Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Flyr - Småprat

Bare ca 1/7 av de nye aksjene som er kommet på markedet i dag. Resten kommer etter EGF

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so you anticipate further decline after the EGM on 13.05.2022?

Looking at the chart (weekly bearish engulfing), and momentum indicators such as MACD and Stochastics, I would rate the probability as high.

plus mr Xyilo may declare a war to the western world on Monday!

Flyr AS - New share capital registered

Flyr AS - Extraordinary general meeting held

Flyr AS - New share capital registered

Flyr will present First Quarter 2022 Results on Wednesday, 25 May

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Hvorfor velger Flyr igjen å gå til denne gjengen. Er ikke akkurat solide langsiktige hjørnestein investorer.
De kaster vel ut aksjene ved første mulighet til gevinst igjen.

Det er ikke Flyr som selskap som går til denne gjengen. Det er meglere/tilretteleggere. Og jo de går til de fordi de har tonnevis med penger :slight_smile:

De hadde vel ingen andre muligheter i dagens børsklima :sweat_smile:

What do you think how the course will react to Q1 numbers on 25.05?

The numbers is in the market, so it should not impact the share. But if they share some more information about May and bookings etc. that could have a impact.

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Flyr vs NAS. Which one of these is more attractive in terms of investment? Though NAS is also quite cheap right now but in terms of capitalization and assets I consider Flyr still much more attractive.

There is no contest. NAS is worth -100kr per share with all their debt and obligations to stakeholders and debtholders. It takes complete financial illiteracy to invest in NAS. Flyr on the other hand is a startup with large needs for capital, but have not got the same debt liabilites. If you have to choose one Flyr would win out every time. But luckily we don’t have to choose either, and can invest in companies that give us money for doing so through dividends, instead of take it from us through private placements and give some of it to the rich who participate. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Flyr AS (FLYR) - Annual report 2021

Flyr AS - Notice of annual general meeting

I think the traffic numbers for May will be very good! what do you think about the share price short-term development? will the traffic numbers for May have any effect on the course?

With Flyrs need for fresh capital the stock price will probably go down hill until they manage to make something close to a profit over time. I would not expect them to do so in the short-mid term with the current growthplans. So in short, the value of the stock should be deluted, even if they get decent traffic numbers. However, the stock-market might value the stock higher than it’s real value, and so I can’t predict what the stock market will do, just what the underlying value will be/become. :slight_smile: Maybe it will go up, maybe down, I have no clue, but it should go down over time, while the market cap will increase as they do better, but there will be more shares. :stuck_out_tongue: