Is Pi Network Legit Or Scam ?
Unfortunately, there is no way to know yet. As you can observe from our Pi cryptocurrency review, there are strong arguments on both sides.
On the one side, there is a list of advantages:
- the number of people already participating in the network is impressive
- the ideas touted in its white paper are real and credible
- its blockchain technology is promising in terms of accessibility and environmental impact
- there are signs that companies are willing to accept Pi as currency
- the founders come from a significant educational institution that instills trust
On the other side, there are some severe questions:
- lack of transparency: trustworthy information is hard to find and scattered across online blogs, forums and Reddit discussions
- Google Play Store has many negative Pi app reviews
- there is no evidence of a blockchain behind Pi
- investments are based on Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) methods
- the process of generating Pi coins is officially called mining, although it is not essentially mining
- there are unresolved data and privacy issues