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Funcom - LMO launch

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LEGO Minifigures Online Preview
Hot Bionicle NewsFriday, June 26th, 2015 at 4:39pm by Andrew, BZPower News Manager
[Source: -Windrider-]

LEGO Minifigures Online is launching in a few days on July 29th, exiting the free-to-play beta period. BZPower was invited to the opportunity to check out the completed game in New York City, and Global Moderator and seasoned MMO veteran -Windrider- made the trip to check it out. Read on to see her thoughts on the title to help you determine if it’s a game to go on your wishlist!

About a week and a half ago, I responded to an invite from our own Forum Administrator Tufi Piyufi to attend a launch event in NYC for the upcoming title LEGO Minifigures Online. Considering my former career as a World of Warcraft player, I figured I’d head out to see what this MMO was all about. On Monday, June 22nd, I did just that.

Unfortunately, due to Internet issues, the demo was not held at the Flatiron LEGO Store as originally planned, but both Molly and Surabhi from the PR company behind the event were quick to let us know the changes. I got to meet Molly once I arrived at the conference room, and was then introduced to both John and Erling from Funcom, the Norwegian company behind the development of LMO.

After a short trailer, it was game time.

LEGO Minifigures Online Event Screenshot 01

I played as the Bumblebee Girl from Series 10. If the options here look limited, don’t worry; after a short tutorial level, you can key in codes found in the bags of Minifigures Series 12 and 13 to unlock them. Support is also planned for Series 14 and 15. If you don’t have codes available, there are tons of opportunities in-game to recruit or to build a roster of minifigs from nearly every series that has been released.

LEGO Minifigures Online Event Screenshot 02

Your name in-game is limited as shown above, but there are some rather unique adjectives to choose from. The game is fully COPPA compliant and certified KidSafe - hence the name generator, and other features, such as a chat system that is real-time monitored and moderated.

LEGO Minifigures Online Event Screenshot 03

The first world is a tutorial level. This gives you an idea of the basic controls in the game and introduces you to combat. Each minifigure has two abilities: a basic attack and a special. If you look in the bottom right of the screenshot above, you’ll notice a sort of countdown in one of the circles. This is actually pretty nifty: the game tells you that your special attack has to recharge in between uses, but also displays a precise cooldown timer for more experienced players to watch.

And, as you can now see, the graphics are gorgeous.

LEGO Minifigures Online Event Screenshot 04

When you meet certain characters in-game, they will be added to your roster. You can have up to three minifigures “equipped” at a time, allowing you to switch between them with the press of a hotkey. This adds another welcome level of complexity both to solo and to group play, as the effects of certain buffs and abilities do not disappear when that minifig is switched out. But for those who like to keep it simple, there is often synergy between a minifig’s basic attack and their special. For instance, when enemies are slowed by Bumblebee Girl’s special, her basic attack adds a DoT (damage over time) effect to the target. I will say, however, that sticking to only one equipped minifigure in combat can get repetitive.

LEGO Minifigures Online Event Screenshot 05

Once you reach level three, you gain access to the “upgrade” page. I would have liked to see a few more options, here; you’re limited to only one talent tree per fig. It would have been nice for players to be able to customize a minifigure’s role by adding more upgrade possibilities, but as it stands, each minifig’s role is fixed - for instance, the Bumblebee Girl is a “Defender,” LMO’s tank role. The minifigure’s element is also fixed: my fig is a “Nature” type. Here is another bit of complexity that more advanced players can take advantage of: each “Pocket Adventure” (instance, or dungeon) has its own element, meaning figs with that element get buffed inside.

LEGO Minifigures Online Event Screenshot 06

The above Pocket Adventure has a light element, encouraging savvy players to group up with minifigs of the same element equipped.

Most of our demo on Monday was solo play, but John did use his GM powers to group us up and teleport us to a boss battle that brought back memories of my raiding days in WoW. While perhaps not quite as punishing as the H Throne of Thunder raid in that game was, it was nice to give the WASD keys a workout in a fight that required a lot of dodging.

I may be far from the target audience in age and experience, but I really appreciate the amount of effort the developers put in to make this game both kid-friendly and engaging for seasoned MMO vets like me. If I have any worries, it would be about the game’s linearity and gatekeeping that might not encourage players to revisit worlds already cleared. Perhaps this is why there doesn’t seem to be much to do in the central hub world: you are encouraged to keep exploring, and not to sit around away from keyboard. (Oh Stormwind and Dalaran, I do not miss you.) Plus, while five worlds are available at launch, there is the promise of more content to come. The game launches on the 29th, so I would encourage you to check it out. Let us know if you have questions in the Talkback.

What’s to like?

Intuitive gameplay both for kids and MMO champs alike
Encourages group play, but does not punish solo adventures
Gorgeous graphics
Unique physical tie-in to collectible minifigures

What’s not to like?

Limited customization (fixed roles, only one upgrade tree, etc.)
Linearity and gatekeeping (there is, for instance, only one starting world)

Join me in the Talkback to thank -Windrider- for making the trip to check this game out. If you have any questions or thoughts, feel free to share them there as well. Most importantly, keep checking back on BZPower for the latest Bionicle and LEGO news!



The success of the movie has no doubt helped Lego Jurassic World in its second week, with sales rising by 3 percent – with the lead Xbox 360 version up by 26 per cent.

