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Integrum receives prestigious award

Integrum AB receives the Swedish Embedded Award 2018 for the development of cutting edge neuroprosthetic technology.

The awarded neuroprosthetic technology is the first, and currently the only, technology that allows patients with upper limb amputation to make a natural control, including the sensation of feel and touch, of their prosthetic hand in daily life. 
The Integrum team has developed the Artificial Limb Controller(ALC), ALC which is embedded in the prosthetic connector that interfaces between the bone anchored OPRA Implant System and the prosthetic arm. The ALC decodes the patient’s intention of movement so that it dramatically increases the control of the prosthesis. The ALC is designed to be compatible with available commercial prostheses. 

“This award confirms how innovative the our newOur e-OPRA Implant Systemis.
 which is theThe e-OPRA is thenext generation implant system with electrodes connected to nerves and muscles and using the ALCin combination with the ALC , is today the only solution that allows tactile sensory feedbackfor long-term daily use in the home.” ,says Rutger Barrdahl, CEO of Integrum

For further information contact

Rutger Barrdahl, CEO. Cell: +46 705 23 39 55, Email: rutger.barrdahl@integrum.se

Certified Adviser

Erik Penser Bank AB, Certified Adviser can be reached at +46 8 463 8000.

För ytterligare information kontakta Rutger Barrdahl, VD, 0705 23 39 55

Ekstern link: http://news.cision.com/integrum-ab/r/integrum-receives-prestigious-award,c2671202

Nyheten er levert av Cision.


14/11-2018 08:00:00: (INTEG-B.ST) Emissionen registrerad och handeln med BTA upphör

Vis børsmeldingen


03/12-2018 18:43:31: (INTEG-B.ST) Integrum collaborating with Chalmers to develop new artificial joint to restore wrist-like movements to forearm amputees

05/12-2018 07:00:00: (INTEG-B.ST) Integrums delårsrapport 1 maj 2018 - 31 oktober 2018

16/01-2019 07:00:00: (INTEG-B.ST) Integrum appoints Blake E. Pokress as Vice President of North America

23/01-2019 12:00:57: (INTEG-B.ST) Integrums ordförande - Dr Rickard Brånemark - anställd som forskare vid MIT


Kan det være nå intergrum skal forsøke seg på gamle høyder igjen da :thinking:

05/02-2019 09:22:32: (INTEG-B.ST) The first dexterous and sentient hand prosthesis has been successfully implanted


Meget godt volum idag. Mulig vi har nok fuel for å dra oss over neste motstand som ligger rundt 13kr.


Da har kjøpt Integrum igjen, solgt meg ut på 14 kr mai/juni (husker ikke) og inn igjen på 12kr.

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Spennende aksje å følge med på uten tvil, har selv en post her.


Fra Twitter, nå mål eller ikke nå mål. Uansett billigt.



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Inne igjen, eller følger du bare med fra sidelinjen?

25/02-2019 07:00:00: (INTEG-B.ST) Integrum’s OPRA™ Implant System helping patients in new, world-class osseointegration centre in the U.K.

Grei bok i Integrum.


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04/03-2019 07:00:00: (INTEG-B.ST) Integrums delårsrapport 1 maj 2018 - 31 januari 2019

04/03-2019 07:05:00: (INTEG-B.ST) Integrum and Sahlgrenska sign new contract for OPRA™ Implant System

12/04-2019 15:00:00: (INTEG-B.ST) Maria Lopez ny VD för Integrum AB