Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Flyr - Småprat

How can the course go down if it is already below the price of the last emission!?

Simply put, Flyr needs a lot of money to stay in business the next years. They will aquire that money from private placements, where rich people and companies can pay for newly printed shares at a discount. Then those rich people/companies sell those stocks back to the market at a profit(some times a slight loss), making the share price fall. The people who actually pay for Flyrs emissions, or private placements, are the stockholders who are not part of the emission, so in short it is you if you own the stock at the time they do a private placement. But they pay indirectly through delution of their share of the company and through the lower stock price in the market resulting from that selloff. Flyr will do this over and over again until they are in profit and don’t have to anymore. That’s when valuegeneration starts, not now. The value of the stock usually, but not always, will dvindle over time as this becomes apparent to investors and the emission-participants sell their holdings to fewer and fewer people. We can see from SAS and NAS that investors have very little clue about share-dilution and price those stocks 10-100 times higher than their actual value, so that might also happen in Flyr, I have no clue if the investors will be smart or stupid here.

Share price is only directly affected by people/companies buying or selling the stock. (short of a few corporate things that can alter the price) It can always fall further or rise higher, no matter the price. But as I said earlier, I have no idea if Flyr-shareholders will pump the price up or down relative to news and other happenings in the share.

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I can’t really see how we (ordinary shareholders) pay for the lunch of the rich if the price of the IPO vas 3NOK and the last emission was 1,2NOK and the price at the moment is 1,14NOK! Please explain, where the conspiracy of those rich lies?

I think Flyr will be NOK1.2 already on Tuesday!

Hey, ye that can happen :slight_smile:

It’s not a conspiracy, it’s usually an open offering that everyone with over 100.000 EURO to spend can join.

why haven’t they announced the traffic numbers for May yet?

Because they are going to do it tomorrow morning.

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It means that on Friday the price will be 1,5NOK! I anticipate very good numbers!

Short summary of capital needs in 2022:

End of year 2021:
Cash: 209.731.000
Lease: 433.818.000
Current liabilites: 249.534.000

+500.000.000 from private placements in 2022 so far.

Q1: -210.732.000

Estimated cash after Q2: 300.000.000
Estimated cash after Q3: 90.000.000
Estimated cash after Q4: -220.000.000

Means they need new cash before september 2022. This might be delayed by a month depending on cash from operating activities in the summer.

So we can expect a new private placement within 2 months. Probably after some good news.

You are to skeptical. There can be quite good operating profit this summer!

That is what I said :stuck_out_tongue: Either way, they have need for capital. Just don’t be surprised if you wake up to a 30-40% loss overnight one of the next 60 days.

Jeg har tidligere trodd at Flyr var ett norsk selskap…

Ved nyttår var dette eierstrukturen:

Den er endret litt, men er fortsatt stort sett norskeid.

Hva tenker du på ang. “norsk selskap”? De er norsk på alle måter, også i registrering som AS med norsk virksomhetsadresse og i eierskap inntil videre ihvertfall: Informasjon om Flyr AS - Regnskapstall

Jeg hadde to flyturer med Flyr denne helgen. Fløy opp til Bodø på Torsdag. Estimatet mitt var at det var en kabinfaktor på 80-90%. Satt folk på alle rader, men noen midt-seter var tomme.
Og ned på Søndag, kanskje litt lavere kabinfaktor men fremdeles over 80%. Så blir det spennende å se hva totalen for Juni blir. Men først skal vi få mai tallene i morgen.

Jeg tror også at Flyr må gjennom en kapitalutvidelse, tror vinteren kan bli tøff. Men jeg tror ikke den kommer før i september/oktober tidligst. Nå har de såpass god likviditet at de flyr godt gjennom sommeren.

Flyr AS - Annual general meeting held

Short summary: They got a yes to do a private or public placement for NOK 253.208,00/0,002= 126,5M new shares. Which at today’s share price would be 141.680.000kr until june 2023. Which will not be enough, so they will have to do another extraordinary general meeting around christmas depending on how well the summer season goes.


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Åja, men det har vært ett forunderlig språgbruk her en stund, nesten så man skulle tro at enkelte har glemt hvor dem kom fra :joy:

Flyr AS - Traffic figures for May 2022

Incredible numbers for Flyr in May and according to the news the sales numbers are picking up amounting to 10 000 sold tickets per day!

Har bestilt to turer med de, en i sommer og en i høstferien. Imponert over brukeropplevelsen i app og på nettside, bedre enn SAS og Norwegian.