That makes it the seventh Lego game to get to the all formats number one, since Lego Star Wars in March 2005.

Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2015/06/22/the-elder-scrolls-online-battles-lego-jurassic-world-for-uk-number-one-5257419/#ixzz3eCMkLIG4

hÆÆ? Eier ikke DU aksjer i Funcom? … Eller har planer om å kjøpe??? Godt du sa i fra @Onns for det kom nok som en bombe på de fleste her. Og takk for til lykken. Ekstremt troverdig! :slight_smile:


Hvis kursen går til 1.30 så er jeg i null for 2015. Da blir en ikke så nervøs :grinning:

1 Like

endelig en youtube video med den siste versjon av koden, first look:


Dette var veldig bra, spillet er kraftig forbedret.

  • Stemmer på legofigurene. Gir et mer personlig preg på dem/lager bånd til spilleren.
  • Filmer/animasjoner, som gir spilleren et nærere forhold til spillet.
  • Ser ut til å fokusere mer på byggingen. Blant annet får man beskjed om at det går fortere å bygge sammen.
  • Ingen diamanter og plagsomme melding om medlemsfordeler.

Og han som spiller det er fornøyd.
“And I really am enjoying it, despite not being…I’m a self admitted…not a fan of lego games”
“This looks like it could be very, very fun”

Flere videoer:

“seems actually kind of fun…pretty charming”


Her fra en som har vært på “Demo event”:

Flere stemmer til mandag.
“As we jumped into the middle of a game we saw some dialog scenes (I’m told these will be dubbed by Monday)”

". I used a controller, mouse, mouse & keyboard, and touch screen all to equal effect. The developers made it extremely easy to jump in no matter what style preference you bring to the table. "


I San Fransisco. Var det ikke 4 byer de skulle holde demo events i? New York. Og to til.

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Trodde det var de to du nevner navn på. Det jeg synes blir interessant i morgen er hvilke Android plattformer LMO blir tilgjengelig på. Tidligere har det vært nevnt Intel-basert plattform, men er det mulig det kommer på f.eks. Samsung nettbrett også? At salgstall blir mer synlig på iPad/iPhone kan slå begge veier. Tar det tid før tallene kommer blir markedet nervøst og med dårlige tall… Med gode omtaler og feature hos Apple kan LMO komme høyt opp på listene og kursen blir deretter.


Det må da være feil. En som påstår på forumet der at ‘events was cancelled’.

Har lest at ene butikken fikk nettverksproblemer? så de flyttet event til et annet sted. Stod noe om det i en anmeldelse. De som var invitert hadde fått beskjed, men noen som skulle møte opp som tilskuere visste sikkert ikke om det på forhånd.

Fader så evneveikt!


Unfortunately, due to Internet issues, the demo was not held at the
Flatiron LEGO Store as originally planned, but both Molly and Surabhi
from the PR company behind the event were quick to let us know the
changes. I got to meet Molly once I arrived at the conference room, and
was then introduced to both John and Erling from Funcom, the Norwegian
company behind the development of LMO.


Det er mange mange nettsteder som har videreformidlet pressemeldinga fra funcom om release nå, men det er få som har utdypet dette noe særlig. Håper på flere reviews, previews, hype-intervjuer etc etterhvert.

edit sjekket irland i dag på appannie på rank history.
Ligger rundt 1250. plass på roleplaying for ipad:
1227-1228-1239-1241-1245 er plasseringene så langt. trender svakt nedover.

ingen plasseringer

Det rare er at den har fått featured-status på både ipad og iphone, men selger tydeligvis dårlig i følge appannie. Jeg må innrømme at jeg hadde trodd interessen skulle være litt større. Får håpe LMO selger bedre i de andre landene. Er man avhengig av gode reviews OG featured-status for at dette skal bli en suksess?

Jeg er ennå ikke sikker på at å betale for første verden var en god ide. Foreløpige tall fra appannie har ikke overbevist meg. Heller la første verden være gratis for å få inn store mengder spillere, avslutt med en skikkelig cliff-hanger og selge de andre verdene. Dette blir spennende…

1 Like

Under app details og featured har LMO vært inne på top 100 de siste dagene, helt oppe på #20. Så vet ikke helt hva som stemmer her. I dag #84 på Iphone og #64 på Ipad.

Er featured en egen salgsliste sortert etter hvor godt det selger (blant alle featured-apps)?

Eller er featured bare en liste som apple setter sammen slik de selv vil? Altså ikke sortert etter salg, kanskje sortert etter dato, interesse, etc.? jeg brukte rank history på appannie.

Det er kun 1% som får featured-status, så det er utrolig viktig for å ha noen sjangse på ipad/iphone.

Ute av lista hvis ikke sortert etter sjanger. Det jeg lurer på er den featured-lista. Hva bestemmer hvor du ligger i den lista? Utgivelses-dato muligens? LMO har beveget seg fra 20. til 64. plass på den lista.
edit, altså denne lista her:


Games > Family > All iPhone Apps > Paid > See All

                Ireland (#84)
            1 country
            Games > Role Playing > All iPhone Apps > Paid > See All
                Ireland (#47)

Games > Family > All iPad Apps > Paid > See All

                Ireland (#64)
            1 country
            Games > Role Playing > All iPad Apps > Paid > See All
                Ireland (#35)