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Gentian Diagnostics

Ref. presentasjonen nettopp.

Cystatin C sitt markedsetterspørselen* vil være 4-5 ganger større takket være oppdaterte retningslinjer i KDIGO. Det vil ta rundt 3-5 før dette utspille seg for fullt rent kommersielt.

Med andre ord kan man forvente en signifikant vekst de neste årene for Cystatin C alene!

Salgsmomentumet for samtlige produkter vil også fortsette.

Flere potensielle partneravtaler i pipeline. Vanskelig å spå når disse vil materialiseres.

De har utført anslyser for antatt ‘market adoption’ for NTproBNP med gunstig utfall. Interessen fra globale aktører er oppmuntrende. De var litt sparsommelige med detaljene her, men alt tyder på det stor optimisme rundt denne markøren - naturligvis.

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EBITDA improvement
Q2 product sales were NOK38.3m (organic growth of 13% YOY) and EBITDA was NOK6.8m (Q2 2023

NOK3.6m). After lowering our sales but increasing our EBITDA margin estimates for 2024–2027, we reiterate our BUY and NOK67 target price.

Outlook. We continue to like the growth prospects of Cystatin C and fCAL®turbo, with several potential growth drivers for Cystatin C in our view, including an increased commercial impact of the KDIGO guidelines and the temporarily attenuated ordering behaviour in China due to the implementation of new regional tendering processes.

For fCAL®turbo, we believe the partnership with Bühlmann Laboratories should continue to deliver growth.

We note that within the ‘Other’ products category, GCAL® and cCRP reported double-digit growth YOY, but these products still represent a small share of total sales and we do not expect this to change near-term


Gentian Diagnostics ASA awarded European patent for novel NT-proBNP reference method


Gentian Diagnostics announces the death of its founder Dr. Erling Sundrehagen

Siemens Healthineers, Gentian sin salgspartner for GCAL, arrangerer Science Day:

Plasma Proteins Science Day November 7, 2024

Online scientific event brought to you by leading experts

Our Plasma Proteins Science Day program will be presented twice on November 7, 2024, to accommodate participants in multiple time zones. Choose the session that is most convenient for you.

The role of serum calprotectin (S100A8/A9) in rheumatic diseases​

Prof. Dr. Marija Jeluŝić, Croatia

Serum calprotectin plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), as it triggers chemotaxis, phagocyte migration, and modulation of neutrophils and macrophages. Calprotectin has been found to correlate with disease activity, and may add additional information to that provided by conventional biomarkers such as CRP.

This lecture provides an overview of the many options for use of serum calprotectin in adult and pediatric patients suffering from autoinflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Still’s disease, vasculitis, and juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA).

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Flere og flere studier viser til Calprotectin sin rolle i diagnostikk og monitorering av sykdommer, hjertehelse, covid, sepsis og til og med kreft (Gastric Cancer). Når skal dette reflekteres i flere partneravtaler og økende salg?

S100a8/A9 proteins: critical regulators of inflammation in cardiovascular diseases

Increasingly, research suggests that the concentrations of S100A8/A9 proteins in the bloodstream could be pivotal prognostic markers for negative cardiovascular outcomes in patients with acute and chronic heart failure, myocarditis, and thrombosis. Despite the intricate regulatory mechanisms of S100A8/A9, which involve complex transcriptional and post-translational processes and result in varied biological functions, the progress in developing potential therapeutics, such as humanized vaccines, antibodies, and inhibitors against S100A8/A9, is encouraging. These experimental findings have been successfully adapted to establish safe dosages for various immunoinflammatory diseases in clinical practice. Looking ahead, with the advancement of research technologies, the S100A8/A9 protein is expected to become a new focus for the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, potentially revolutionizing clinical approaches to diagnosis and therapy.

# The role of the S100A8/S100A9 in gastric tumor progression

In conclusion, our study identified a subtype of S100A8 and S100A9-positive macrophages that significantly increased in the EGC. Our results suggest that S100A8 and S100A9 may be potential markers for the diagnosis and risk assessment of GC, and they can promote gastric cancer cell proliferation and migration through the S100A8/S100A9- NFκB signaling pathway, ultimately leading to gastric tumor progression.

A-307 Clinical utility of serum calprotectin in febrile infants presenting to the Emergency Department


In this cohort, one third of the children that were prescribed antibiotics did not have confirmed bacterial infection. Hence, there is a need for adequate diagnostic tools to help discriminate between various kinds of infections. This study confirms serum calprotectin as a valuable biomarker for differentiation between types of infection and estimation of disease severity in febrile infants. Access to fast and accurate analysis of circulating calprotectin, combined with good clinical performance has the potential to make this biomarker a valuable complement to the current diagnostics of patients with bacterial infections and sepsis.

# Calprotectin, a Promising Serological Biomarker for the Early Diagnosis of Superinfections with Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria in Patients with COVID-19

Calprotectin serum levels were elevated in patients with moderate COVID-19 compared with controls, and these levels were further increased in the severe cases. Patients with severe COVID-19 and vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) bacteremia had elevated calprotectin levels, but their C-reactive protein and procalcitonin levels were not increased. Fungal superinfections and herpes simplex virus reactivation did not change the calprotectin levels. A calprotectin concentration of 31.29 µg/mL can be used to diagnose VRE bloodstream infection with 60% sensitivity and 96% specificity. These data suggest that serum calprotectin may be a promising biomarker for the early detection of VRE bloodstream infections in patients with COVID-19.

