Utrolig interessant situasjon med CRL hos Verrica, som førte til 2/3 av aksjekursen ble barbert.
Bare så det er sagt, jeg er enig at dette neppe betyr så mye for Lytix på nåværende tidspunkt, og at det er som polygon sier potensielt viktigere på et senere tidspunkt.
Det jeg er litt “sjokkert” over er hvor viktig det er å ha CMOer man kan stole på. Leser man begrunnelsen fra FDA på Sterling, som er en av Verricas CMOer, så er det jo ikke noe surr med med produksjon av Verricas produkt som er årsaken til CRLen.
Etter utført PAI så var tydeligvis dommen:
Verrica has been advised that PAI (Pre-Approval Inspection) was conducted at Sterling and is not aware of any reported observations related to the PAI of VP-102 operations
Review Division had advised Verrica that the review of NDA was completed and label was ready to be communicated, except for Sterling’s classification status
Verrica has been notified that Sterling is on OAI (Official Action Indicated) status
Mao har man en CMO som er litt “cowboy” løper man en stor risiko. For greia virket å være at; har CMOen noe annet utestående kan det bli trøbbel
The only deficiency listed in the CRL was related to the deficiencies identified at a general reinspection of Sterling Pharmaceuticals Services,
Jeg skriver på Lytix-tråden selv om dette temaet egentlig kan være interessant å vite om for helt andre selskaper enn Lytix, men temaet er diskutert her, så derfor.
Følgende bør folk lese med interesse.
"The CRL did not identify any other deficiencies. Moreover, none of the issues identified by FDA during the reinspection were specific to the manufacturing of VP-102. Additionally, Verrica was informed by the Division that it had completed its review of Verrica’s NDA and product label, there were no open questions on the NDA review, and the VP-102 label was ready to be communicated. However, Verrica has been informed that internal FDA policy is preventing the Agency from communicating the label and approving the NDA when a CMO has an unresolved classification status or is placed on OAI status.
“Based on the successful PAI of VP-102 at Sterling and our understanding that the Division was ready to communicate our label, we believe our NDA meets the statutory standards for approval and that any issues at Sterling do not impact the manufacturing, quality, efficacy, or safety of VP-102,” commented Ted White, Verrica’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “However, we recognize that the Dermatology Division’s hands may be tied due to the reinspection issues at Sterling and thank them for their efforts working with us to date.” In addition, Mr. White noted that “VP-102 is a non-sterile topical dermatology product that is not systemically absorbed. It is completely solvent based and has been demonstrated to have bactericidal and viricidal properties. By comparison, the observations cited at Sterling which led to its OAI classification status were predominantly related to its distinct sterile operations where higher-risk, sterile ophthalmic products are manufactured by Sterling for, among other distributors, the U.S. government.”"