APCL = luft Og kjærlighet
Stay away from APCL
APCL = luft Og kjærlighet
Stay away from APCL
Oljeprisen over 75 dollar! Iox levere mulig pluss i q2?
Garantert pluss tall for Iox om dagen nå, men Hugs at det er wti prisen som er mest rett for iox
Steget 55% siden dette rådet
I dag kommer årsrapport og resurssoppdatering.
Måtte det ta av etter dette!
Er det ikke nye IOX som vil inn i Argentina?
Olje prisen nær 77 dollar pr. fat.
Oslo, 9 May 2018: Below please find average gross operated production in April
2018 and corresponding numbers for March 2018.
| IOX operated | April 2018 | March 2018 |
| | Boe/d* | Bopd * | Boe/d* | Bopd** |
| Colombia | 2159 | 1723 | 2082 | 1645 |
Please direct any further questions to: ir@interoil.no.
q1 / q2 bør IOX levere plusstall!
Økende produksjon sammens med økende oljepriser er midt i blinken. Kanskje på tide at IOX får sin reprising, sammens med resten av energiaksjene. Flere har nådd ATH, men IOX har gått motsatt vei.
Iox skulle fått myket bort usikkerhetsmomentene sine, så kan selskapet stå for en heftig reprisning.
Oljeprisen nå gir vertfall gull i kassa
Litt OT, men hvordan får jeg en sparekonto i argentina med 40% rente !!??
Olja kan nå 100 dollar PR. Fat i år! ( i følge analytiker)
Kjøp IOX!!
Ikke for å være negativ, men hvorfor det?
Iox har vel bare gått med det siste året, mens oljeprisen stiger?
Det er kanskje andre faktorer som spiller inn, men da er det vel bra å poengtere de i stedet for å bare si kjøp? Bare en tanke, da er det mer substans istedet for grunnløs hype
Synst Iox nå virkelig er interesant, da med tanke på oljeprisen, og at resterende brønner i lla feltet bør kunne ha gode muligheter for å fange interesse blandt pengesterke selskaper som vil være med og utvikle feltet, dersom prisen på olja holdes oppe.
Største trusselen er definitivt at det ikke er satt lokk på cor- 6 saken, det er ene og alene den som holder meg tilbake
Oljeprisen over 80 dollar!
Q2 må vise pluss for IOX.
Er det værd at købe et lille frimærke i IOX her før regnskab den 29/5?
Mye mulig det er lurt ja! Jeg har iallfall kjøp!
Disclosure of large shareholding - Interoil Exploration and Production ASA - ISIN NO0010284318
In respect of the IOX Investments Limited (“IOX”) shareholding in Interoil
Exploration and Production ASA (the “Company”); we hereby wish to notify the
Oslo Bors that our current holding has been reduced to 10.24% (corresponding to
a holding of 6,621,458 shares in the Company) with effect from today, 23 May
2018 from 23.73% (corresponding to a holding of 15,349,147 shares in the
Company)The transaction which has reduced the IOX shareholding in the Company below both
the 20% and the 15% treshold relates to a transfer of shares in the Company to
Magnus Capital S.A.; a total of 8,727,689 shares, representing 13.49% in the
Company, were transferred from IOX to Magnus Capital S.A.Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=452049
Nyheten er levert av OBI.
Gode nyheter dette!
Bør passere 4 kr om tallene 29.05 er bra!
Disclosure of large shareholding - Interoil Exploration and Production ASA - ISIN NO0010284318
In respect of the IOX Investments Limited (“IOX”) shareholding in Interoil
Exploration and Production ASA (the “Company”); we hereby wish to notify the
Oslo Bors that our current holding has been reduced to 9.16% (corresponding to a
holding of 5,922,424 shares in the Company) with effect from today, 25 May 2018,
from 10.23% (corresponding to a holding of 6,620,572 shares in the Company).The transaction which has reduced the IOX shareholding in the Company below the
10% threshold relates to a transfer of shares in the Company to Vidacos Nominees
Limited; a total of 698,148 shares, representing 1.08% in the Company, were
transferred from IOX to Vidacos Nominees Limited.Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=452242
Nyheten er levert av OBI.
Interoil Q1 2018 report
Oslo, 29 May 2018: As a result of the stabilization in Vikingo well production, Interoil maintains gross daily average production over 1.500 boed. Higher level of sales and the improvement in the Oil price, drives an increase in revenues from USD 5.3 million in Q4 2017 to USD 6.1 million in 1Q 2018. The Company delivered an adjusted EBITDAx (EBITDA adjusted for exploration cost) of USD 3.2 million, higher than in Q4 2017: USD 2.4 million. Operating revenues of USD 6.1 million (Q4 2017: USD 5.3 million). Net comprehensive loss came in at USD 0.3 million (Q4 2017: USD 0.8 million loss).
For more information, please see attached Q1 2018 interim report
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5 -12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Interoil Exploration & Production ASA via GlobenewswireNyheten er levert av GlobeNewswire.