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Funcom småprat 2016

Jeg foreslår å dele antall solgte på 500k. 500K = 1kr

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Nye tider i Funcom Kronn. Nye tider :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Spørsmålet jeg svarte på var hva kursen vil være hvis de har solgt 4-500k om et år, jeg ser ikke helt hvordan det henger sammen med dagens fullstendig forventingsbaserte kurs?

Kommer og tre nye Spill :wink:

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Da snakket jeg litt rundt deg, Funcom trenger bare å vise at de kan produsere spill de tjener penger på, jeg tror de selger mye mer enn 500k. Og Funcom holder live i spillene sine lenge.

Tror det har blitt sagt at vi ikke får noe slikt, ren premium modell. Men muligens dlc?

Noen som skal følge Reddit og bylos i dag? Og har anledning til og lage en oppsummering her inne !?:slight_smile:

Når er det?

Var jeg som blingset! Var på mandag👍

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NÅ etter 2 dager
Samme rekkefølge


Er det noe søke oversikt en plass for og se om folk faktisk søker etter CE eller om de ser det via face og eller delinger ! ?

ikke glem facebook videoen:


Har dere hørt på Podcasten? Følte behov for å dele litt om den, for jeg tror mange av dere kanskje ikke tar dere bryet med å høre på den. Og det er dumt for det er et bra intervju med Joel Bylos :slight_smile:

Så her er et sammendrag omkring det viktigste fra intervjuet:

What are you working with, as a «creative director», Joel?

• I make up the stories. I come up with the plotlines. I also write the item descriptions for all the items in the game.
• I make sure the game feels like a Conan game, have the right feeling and the right design methodology. For example, when you hit something in the game, you need to feel like you are a barbarian hitting something. The way that the character moves in the game, should feel like a barbarian moving. I give style examples of how those thing should work for the animators or for the art team.
• I work with the combat team to make sure the combat feels brutal, in the way that I’ll expect a barbarian game to feel.
• I work with the recipe team. They are the guys doing crafting. Make sure that the things that we are making, fit within the world, and are taken from the books, stories, movies and the comic books.

How does the game start out, and is there a difference between MP and SP?

• You’ve been crucified and left to die. You have to survive in the desert, and try to figure out why you are stuck in the exiles lands. You’re wearing a bracelet, and you can’t leave. If you’re trying to leave, the bracelet kills you. If you want to play solo, you can explore the mystery of the world. If you want to play with a group of friends, you can build a city, take slaves, build up an army, attack other players etc. The tagline of the game is “Survive. Build. Dominate”.

What makes your game different from other survival games out there?

• There’s a whole background story, and there’s lore in the game. We’ve tried to provide this sweeping backstory.
• Most of the other games have zombies or dinosaurs. But our game, because it’s a world, in Conan’s world, and people lived there…there is factions. There are camps of NPC’s that you encounter around the world, people who lives there, that are AI-controlled, that you can knock out, put a rope around their legs and drag them back to your camp, and put them in the Wheel of Pain.
• Other games have some melee elements, but they have mostly shooting elements. Our game is more focused on combat, especially melee combat. We want the moment-to-moment when fighting other players and NPC’s, to feel very immediate and intense. We’re trying to make the combat the best in the survival genre.
• We have a religion system in the game. Once you get to the highest tiers of religion, you start attracting the attention of god avatars. The metal statue you see in the trailer is the god avatar of a god called Mithra. The gigantic snake is the avatar of a god called Seth. The player outside the city is summoning the Mithra avatar, and the one inside the city is summoning the Seth god avatar. These avatars will fight each other. You can summon god avatars to fight each other, but that’s at the very highest levels of the religion system. They go after the alter of the other gods.
• We have a system in the game, called the corruption system. It will slowly drive your character insane. Then you’ll have to watch things like people dancing, playing songs and those kind of things, to regain your sanity. See the game Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, it has this system. We’re hoping to be able to mess with players, with full screen effects, and have whispering in their ears, and things like that. When you explore some of the dungeons in the world, when you go deeper into the dungeon, you’ll start to get a little bit insane. Sort of like a timer, some of these dungeons will be big, and you might only be able to explore a branch of it due to your sanity. Then you might, for instance, have to go out and watch your stripper slave dancing, to get the sanity back, and get back to the dungeon.
• There are male and female versions of the strippers in the game. Depending on their culture, they can be better or worse strippers. So you get better and better tiers, these are people that do everything. You get blacksmiths, you get warriors to guard your fort, you get archers to shoot people from your walls, you get stripper slaves, tanners, you get guys lighting your torches at night…all these kinds of slaves. Depending on which culture they are from, in the Conan universe, they will be better or worse types. So for example, you can get tier 1 stripper slaves, and they are kind of clumsy and kind of ugly, they don’t wear the nicest outfits.

