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Funcom småprat 2017

Snart råd til ny bil no :laughing:


Venter på jacuzzi på terassen :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Kursen då? Er det markedet som begynner å innsjå at ein kan legge litt meir forventninger til SWL?

Vi har vel vært her oppe et par ganger før og fått smekk på pungen på vei ned så er vel tidlig å feire :slight_smile:


Vet ikke om denne er postet før:

Ser ut som MS/Xbox gleder seg til release. Får håpe de sper på med mer markedsføring etterhvert :slight_smile:

Edit: Ser jo at nå at det er FC selv som har postet der. jaja.


Ser ut som alle nyhetene på den siden er laget av spillprodusentene. Den artikkelen du linket til var på forsiden i hvert fall.

Når var det USA kontoret skulle komme med info om nytt spill?

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Etter lansering av SWL, så ikke før sensommer tipper jeg når de er ferdig med lansering via steam. Passer bra med en trigger i etterkant av CE, da går det slag i slag


Funcom med en liten oppdatering på investor Q&A

Q: Do you have more information regarding the company Bearded Dragons International Ldt?

A: Bearded Dragon International Ltd is working with The Bearded Ladies Consulting. Their website is not up to date, but they are a small team of great game developers working out of Malmø Sweden.

Q: What is Funcom’s role under this agreement?

A: Funcom is contributing with development support, while The Bearded Dragons and the Bearded Ladies does most of the development. Funcom main role will be to act as the Publisher under this agreement.

Q: Is this game in addition to the games you previously announced?

A: This cooperation is independent from the plans for games developed internally in Funcom.

Q: Why isn’t there a stock notice or advertisement about the Steam Summer sale 2017 for Conan Exiles?

A: Participating in a summer sale is a regular business activity and does not qualify for a stock notice or press release. Any investor in the gaming industry should expect companies to carry out normal business activities regularly without prior notice to all its shareholders. Funcom has participated in seasonal sales with all our games for many years, and as communicated previously, will also do so for Conan Exiles. Hundreds of games are on this particular Steam summer sale, and will have the advertisement and featuring that makes business sense considering this. The team is fully focused on delivering a great experience on August 16 with the new expansion and the Xbox One launch.


Anarchy Online fylte 16 år i går

Today, Anarchy Online celebrates its 16th year of active service. Not a whole lot of games can boast this kind of accomplishment, and we sincerely thank you for your continued love and support of Anarchy Online. You are the very matter that makes up this universe, so thank you again.

The Tinker returns to Newland Desert, ready to make things come up explodey for her favorite foe, The Desert Rider! Join her in her madness and eliminate Desert Nomads to find parts for the many gifts she wants to make. The Desert Nomads will be located in Newland Desert, Mort, Perpetual Wastelands and Broken Shores.

The Tinker will reward you for your efforts, especially if you walk the extra mile to get her the items she needs! “Vacuum Packed Desert Nomad Armor” await you if you assist her in collecting 250 items. She will complete a gift with 500 items this year!

When defeating a Desert Rider, all you need to do is approach the large present that is left behind, and claim a prize from the Desert Rider’s personal stash!

Finally, the SBC-Xpm Sites once again feature a cadre of Desert Nomad Commandos, tasked with protecting additional rewards from the Desert Rider’s private storage.

Be sure to check out a new bunch of subscription offers with new items, plus a new Loyalty Reward tier item: the Cybernetic Assassin Helmet!


Jeg subbed nett den tredje kontoen min i AO. :stuck_out_tongue:


Jeg er VELDIG fristet.


Jeg vurderer å bestille denne:



Hvor mye koster et slikt?

9000kr for 10år ;D

Ville heller valgt #tleaksje

Sitter på tog til Stockholm - Guns n Roses konsert :grinning: I morgen kommer glimses av ny biome, det blir spennende.


Tror vi Funcom aksjonærer raskt ordner en crowdfunding for deg @h3nk1 om du kjører rundt med skiltet i 10år :wink:

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Hadde vært gøy om CE ble highlighted i helgen igjen… Tror fort det kan skje! Ellers bra det skrives om bedre fps ect på testlive.

Kos deg @paddy80 jeg var på Guns n’ roses I København på tirsdag. Knallkonsert. 3 timer non stop. Dårlig lyd i parken, men sånn er det ofte på fotballstadion. Håper er bedre i Stockholm


Ordrene i Funcom er hysterisk morsom noen ganger :smiley: