing number of surgeons using the Episealer®, an improving annual run-rate indicating continued repeat business, and a strong growth in the number of countries in which we are active, during such a challenging quarter as the first quarter of 2021, gives me a lot of confidence for the future”, says Pål Ryfors, CEO Episurf Medical.
First quarter 2021 compared to 2020, Group

Gross order intake amounted to SEK 2.1m (1.6), an increase of 30%. We experienced a 30% increase in orders for Episealer® implants during the quarter with 90 (69) approved orders. Episurf has had the best quarter ever with strong growth in the order book, despite the negative impact of COVID-19
Order book amounted to SEK 1.8m (1.0), an increase of 71%
Total income of SEK 1.7m (1.6), a growth of 9%
Group net sales increased by 10% to SEK 1.6m (1.5)
Loss for the period amounted to SEK -16.7m (-17.9); The improved result is primarily due to the company’s efforts to reduce costs for Europe in connection with the costs of the IDE study increasing and lower costs due to COVID-19
Earnings per share amounted to SEK -0.08 (-0.19)


Bedste kvartalsresultat i selskabets historie efterfulgt af massivt sell-off … priceless.

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Hvilket chart ser du på?

Var massivt høy rsi på timechartet, alt annet enn en pullback ville vært sensasjon

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Jeg liker veldig godt at de sammenligner tallene fra Q1 med både forrige kvartal og samme kvartal for et år siden. Det gjør det lett å se at de har signifikant vekst. Midt i en koronaepidemi.


Jeg er enig i at RSI indikerede en korrektion, men 500.000 aktier på en time, kan vel godt betegnes som et sell-off. Når jeg siger priceless, så mener jeg mulighed for at tjene penge … folk må selv vurdere, om selskabet er growth stock eller ej.


Yesterday’s report doesn’t entail any major changes in our estimates, why we reiterate our Base Case of SEK 4.5 per share

On a final remark, we are impressed by the strategic execution from Episurf’s management and how CEO Ryfors has worked actively to regain trust from investors in Episurf, thereby strengthened the cash position and ownership base significantly. It is a new era at dawn for Episurf where we will increasingly pay focus also on financial metrics. Our confidence in the management’s ability to take Episurf into the next commercial phase is stronger than ever


Toppet opp litt på 3.65 til et rundt tall


AVA lemper ut i dag

