Globalicofund er som navnet tilsier et fond som skal investere i ICO’s. Fordelen med å være med i et ICO-fond er slik jeg ser det at jeg har større sjanse for å være med i ICO’s på et tidlig stadie, fordi fondet har ressurser til å bidra på private-sales, pre-sales med høy minimum-cap osv. Den andre årsaken er for min del at jeg slipper å være så opptatt av ICO’s selv.
Hardcap er 8333ETH (se lenger ned for detaljer).
Individual cap er 8,33ETH.
ICO har dratt inn ca 760ETH så langt, så det går ganske tregt. Jeg tror årsaken er at Globalicofund har bestemt seg for å ikke gi bonuser av noe slag. Jeg tenker selv å makse ut i denne ICO-en, har så langt investert 6ETH.
Håper flere enn meg ser muligheten i dette fondet. Det er blant annet svenske og danske grunnleggere, men fondet er registrert i Sveits
Utdrag fra FAQ:
What is the fee?
We charge 1.5% per year as a management fee. This is deducted from the fund 1.5/365=0.004% every day. This makes up for all the work we need to do to make your money grow while minimizing the risk you are exposed to.
How big is the fund?
The fund has a cap of $10M. This is to ensure that the money can be used in the best possible way. The funds will be distributed in 10-20 ICOs over the next 3-6 months, and these positions will be managed and weighted actively.
What is the potential?
It is always hard to predict the market. Somewhere around 80-90% of all ICOs are predicted to fail, but the few % that make it big will be massive. It’s not uncommon for a lucky ICO to increase over 500% in a year.
What is the time horizon?
At the moment there has been a lot of short-term growth in the cryptocurrency and the ICO world. However, ICO investments are in a very early stage of development for the company. This can be compared to angel or venture investment, and we regard our investments to be long-term ranging from 5 - 10 years.
How will the ICO funds be spent?
Global ICO fund deducts 1,5% of the ICO funds to cover for operative costs, while 98,5% of the raised funds will be invested between ICO’s (60%), Cryptocurrency (20%) and Alternative investments (13%). The remaining funds will remain as liquidity to maintain a buffer between investments.
Will you sell any more tokens after the initial ICO?
The initial amount of tokens available for sale during the first ICO is 50M-100M. The total amount of token issued is 300M. The remaining 200M-250M will be frozen and have a value of 0. If we do decide to release more tokens in the future the new value will be the aggregated value of the underlying assets.
EDIT: la inn et par skjermbilder fra nettsiden:

Man får forresten tokens tilsendt MEW umiddelbart etter å ha kjøpt. Jeg har gått inn med 8.33 ETH.