# Gut-related molecules as potential biomarkers in patients with decompensated cirrhosis


Serum calprotectin and zonulin levels emerge as noninvasive prognostic biomarkers for potentially unfavorable outcomes in patients with decompensated cirrhosis.


Enda en fersk batch med vitenskapelige artikler for calprotectin:

# Inflammatory role of S100A8/A9 in the central nervous system non-neoplastic diseases

# Blockade of S100A8/A9 Alleviates Severe Acute Pancreatitis by Increasing Mitophagy and Suppressing Trypsinogen Hyperactivation

The role of S100A8 and S100A9 in external auditory canal cholesteatoma

# What is the specific role of S100A8 and S100A9 in regulating inflammation and immune responses in ocular surface diseases?

Ergo: IVD for Calprotectin (S100A8/A9) kan være nyttig som en diagnostisk biomarkør og for å forutsi terapeutisk respons i flere betennelsesrelaterte sykdommer, inkludert SAP, CNS-sykdommer, kolesteatom og øyesykdommer. Det kan også være et potensielt terapeutisk mål for å redusere betennelse og skade i disse tilstandene.


Storeier i Gentian Diagnostics skal selge seg ut

Kjetil Holta vil avvikle investeringsselskapet Holta Invest. Derfor skal han selge seg ut av blant andre Gentian Diagnostics.

Hvem kjøper denne beholdningen? Blir det blokksalg til en ny eier, eller accelerated bookbuilding ?

Holta Invest AS, 1 228 502 aksjer, 7.97 %

Ikke så heldig for verken hans egen porteføljeverdi eller oss andre aksjonærer at det blir “flagget” et stor salg av aksjer på den måten. Stod vel i Finansavisen på lørdag.

Stoler på at han er intelligent nok til å selge på en smart måte, og eventuelt bruke litt tid til å finne riktig kjøper. Er jo omsatt 2.500 aksjer på en halv dag hittil, så han kommer ikke ut gjennom å ligge i markedet og selge småposter.

Tror ellers at selskapet er på et godt punkt nå og kan akselerere i vekst fremover.


Helt enig. Og dette kan jo tiltrekke interessante aktører til å overta Holta sin beholdning :slightly_smiling_face:

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Gentian Diagnostics: Invitation to presentation of third quarter results

Fremdeles veldig illikvid aksje, men ser man så smått tegn til bedring? Tatt seg noe opp de siste dagene, og salgstrykket ser inntil videre ut til å ha avtatt samtidig som kjøpersiden legger seg høyere i boken.

Q3-rapport i morgen

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Det som jo er litt spennende med en nye CEO som skal presentere, er jo at de gjerne vil gjøre litt endringer.
På den positive siden kan det komme en litt mer fremoverlent og optimistisk tone som kan gi kursoppgang. Minussiden er at nye sjefer kan ønske å bli kvitt “gamle ting” og ønske og gjøre nedskrivninger i form av engangskostnader, så han som sjef får bedre resultater i kvartalene som kommer. Men ettersom styret og de store aksjonærene er uendret har jeg mer tro på at det kommer noe positivt i morgen.

Uendret og uendret. Holta skal vel selge.

Ja, “SKAL vel selge”.

Men han har ikke solgt, og han er nok for smart til å bare begynne å dumpe aksjer i markedet. 95 % sikker på de aksjene blir plassert i en transaksjon utenom børs til en ny langsiktig eier.

Regner også med det.

Gentian Diagnostics: Third quarter 2024 report


Det ble vel gode nok tall pr 3Q og fremtidsutsikter som kan ta kursen nordover! :chart_with_upwards_trend:


Greie tall til tross for den skuffende utviklingen i Kina grunnet Value-Based Procurement strategien til myndighetene. Hadde salget i Kina vært som normalt ville man sett helt andre tall. Så man får håpe de får orden på dette de neste månedene slik salget kan ta seg opp igjen der og man kan se videre vekst der også.

Ellers er veksten i Europa tillitvekkende, og til og med USA ser man bedring. Gentian er uten tvil på rett vei nå!

NT-proBNP iiht til utviklingsplan: A significant milestone was achieved for the NT-proBNP assay with initial clinical evaluation on 220 patient samples in collaboration with leading Norwegian experts in Cardiology, indicating good clinical performance.

Geografisk ekspansjon: Bühlmann, Gentian’s exclusive commercial partner for fCAL turbo and fPELA turbo, announced a worldwide collaboration with Beckman Coulter for both products

Rapporten bekrefter også den økende interessen for Calprotectin man har sett den siste tiden:

There is an increased interest and growing evidence for the use of the calprotectin biomarker in autoimmune diseases, including rheumatic diseases

The recently published recommendation from European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR) and The Pediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS) highlights calprotectin as a valuable biomarker for the diagnosis of Still’s disease (formerly known as systemic JIA and adult-onset Still’s disease)

One of the previously published GCAL studies, conducted in collaboration with Professor Anders Larsson from Akademiska Hospital in Uppsala has been nominated as one of three finalists for the Lorentz Eldjarn Prize Competition for Best Publication at the 39th Nordic Congress in Clinical Chemistry in Stockholm.

The nominated study, titled “Calprotectin is Superior to Procalcitonin as a Sepsis Marker and Predictor of 30-Day Mortality in Intensive Care Patients,” was performed in severely ill patients admitted to intensive care unit (ICU)

Pipeline: Gentian has two proof-of-concept projects. One project carried out in close collaboration with a leading in vitro diagnostics (IVD) company has made further progress in the third quarter - Når løfter de på sløret her?