Does your background from MMO’s give you an advantage in the development of Conan Exiles?

• We know a lot about server’s, and we know a lot about handling players on servers. We’ve played Early Access games, and we know how they “are”. I think that you’ll find that our polish level, at least our stability level, for Early Access, should be pretty solid, because of the sort of things we know, and what we brought with us from working with MMO’s. We know how to make a stable server, and we know how to let people get on to that server. I think, at least I’m hoping, that things will be very smooth to people, perhaps compared to what they normally seen. Our goal for Early Access is to be; not feature-complete, but at least to be stable.

Jeg måtte sjekke litt rundt det de snakker om ifb. «corruption system» og fant dette om spillet som har vært deres referanse for systemet i Conan Exiles (Call of Cthulhu). Her er hva Wikipedia har å si om det:

“The player’s character gradually loses sanity when he looks directly at upsetting aspects of the game world. The character’s mental degradation can lead him to hearing hallucinations and visions, which manifest as graphical anomalies and sound distortion, and changes in control sensitivity. If the character becomes too unsettled, results may include his permanent insanity or suicide, and a game over.[2] The sanity can be restored through finding areas of sanctuary or defeating enemies.[2] The areas marked with the Elder Signsserve as sanctuaries against the enemies and as save points.[3] To enhance its replayability value, the game features a system whereby players can gain Mythos Points, supposed to reflect a level of gained knowledge. Such points can be used to unlock in-game bonuses, such as additional information and items.”


flott sammendrag. jeg har hørt podcasten selv nå og dette høres veldig lovende, hvis funcom får til et skikkelig combat system, ja da kan dette bli veldig bra. podcasten er også morsom. anbefales.


3 viktige sitater fra Joel Bylos;

We’re trying to make the combat the best in the survival genre.

I think that you’ll find that our polish level, at least our stability level, for Early Access, should be pretty solid.

I think, at least I’m hoping, that things will be very smooth to people, perhaps compared to what they normally seen.


Dette liker jeg :slight_smile:


Det ser ut som Conan Exiles har fått litt find i seilene


Det har en liten vei å gå før hypen tilsvarer f.eks Soma som har solgt ca 300k på Steam (og noe i nærheten av det på konsoll). Det blir veldig interessant å følge fram til launch 31. januar.

For tidligere spill, så har google trends vært en god indikator for å estimere om et spill ender på 1 million solgte eller 100k solgte.


et annet poeng som jeg håper vil bli brukt for å skape litt blest og overskrifter på internett er f.eks. stripper slaver og lignende litt på kanten innhold.slikt skaper oppmerksomhet som er gull verdt for å skille seg litt ut ift. konkurrerende spill. og viktigst. det passer flott til ip.

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fungerte denne metoden for DbD?


… okey, jeg sjekket litt mer og jeg må tydligvis holde opp å bruke Soma som sammenligningsgrunnlag. “Soma” har bra med treff tilbake til 2004. Skal se om jeg kan finne et par andre spill med mer unike titler å sammenligne med.

Kanskje jeg bare burde bruke Dead by Daylight?

Hypen begynte først 2-3 uker før launch.