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NEKKAR ASA Småprat 🚀⚓🌊

Da var den klar.


Haakonsverns skulle vell meldes i løpet av september også?

Transactions carried out under the buy-back program


ikke fått tid til å lest enda. Noen spennende utttalelser?

Nei. Troa på at Syncro klarer å levere kontrakter ila 2 halvår.

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Han sier rett ut at Syncrolift tilbød laveste pris i tapte anbud. Da virker det troverdig at det var en politisk avgjørelse. Det lover godt både for markedsandel og margin fremover. Viktig info synes jeg.


Transactions carried out under the buy-back program

om man skal se litt teknisk på nekkar siger den ned mot støtte og SMA200. Har ikke trua på at den skal så mye mer ned, men kan jo virke som flere og flere kaster gradvis litt korta grunnet lite news på kontrakter. Men for kursen sin del hadde det vært kult om nekkar meldte noen nye oppdrag snart, for å blåse litt liv i interessen igjen. Veldig spenende når og om ,det de har på gang begynner å bære frukter.

Jeg hadde nok økt i nekkar om ikke nekkar allerede var 50% porteføljen

Hva er egentlig ekstrem bull case for Syncrolift? Kina som åpner for kontrakter? Leste at skipsindustrien i korea og japan begynner og slite litt mtp arbeidskraft.

Hvordan mener du da? Slite med arbeidskraft? Har de vanskelig å få tak i folk?

Du kan høre på podcasten til Pareto i dag, CEO i frontline nevner det så vidt, demografiutfordringer, fillipenere som blir ansatt på verftene. Ikke at jeg tror det har så mye og si, men lurer egt på hva som skal til for at kina åpner for syncro, pearlson og bardex.

Mere trolig at kinesene bygger egne skipsheiser som er kopi av noen av Syncrolift eller Pearlson.



Transactions carried out under the buy-back program

Nekkar ASA: Syncrolift enters into service agreement with Dubai Maritime City


Dubai Maritime City (DMC) today announced the successful completion of major infrastructure upgrades, significantly boosting its ship handling capacity and fortifying Dubai’s position as a premier global maritime hub.

The comprehensive upgrades include the retrofit of DMC’s ship lifts, the introduction of new ship cradles and the activation of state-of-the-art substations and shore power supplies. These enhancements have equipped DMC with upgraded 6,000-tonne and 3,000-tonne ship lifts and more than doubled its ship handling capacity from 400 to 1,000 vessels per year, supporting more complex shipbuilding and repair projects.

These developments reflect DMC’s ongoing commitment to strengthening Dubai’s status as a global maritime centre and enhancing its contribution to the Emirate’s economic growth, in alignment with the strategic goals of Dubai Economic Agenda D33. The increased capacity will also support Dubai’s rankings in key maritime indices.

Dubai Maritime City, a 249-hectare waterfront platform, embodies the seafaring heritage of Dubai and serves as the premier maritime cluster of the region, providing best-in-class services for luxury yacht and commercial shipbuilding and repair companies. So far in 2024, DMC has docked 296 vessels with a 16% increase in dry berth occupancy compared to the same period last year.

The completion of the works was marked with an inauguration ceremony presided over by Ahmed Al Hammadi, Chief Operating Officer, Dubai Maritime City, and Nils Rolland, Chief Operating Officer, Syncrolift. The event was attended by senior management from Syncrolift, DP World, and Dubai Maritime City, including Abdulla Al Hashmi, Chief Operating Officer, Parks & Zones at DP World GCC.

Abdulla Bin Damithan, CEO & Managing Director, DP World GCC, said: “The completion of these upgrades represents our commitment to the growth and expansion of Dubai Maritime City. By significantly increasing our vessel handling capacity, the enhanced infrastructure will attract more international shipbuilding and repair companies, support our partners more effectively, and stimulate growth in the maritime sector, reinforcing Dubai’s status as a leading destination for maritime excellence.”

Nils Rolland, Chief Operating Officer, Syncrolift, said: “Our partnership with Dubai Maritime City exemplifies our shared commitment to advancing maritime infrastructure and operational excellence. The enhancements will provide DMC with a competitive edge in servicing a larger volume of vessels with greater efficiency, supporting the region’s maritime sector’s growth.”

In addition to the ship lift upgrades, DMC signed an agreement for the engineering, procurement and construction of four sets of ship cradles, and inaugurated the first two sets, designed to accommodate vessels of up to 6,000 tonnes and 140 metres long. This addition is expected to further increase docking capacity by 100 vessels per year, enhancing DMC’s ability to serve a growing number of maritime customers. The activation of new substations and shore power supply also took place, aiming to provide reliable and eco-friendly power solutions to docked vessels, aligning with Dubai’s sustainability goals.

Alongside the inauguration of this new infrastructure, DMC also signed a maintenance management service agreement for its ship lifting and transferring facilities and showcases the progress of an ongoing marine structures rehabilitation project. The project involves refurbishment of steel structures and other critical components, extending the lifespan of the structures by 15 years.

Dette må da være en meget lukrativ avtale.


kursen går ned fordi ingen skjønner verdien av avtalen fordi det ikke er nevnt cash? Kan ikke skjønne annet enn at dette er ganske positivt.

Omsetning som pølseboden på Gjemselund Stadion, det synker nok inn etter hvert.