Dersom kontoen til er tømt, så er det vel den som har skapt salgstrykket
Det er nok nedsalg og at produksjonstallene ikke var så ille som forventet som gjorde at trykket kom… 20 mill omsattt 4,1 mill volum
Kjøpt ?
Syns den holder seg bra, close over 5 vil være nice
Ble til noen kjøpe her nå, faen ass, litt usikker på greia nå…
Jeg vet ikke as, den har gått opp ganske mye idag, mulig for en pullback på mandag, men det er høy omsetning og volum idag… er vel ikke lenge til vi får vite om boreprogram… ila høsten iallefall
Ikke inne med mye, en såkalt lyttepost for spenningen
Vikingo-x1 Operational Update
Oslo 21 August 2018
Since Vikingo’s flow production stopped in early July, Interoilhas been keeping fluent and constructive social conversationswith the Duya’s native community aimed at explaining the importance of the workover operation planned for Vikingo-x1 well. These profitable conversations have been extremely important to understand each party’s concerns whilst mitigate Duya’s cultural angsts by the mobilization of a work-over unit. All these has led to grant their authorization to cross with the eighteen loads comprising the work-over rig through their territory. Currently all of them are on-site and being rig-up in Vikingo-x1 to initiate work-over operation.
Interoil is planning the work-over program to last at least 10 days aimed at changing the downhole pump plus adapting Vikingo’s production string so to either independently and/or commingle produce and test the C5 layer and the lower C7 layer.
Regardless of the positive outcome and recent improved social relationship with the Duya, Interoil keeps working to getaccess approval from private landowners through an alternative route named “The Northern Road”. Once all landowners grant us the right of way, we will be able toevacuate Vikingo’s production and, also, move equipmentshould the Duya surprisingly block the access path through their territory again.
Leandro Carbone, CEO, commented: We are pleased with the constructive and fruitful social improvement we are havingwith the Duya every day. Regardless the improved social relationship with the Duya native communities, Interoil will focus on the “Northern Road” since having another transit road is crucial for our daily operation for the Vikingo-x1 production as well as for any other operation within LLA-47.
Interoil Exploration and Production ASA is a Norwegian based exploration and production company - listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange - with focus on Latin-America. The Company is the operator of several production and exploration assets in Colombia. Interoil currently employs approximately 70 people and is headquartered in Oslo.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5 -12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Interoil Exploration & Production ASA via GlobenewswireNyheten er levert av GlobeNewswire.
Hmm, noe beat melding for sånne som meg, som ikkje har aksjer.
Eg har hamlet på at iox skulle sakte men sikkert gå i kjelleren, spørs om det idag ikke blir en saftig rekyl
Kronn. Hvad er din fornemmelse af IOX, der er regnskab den 30?
- 15%, det er vist en reprisning der er i gang
Usikker, har ikke kontroll på utgifter knyttet til 3D og annet arbeid med produksjonsøkning og evt vedlikehold.
Høy salgspris og høyere produksjon en tidligere kvartal bør gi ett resultat rundt null elller litt optimistisk med ett lite pluss
Kom meg aldri innigjen eg, men inngang på 2,58 i qec er ett greit plaster på såret
Interoil Q2 2018 report
Oslo, 30 August 2018:
- Higher level of sales and Oil price improvement drives a 21% growth in revenues in the quarter from USD 6.1 million in Q1 2018 to USD 7.4 million in 2Q 2018.
- The Company delivered an EBITDAx (EBITDA adjusted for exploration cost) of USD 4.0 million higher in USD 0.8 million than previous quarter.
- Net comprehensive income came in at USD 0.1 million (Q1 2018: USD 0.3 million loss).
- Last instalment of Vitol prepaid oil sales was delivered in April.
- A comprehensive enhanced recovery strategy is being developed for Puli C, which has a challenging and complex geological structure. Potential measures include water flooding, chemical injection and new down-hole pumps.
- Interoil and the ANH reached agreement to settle all outstanding claims and disputes between Interoil Colombia and the ANH concerning COR-6. We are expecting the arbitration tribunal’s resolution. Subsequent events:
- Since July 5th, Vikingo is out of production and needing a workover due to a pump failure. The equipment arrived at location in the middle of August and the work-over program is currently underway.
- On July 22, the bond coupon was paid (USD 1.12 million).
For more information, please see attached Q2 2018 interim report
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5 -12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Interoil Exploration & Production ASA via GlobenewswireNyheten er levert av GlobeNewswire.
Da ble et lite pluss, bør jo kunne klare p levere gode kvartal fremover med god salgspris og økende volum
Det vil jo i så fall bli fra Q4 siden produksjonen ble redusert i Q3?
Ja inneværende kvartal blir jo litt reduksjon i ca en mnd.
Så blir det drilling i q4 ser eg, så spørs det hvilket kostnader det blir
Hei, Har vært i møte. Noe nytt ang. Vikingo? Skumleste og så at de holder på å bestille inn noe deler til den pga. den v ar nede… hva med produksjonsøkning ifht. den? ser kursen har gått opp litt idag, er det pga økt revenues og ebitda ?
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